

Factor Analysis on OCSE of Graduate & the Study on Relations among OCSE, Vocational Interest and Work Values

【作者】 胡艳红

【导师】 王有智;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 职业选择是个体在主客观因素的影响下所做出的重大选择。个体职业选择的质量直接影响人与职业的匹配程度,影响个人能力的发挥和组织的工作绩效。对于影响职业选择的客观因素人们很难控制,但通过认识人的心理活动,可以在一定程度上控制择业时的主观因素,增强职业选择的合理性。二十世纪初人们就开始探讨影响个体择业的主观心理因素,其中职业兴趣和职业价值观是心理学家和职业指导家关注的主要因素。然而有许多研究表明,人们并不全是按自己的兴趣和价值观择业的,择业过程中还存在一个重要因素——自我效能感,它不但调节、控制了择业行为的发生,甚至直接影响了个体择业。二十世纪八十年代初Betz等人以班杜拉的自我效能感理论为基础,开始研究个体的择业效能感。本研究在前人研究基础上,以社会认知职业理论为依据,研究大学毕业生职业兴趣、职业价值对择业效能感的影响,以期探索影响大学毕业生就业的主要心理因素,为指导大学生就业提出合理化建议。 我国对择业效能感的研究才刚刚起步,许多研究尚在进行之中。本研究结合目前我国大学生的就业状况,并依据自我效能感的测量理论,编制了大学生择业效能感问卷。采用因素分析法验证了大学生择业效能感的构成因素,结果表明,大学生择业效能感包括自我概念、自我评价、社会支持、职业信息收集、学绩和目标设定六个方面。六因素的方差累计贡献率为56.931%,问卷的内部一致性系数α为0.724,说明该问卷能够在一定程度上测量大学生的择业效能感。 采用自编的大学生择业效能感问卷、霍兰德职业兴趣量表和凌文辁等人编制的职业价值观问卷,对286名应届大学本科毕业生进行了问卷调查,其中男生159人,女生127人。按学科类别划分:教育类61人,理学类50人,工科类86人,法律类40人,经济类49人。经结果分析讨论,得出如下结论: 1、大学生择业效能感在性别、学科上有一定差异。男生择业效能感高于女生,具体体现在自我评价和职业信息收集方面有显著差异,男生比女生的自我评价高、收集职业信息的能力强。由于一些工作对身体状况的特殊要求、用人单位的偏见、以及社会、历史原因,使女大学生在择业时面临更大的压力,对自己的评价降低。社会对男女的期望值不同,男生有较高的成就动机,使男大学生在择业时能够变 压力为动力,通过各种途径及早的获得更多就业信息,以求在择业时处于主动、 积极的地位,表明男生在择业时比女生主动、活跃、自信。男女大学生择业效能 感在自我概念、社会支持、目标设定、学绩方面无显著差异。大学生择业效能感 在学科类别上也有一定差异,体现在自我评价、社会支持和职业信息收集方面有 显著差异,重点院校的毕业生和社会需求量较大专业的毕业生择业时自我评价水 平高,获得社会支持的能力强,通过很多途径获取大量的就业信息。其原因有两 个:一是就业市场上很多用人单位只要名牌高校的毕业生,使普通院校毕业生在 就业时感到更大的压力,对自己的评价降低,学校声望对大学生择业造成一定影 响,出现了大学生就业的不平等。二是建筑、设计等紧缺专业符合社会发展的急 需,就业形势乐观,学生自我评价水平高,获得的职业信息和就业机会多。相比 之下法律类等专业的毕业生由于人数相对前几年较多,而且毕业生就业期望值过 高,择业时产生理想与现实的落差,自我评价水平低,易产生无助感。不同学科 大学生择业效能感在自我概念、目标设定、学绩方面无显著差异。从总体而占, 大学生择业效能感六个维度的信心水平由低到高的排列顺序是:学绩、职业信息 收集、社会支持、目标设定、自我评价和自我概念。 2、大学生职业兴趣在性别、学科上存在差异。男生比女生更具有现实型职 业兴趣,女生比男生更具有常规型和艺术型职业兴趣。这些差异一方面与男女两 性间的生理差异有关:另一方面是在社会化过程中,男女对事物产生了不同认知 方式,形成各自的性别心理,而且社会对男女性别有不同的评价体系,导致在职 业选择的范围上有所差异。大学生的职业兴趣在学科类别上也存在差异:教育类、 工科类学生比法律类和经济类学生偏重于现实型和研究型职业兴趣:法律类学生 比教育类学生具有更多的企业型职业兴趣。由于许多人是按自己的兴趣、爱好选 择专业的,加之大学四年的专业训练使他们形成了各自的专业气质,进一步转化 为个性倾向性中的一部分,所以不同学科的学生具有不同职业兴趣。 3、大学生职业价值观在性别、学科上存在差异,男生比女生更注重声望、社 会地位因素,男生有追求成功、恐惧失败的动机,敢于选择比较困难的任务,以 期获得成功后的快乐;而女生则有“成功恐惧”心态,对于成功的结果有一种恐 惧的消极心理。虽然男女大学生都受到了同等水平的教育,但山于重男轻女文化 传统的影响,女生在择业时倾向选择一些竟争小、压力小的工作。大学生职业价 值观在学科类别上也存在差异,经济类、法律类学生重视政治、经济和商业上的 成就,择业时他们比其他人更加关?

【Abstract】 Occupation choice is a crucial decision made by individuals under the influence of subjective and objective factors. Whether an individual makes a good or bad choice has a direct affect on the match degree between the individual and occupation, on the exert of a person’s capability and the job performance of the organization. The objective factors are hard to be controlled, but the subjective factors can, in certain degree, be controlled by recognizing individual’s psychical activity and thus improve the rationality of the choice. Since the beginning of 21sl century, scholars and researchers carried out the study on the subjective psychical factors influencing occupation of an individual through all kinds of means. Vocational interest and work values are the major factors concerned by psychologists and occupational-guide experts. The study showed that individuals don’t choose their professions by just following their interests and values and there existed mid-factor-self-efficacy. In the 1980’s, Betz and his colleagues, based on self-efficacy theory of Bandura, started to research individuals’ occupational choice self-efficacy (abbreviated as OCSE). Based on the previous studies, the paper, according to social cognitive career theory, focuses on OCSE, vocational interest and work values that have affect on the occupational choice of the graduates. The paper also explores all the factors influencing graduates’ occupational-choosing psycho and finds out rational and pragmatic solutions for directing occupational choices of the graduate.The study of OCSE in China is on the preliminary stage and not mature at all. The author, referring to the research by Betz and Zhengri Chang, considering the present situation of graduates’ employment, designs a questionnaire as OCSE of Graduates according to the measure theory of self-efficacy. Adopting factor analysis method, the authors discovers there are six factors constituting OCSE of graduates. They are self-concept, self-evaluation, social support, occupational information accumulation, study capacity, and intending objects. The variance with the criterion variable of these six factors is 56.931% and inner identical coefficient a ) is 0.742, which proves thatthe questionnaire, in certain degree, can measure the graduates’ OCSE.The author measures 286 graduates (including 159 male subjects and 127 female subjects) by applying the OCSE of graduates, Self-Directed Search of Holland and Work Values Questionnaire of Lingwen Quan. The author chooses subjects from different majors: 61 subjects in education, 50 in science, 86 in technology, 40 in law and 29 in economy and draws the following conclusions by analyzing the results:First, there is a difference of graduate’s OCSE due to their gender and major: the OCSE of male subjects is higher than that of female ones; the OCSE of technology major is better than that of other majors. It shows in higher self-evaluation and better information-accumulating capability of male subjects. Boys are more active and confident than girls during the process of choosing a job. Students graduated from key universities or needy majors bear higher self-efficacy in the search of jobs because: on the one hand, the reputation puts its shadow on its graduates, resulting unfair competition among graduates; on the other hand, some majors are badly needed by society, which leading higher employment of their graduates and higher OCSE of the graduates.Secondly, there is a difference on type of vocational interest due to their gender and major. There are more Realistic Type vocational interest among male subjects than female ones and more Artistic Type and Conventional Type among female subjects than male ones. The main cause is that during the socialization, male and female develop different gender psycho. Students majoring in education and technology tend to be Realistic and Investigative Type vocational interest while those majoring in law tend to be Enterprising Type. Basically, students choose their major by their interests and four-ye

  • 【分类号】G647.3
  • 【被引频次】111
  • 【下载频次】6214

