

Translation of Texts with Cultural Default

【作者】 祁喜鸿

【导师】 王文;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 文化缺省是一种文本中常见的但又往往被人忽略的文化现象。它是指作者在写作中对与其意向读者共有的相关文化背景知识的省略。文化缺省是通过作者的意向读者恢复其记忆图式中的相关文化信息,填充缺省空位,建立连贯关系的。从接受美学的观点来看,文化缺省在写作文本中的存在可以激发读者的想象力,提高作者与读者之间的交际效率,从而增加作品的美学效果。但在翻译中,由于文化差异的存在,原文中的文化缺省往往变得十分棘手。本文就这一文化现象对翻译产生的影响和带来的问题从各个方面进行了探讨,并且分析归纳了在翻译实践中处理这一文化现象的途径和方法。 作者首先通过揭示语言、文化和翻译之间的联系,提出了本文研究的必要性。基于语言与文化之间的密切关系,翻译不可避免地成为一种跨文化活动,而不单单是语言之间的转换过程。因此通过讨论文化缺省文本的翻译可以更好地解决文化翻译问题,从而促进文化交流。然后,作者从文化缺省的定义、形成机制、美学价值及其分类等四个方面对这一文化现象进行了全面的分析。 由于文化差异的存在,在翻译中原文的文化缺省对译者提出了极大的挑战。译者作为原文作者和译文读者之间的中介,在翻译文化缺省文本时必须具备两方面的素质:一方面,译者必须深谙翻译中所涉及的两种语言文化知识;另一方面,译者还要对自己的意向读者——译文读者的文化知识结构有充分的预测,作出正确的判断。然而,在翻译实践中,由于译者自身文化知识的缺乏和对译文读者文化知识的预测不足,加上文化预设对译者所造成的干扰,由文化缺省引起的翻译问题屡见不鲜。本文主要列举了三种常见的翻译问题:欠额翻译、过度翻译及误译。 基于以上分析,本文就文化缺省文本的翻译进行了系统地讨论。作者从一般翻译原则出发,通过揭示翻译对文化交流作出的巨大贡献,强调了文化缺省文本的翻译应当侧重于异化,以便更好地促进文化交流。作者归纳了四种常用的文化缺省文本翻译的方法,即直译、直译加注、直译加文内解释和意译,并对其适应性逐一进行了分析。同时,作者还就翻译损失的不可避免性进行了讨论。 本文最后总结指出,翻译和文化交流是相辅相成的。随着文化交流的发展,原文中的文化缺省将会越来越多地为译文读者所认同和接受。当然,这也依赖于译者有意识的,不懈的努力。

【Abstract】 CultWal default is a cornmon1y seen bul often ignored cultural phenomenonin written texts. It is the absence of the releva*nt cultural knowledge shared by the writerand his ifltended readers. The construction of the coherence of cultural default in a textis secured in that the readers can retrieve the relevant cultural information from theirmemory schemata. According to the Reception Aesthetics theory, the occurrence ofcultWal default in a text can stimulate the readers’ imagination, increase theconununicative efficiency between the writer and the readers, and hence strengthen theaesthetic effect of the text. Bul in translation, cultural default of the original texts oftentUrns out to be a’ tough nut to crack due to the difference of cultures. The present thesisallemptS to probe into the various aspects of the influence imposed by cultural defaulton tTanslation as well as the many problems bred by culttiral default in translationpractices in the hope of finding some practical aPproaches to translating texts withcultural default.First of all, the author of this thesis states the necessity of the research by revealingthe inextricable connection among language, culture and translation. In view of theclose relationship between language and culture, translation is inevitably aninter-cultural activity, rather than a simple process of inier-lingual transference. Thediscussion of translation of texts with cultural default can help us resolve culforaltranslation problems betteT, thus enhancing cultural conununication. The aUthor thenmakes an overall analysis of cultural default from the aspects of its definition,mechanism of fOrmation, aesthetic value and classifications.Because of cultUral disparity in translation, cultural default of the original textsposes a big challenge to the translator The translator, as a mediator between the SLwriter and the TL readers, must qualify himself with the fOllowing aspects. On one hand,he must have a good conunand of the two language-cultures concerned; on the otherI 1}j.2hand, he shou1d make an accurate assUmPtion of the TL readers’ cultural knowledge soas to form a correct judgment. In translation practices, nevertheless, translationproblems arising from cultUral default are not rare due to the translator’s incompetencein cultUral knowledge or inadequate assumption of the TL readers’ cultural Anowledge,or sometimes due to the interference of cultural presupposition in the translator’sinterpretation of the SL texts.Grounded on the above anaIysis, this thesis systematically explores the translationprinciples, aPproaches and methods of texts with cultural default. The author first setsout discussing the general tfanslation principles, and then proceeds to presellt the greatcofltribution translation has made to cultural exchange and development, therebystressing on the foreignization of the translation of texts with cultural default. Theauthor sums uP fOur translation methods commonly used in tTanslation practices, naxnely,literal translation, literal translation with notes, literal translation with coniextualexplanation, and free translation. The pertinence of each is fully discussed. At the sametime, the athor points ollt the inevitable translation loss in the translation of texts withcultural default.The thesis finally concludes that translation and cultural exchange arecomp1imeflting each other. Along with the development of cultural exchange, morecases of cultural default of the original texts will be directly recognized and accepted bythe target readers, Which, of course, relies greatly on the translator’s conscious andpersistent efforts.

【关键词】 文化缺省文本翻译
【Key words】 cultural defaultteXttranslation
  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】565

