

The Anti-oxidative Effect of Extracts from Forsythia Suspensa Leaves’ Tea

【作者】 朱淑云

【导师】 杨建雄;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文综述了连翘的形态特征和地理分布情况以及连翘的化学成分和药理作用,探讨了连翘叶的药用价值与开发前景,研究了连翘叶茶的抗氧化和保肝作用,并对其使用安全性进行了初步评价。 连翘是木犀科连翘属植物,落叶灌木,高2-4米,枝开展,叶对生,有长柄,花先叶开放,黄色,蒴果尖卵形,种子多数。连翘主要分布于河南、山西、陕西、四川等地。其栽培或野生于山地。传统以果实入药。自Murakami首次从连翘果实中得到齐墩果酸以来,连翘及其同属植物中已有六十余种成分见诸报道,其主要含萜类、苯乙醇及其甙类、木脂素类、黄酮类和一些醇、酯、醚、醛、酮等类化合物。其中连翘甙、连翘脂素、齐墩果酸、芦丁、木脂素等是其作用的主要有效成分。 连翘传统以果实入药,其作用广泛,用药历史悠久。具有抗菌、抗病毒、强心利尿、保肝降压、镇吐镇痛等作用。民间调查显示连翘叶有消除便秘、预防感冒、降血脂、降血压等作用。研究表明连翘叶中连翘甙、连翘脂素、齐墩果酸等有效成分的含量高于果实,国内已有相关单位对连翘叶的化学成分进行了初步的分析,并利用连翘叶制成珠茶作为滋补调理饮料应用,对连翘微量元素分析结果显示,连翘叶中还含有丰富的Mg、Zn、Se等人体必需元素,但有关连翘叶的药理作用的研究尚未见报道,本文对连翘叶的药理作用通过动物实验进行了研究,确认其疗效,为连翘资源的综合开发利用提供科学依据。 本文通过小鼠最大耐受量实验来观察连翘叶茶的使用安全性;在体外抗氧化作用的研究中,用邻苯三酚自氧化法测FSE(连翘叶茶提取物)对O2-的清除作用,用FeSO4+H2O2诱导产生·OH,测FSE对·OH的清除作用,用Fe2++Vc诱导小鼠肝线粒体肿胀,测FSE对其保护作用,用FeSO4+H2O2诱导产生·OH造脂质过氧化模型,测FSE对小鼠心、肝、脑、脾、肾的保护作用:在体内抗氧化和保肝作用研究中,以ICR小鼠为实验动物,用FSE给小鼠灌胃20天,腹腔注射四氧嘧啶(150mg/kg)造肝损伤和脂质过氧化模型,通过测定各项抗氧化指标来确认FSE的抗氧化作用。 结果显示: 1 FSE给小鼠灌胃的最大耐受量为62.5g生药/kg体重,以成人每天饮用连翘叶茶5g为标准计算小鼠的最大耐受量倍数为750倍,说明连翘叶茶毒性很小,可以安全使用。 2 FSE在体外可以清除吗和·OH,且清除·OH的效果较丐好。它可以抑制小鼠红细胞的氧化溶血,可以在体外降低由于·OH所致的小鼠心、脑、肾、脾、肝和肝线粒体、微粒体中MDA的异常升高,抑制小鼠肝线粒体的异常膨胀。 3 FSE对四氧啼陡所致的小鼠氧化损伤有明显的保护作用。它可以抑制由于氧化损伤所致的小鼠肝、脑、心、股四头肌、红细胞中s0D、POD、MD A和血清中AST、ALT、AKJ)的异常升高,肝指数和脾指数的病理性降低。 4 FSE能够降低由于四氧啼陡所致的高血糖,提高肝糖原和肌糖原的水平,提示连翘叶在提高运动能力、延缓运动性疲劳方面可能有一定的作用。 5 FSE能够降低成年小鼠体重的增长率,提示连翘叶茶在减肥、降血脂方面有一定的作用,这有持于进一步的研究。 6 FSE三个剂量组对小鼠的氧化损伤均有保护作用,且效果差别不大,说 明0、sg/kg和 1、sg/kg的剂量可以作为实际使用的参考剂量。 从以上研究证明连翘叶茶确实有抗氧化、保肝作用,而且其毒副作用小,作为茶叶使用有良好的安全性。我国连翘资源十分丰富,连翘叶的资源又比其果实丰富的多,本实验可以为连翘叶的药用、保健价值的开发利用提供一定的依据。

【Abstract】 This paper introduced the morphological character, geographic distribution, chemical constitutes and pharmaceutical function of Forsythia suspensa. It also studied the anti-oxidative effect and the effect of protecting liver of Forsythia suspensa leaves’ tea and evaluated the safety of its usage.Forsythia suspensa vahl. belongs to Oleaceae’s defoliate shrub. It is two to four meters high. Its branch is unfold and the flower is yellow. Its fruits are tip and egg-shaped. It mainly grows in hilly area of Henan province, Shanxi province, Shaanxi province, Sichuan province and so on. It mainly contains terpenes, phenylethanol, flavonoid, lignan, alcohol, ester, aldehyde, ketone, volatice oil and so forth Forsythin forsythigenol, oleanolid acid, rutinoside, lignan are the main effective compositions among them.Traditionly the fruit of Forsythia suspensa is regarded as a kind of drug. Its effects are extensive, such as antiviral activity, antibacterial action, cardiotonic action, diuresis, protecting liver, decreasing blood pressure and so on. The folk investigation shows Forsythia suspensa leaves have the effects of eliminating constipation, preventive common cold, reducing blood fat and so on. Some studies showed the content of effective compositions in Forsythia suspensa leaves is higher than in the fruits Forsythia suspensa leaves were made into tea as nutritious drink. The results of analizing its microelement show that Forsythia suspense leaves contain abundant elements which are necessary to body, such as Mg, Zn, Se. But the pharmaceutial function of Forsythia suspensa leaves has no report.The safety of usage about Forsythia suspensa leaves’ tea was studied by means of the maximum tolerated dose of mice; In vitro anti-oxidative studies the followingindexes were measured:the elimination of O2- was determined through pyrogallolautooxidation, the elimination of ?OH was determined through FeSO4+H2O2 producing · OH, the function of protecting liver mitochondrion was studied by means of Fe2++Vc inducing the swelling of mitochondrion, the effects of FSE on liver, brain, heart, spleen, kidney were studied by means of FeSO4+H2O2 inducing oxidative lesion. In anti-oxidation and protecting liver studies, we used ICR mice as the experimental animals FSE was fed to mice for 20 days. Mice were injected alloxan (150mg/kg) into abdominal cavity to induce oxidative lesion. The anti-oxidative indexes were measured to confirmthe anti-oxidative effects of FSE. The results of experiments show:1. The maximum tolerated dose of mice to FSE is 62.5g/kg, as 750 times as daily usage of man (5g). This shows that the toxicity of FSE is tiny, so it can be used safely.2. In vitro FSE have the · OH and O2- scavenging activities. It can inhibit thegeneration of MDA, the hemolysis of red blood cells and the swelling of mitochondrion in vitro.3. FSE has evident effects on liver injury and oxidative lesion which caused by alloxan. It can inhibit obviously the abnormal increase of SOD, POD, MDA in liver, brain, heart, musculus quadriceps femoris tissue, red blood cell and ALT, AST, AKP in blood serum induced by oxidative lesion,the fall of liver index and spleen index.4. FSE can reduce blood sugar induced by alloxan and increase the level of liver glycogen and muscle glycogen.These suggest FSE maybe can improve mice physical performance.5. FSE can inhibit the growth of adult mice weight. This suggests FSE maybe has the function of losing weight and reducing blood fat. This needs further study.6. Three dosages of FSE all have the effects on oxidative lesion mice, and the effects have little disparity. This shows the dosages of 0.5g/kg and1.5gAg can be as reference dosage.This study shows FSE has the effects of antioxidation and protecting liver. Its toxicity is tiny, so it can be used safely. These results can provide the theoretical basis on Forsythia suspensa leaves’ pharmacologic research and extend Forsythia suspensa leaves’ exploration.

  • 【分类号】R285
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】480

