

【作者】 高永红

【导师】 李全生;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 教育振兴是国家振兴、民族振兴、经济振兴之本,这已经成为国际社会的共识。随着知识经济时代的来临,各国综合国力的竞争越来越体现为对科技和人才的竞争。教育由社会的边缘走向社会的中心,成为一国综合国力竞争的一个重要砝码。因此许多国家都把振兴教育作为面向新世纪国家发展的重点战略,以此来提高国家在未来社会中的竞争能力。当经济领域全球化趋势越来越明显时,在教育领域,高等教育破除种种壁垒,超越国家的地域、政治、经济、文化的界限而开展广泛的国际交流与合作已经成为一种世界性趋势。世界各国都站在全球的角度重新审视自己的高等教育战略,采取措施提高本国高等教育的国际化程度,掀起了世界范围内高等教育改革的风云。 高等教育国际化这一趋势的出现有其经济、政治、文化等多方面的原因。经济全球化和科学技术的进步从根本上推动了高等教育国际化进程。高等教育自身的发展也要求高等教育加强国际之间的交流与合作,而发达国家和不发达国家在教育国际化进程中也都需要满足各自的需求,因而大力倡导。世界文化传播的需要和人类面临的全球性难题也在一定程度上强化了高等教育的国际化。 高等教育国际化给我国高等教育的发展带来了诸多的机遇:有利于我们加大改革力度;国际优质教育资源的进入有利于我国高等教育教学水平的提高;有利于我国专业课程的设置更加合理化;有利于引发外国对我国教育的更多需求。但同时,它也使我国高等教育工作面临严峻的考验,主要表现在生源,师资队伍以及德育工作上。 作为社会主义的教育大国,我们要在高等教育国际化浪潮中不断壮大自己,既要树立高等教育国际化的理念作为行动的指南,又要坚持“全球—本土化”的基本战略。各高校要开拓思路,解放思想,大胆改革,努力实现课程结构的国际化,人才培养目标的国际化,加强国际交流与合作,大力发展远程教育,做好德育工作等等,将我国高等教育事业更好地推向国际舞台。

【Abstract】 It is acknowledged that the development of education is essential to develop the country, the nation, and the economy vigorously. As the era of knowledge economy approaches, the competition on the country’s composite national power more focuses on the science and technology and talent. Education is becoming the center of the society not the verge, being an important weight among competition. Therefore, many countries consider promoting education as a momentous strategy to improve the competition of the country in the future. While the trend of globalization in the economy field is more and more obvious , in the education field, the communication and cooperation is becoming a world trend beyond the border of area, politics, economy and culture .Countries in the world are examining their higher educational tactics on the global level, taking necessary measures to strengthen their higher educational internationalization and starting the wind and cloud of reform in higher education in the world.The current of higher education globalization has many reasons, such as economy, politics and culture. Economic globalization and the progress of science and technology push the higher education radically. The development of higher education itself also asks higher education to intensify the communication and cooperation among nations. Both the developed countries and the developing can satisfy themselves so that they all approve it .The want of the world culture transmission and the global difficult problem strengthen the higher educational internalization at a certain extent.The higher education internalization gives our higher education development a favorable circumstance .It is good for us to speed our reformatory pace, helpful to our teaching quality, good to establish our subject structure more reasonably, useful to produce more need of our education from foreign country. But at the same time, our higher education faces many challenges -students, teaching staff, and moral education.As a big socialistic educational country, if we want to strengthen ourselves in the higher education internationalization tide, we must not only take the idea of higher education internationalization as our guide, but also stick to the basic strategy of globalization. Every college or university should widen thinking, liberate thought, reform the old system bravely, and work hard to realize the internationalization of the course structure and the talent training, intensify international communication and cooperation, develop the long-distance education, do the moral education well, and push our higher education to the world better.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】671

