

Study and Practice of Teaching Quality Evaluation for Teachers in Higher Medical College & University

【作者】 刘涛

【导师】 苏博; 刘鉴汶;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军第四军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 开展教师教学质量评价,是高等院校提高教师水平的重要手段,是教师队伍建设决策的重要基础,也是教学管理过程的基本环节,对优化整个教学体系具有重要的指导、反馈和调控作用。能否科学、公正、合理地对教师教学质量进行评价,已经成为检验教学管理工作者教学管理水平和教学研究水平的综合尺度之一。为了进一步加强高等医学院校教师教学质量评价体系的研究工作,立足于军队医科大学的实际情况,借鉴国内外医学院校教师教学质量评估的经验,试从以下三个方面就建立具有中国特色的医学院校教师教学质量评价体系问题进行探讨。 一、评价理论的回顾 评价理论是设计评价指标体系的前提。在本研究当中,对教师教学质量评价的相关理论主要涉及三个方面的问题。一是教师教学质量评价的内涵和意义,二是教师教学质量评价的标准,三是教师教学质量评价的现状。 文献表明,对教师教学质量的内涵的阐释,教育学家各有高见,通过比较我们认为,美国教育家拉尔夫.W.泰勒(Ralph.W.Tyler)在1986年提出的观点比较全面。他指出教师教学质量评价就是根据教育目标,运用科学手段,判断教师教学效果价值的过程,它为教育决策提供有用的信息,以便使学生最大限度地得到发展。开展评价可以对教师教学行为是否符合教育教学理论进行评判和调整,可以促进教师实现教学工作的“最小——最大”效应,可以通过培养更好的人才实现教育的社会效益,可以为调整教师队伍建设政策打下坚实的基础。 对教师教学质量的标准各国学者也研究较多,由于所处的角度、环境及价值观的差异,各国学者所提出评价模式也不尽相同。综合诸多学者的观点,教师教学质量评价标准体系大体可以分为三个部分,即教师教学基本素质标准,教学技能标准和教学效果标准。教师的教学基本素质标准应包括品德素养、师德修养、文化科学素养、业务素质、身心审美素质和创新素质等方面的标准。教学技能标准应包括能力标准(教学设计能力、教学表达能力、组织教学能力、运用教法能力、激励学习能力、教学评价能力、教学研究能力、学科特殊能力等)和技术标准(任务标准、效果标准、管理标准、经济标准、技术标准)。教学效果标准应包括社会评价和院校评价,院校评价者包含专家、同行、学生和管理者评价。 近十年来,从国内外教师教学质量评价的评价指导思想上看,均较重视体现“创新素质”和“综合素质”两个核心评价概念,既评价教师又培养教师,对教师提出了更高的要求。从评价的组织形式上看,是以专家评价和学生评价为主,其他各方 第四军医大学硕士研究生论文一评估做为参考。从评价的内容和指标体系看,国外的评价比较全面和先进,对我国具有很好的借鉴作用。从评价结果的处理上看,既要和教师的资格获得、聘用、续聘、解聘相挂钩,又要有利于教师提高教学水平。 我国高等医学院校开展系统的教师教学质量评价起步比较晚,但已经有了长足的进展。目前还存在三个方面的不足。一是评价指标体系不完善,不能全面反映教师的实际教学质量。二是评价指标专业针对性不强,可信度有待提高。三是评价结果对教学工作的反馈调控作用比较弱。本课题在这些方面进行了研究和探讨。 二、评价体系的构建与实践 根据构建教师教学质量评价体系的需要,本研究确定的任务是:构建医学院校教师教学质量综合评价体系的基本框架;研究与教学相关的基本知识考核(不含专业知识)、不同教师类型授课评价和学生评价;研究评价结果与公认教学水平的符合度。 研究的目的是对教师起选优、激励和导向作用,也为优化教师队伍建设提供决策依据。其中,调控教学质量是最基本的目的。评价性质是:以绩效评价为主要特征,兼具过程评价的特点。 构建评价体系的五条指导原则:一是与时俱进;二是全面客观;三是重视创新;以评促改;五是博采众长。评价思路是“三个结合”:知识一能力一素质评价相结合,基础评价和专业评价相结合,教育教学专家一教师一学生一教学管理人员评价相结人 口 o 本研究建立的医学院校教师教学质量评价体系包含三个部分,即教师教学基本素质评价,教师施教技能评价和教师教学效果评价。教师教学基本素质评价,评价教师是否具备教学的基本素质、素质高低的问题。教师施教技能评价,评价教师在具备基本素质后,能否应用施教技能达到教学目标的问题。教师教学效果评价,评估教师在运用一定教学设计和施教技能后,能否达到较好的教学效果的问题。三个部分紧密结合,构成本研究教师教学质量评价体系。 在教师的教学基本素质评价当中,重点研究了与教学相关的基本知识的评价。评价采用试题库方式进行。试题库命题工作由第四军医大学医学教育教研室等6个单位30名教授或副教授按照一定的要求完成。试题范围包括:医学教育学、医学史、医学教育技术、中西方文学史、文学基本常识、中西方审美观、医学伦理学、邓小平理论概论、心理学、管理学等十个方面的内容。共精选出859道试题。 在教师施教

【Abstract】 To carry out the teacher teaching quality evaluation is an important method to enhance the teacher level in universities and colleges. It is an important foundation for the teacher rank construction decision-making. It is also a basic part in teaching administration. It has significant directing, feedback and regulation & control function. Whether we can scientifically justly reasonably appraise the quality of teaching of teachers has become a syntheses scale to inspect the teaching research level and teaching administration level of the teaching administration workmen. For further strengthening the research work of the teacher’s quality of teaching evaluation system in higher medical college & university, the author tries to discuss and establish the teacher’s teaching quality appraisal system in medical college with the Chinese characteristics from the following three aspects based on the practical situation in the army medical university and referring to the experience of the teacher’s quality of teaching evaluation made in domestic and overseas medical colleges. I. Review of Evaluation TheoryThe research appraisal theory is the precondition of design evaluation quota system. In the research, the matters of 3 main aspects are concerned in the correlation theory of teacher’s quality of teaching appraisal. 1. The intension and significance of the teacher’s quality of teaching appraisal; 2. The appraisal standard of the teacher’s quality of teaching; 3. The present status of the teacher’s quality of teaching appraisal.Different educationists has different opinions on the intension sector of the teacher’s quality of teaching .Via the literature review, the author considers that the American educationist Ralph. W. Tyler’s points may be worth than other points. He thought the teacher’s quality of teaching appraisal is the course to estimate the teacher’s worth of teaching effectiveness in accordance with the educational objective and using the scientific means. It can offer the useful information for education decision so that the students can get the furthest development. Performing the appraisal can judge and adjust whether the teacher teaching behavior meets the educational theory of teaching, promote the teacher to realize the "minimum - maximum" effect for the teaching work. Via teaching, the educational teaching social benefit to incubate much better talents can be realized. It can also make a solid foundation for adjusting the policy of teacher rank construction.Though schooners in the world made a lot of studies about the evaluation standard, they designed different evaluation systems because of different society environment anddifferent value point. On the base of these systems.the author thinks that the evaluation standard system for the teacher’s quality of teaching can be consisted of 3 parts, namely the teacher’s teaching basic qualifying standard, the teaching skill standard and the teaching effectiveness standard. The teacher’s teaching basic qualify standard should include the value quality, the training of teacher’s morality, the cultural science attainment, the business capability, the body and mind appreciation of the beauty and the all-round innovative diathesis, etc. The teaching skill standard should include the ability standards (the teaching design ability, the teaching expression ability, the organizing teaching ability, the ability to handle the teaching method, the stimulation learning capacity, the teaching evaluation ability, the teaching academic ability and the subject particularity ability, etc.) and the technical standards (the mission standard, the effect standard, the administrative standard, the economic criteria and the technical standard). The teaching effectiveness standard should include the social assessment and academy appraisal. In the academy appraisal, the specialist, the partner, the student and supervisor appraiser are also concerned.At present, for the appraisal guiding ideology of teacher’s quality of teaching evaluation present status at home and a

【关键词】 评价质量教师
【Key words】 EvaluationQualityTeacher
  • 【分类号】G642
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】933

