

On Translation of Reduplicated Words in Shijing

【作者】 王纪红

【导师】 杨铭;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集,其英译一直受到翻译界的重视,《诗经》中大量使用叠字,用来拟声绘色,表情达意,大大增强了诗文的艺术感染力。但是,《诗经》的英译中出现了对叠字的遮蔽现象,因而造成了许多美学意境的流失。有鉴于此,本文就《诗经》中叠字的翻译分别从理论和实践两方面进行了系统的探索与研究。 本文分别从叠词的定义、形式、语义及修辞效果四个角度,对英汉两种语言中的叠词进行了详细的对比与研究,并得出以下结论:从形式的角度看,其构成方式繁多,并各具特点;从语义的角度看,汉语叠词中,尤其是叠字具有语义模糊性,而英语叠词的语义则相对较确定;从修辞效果的角度看,虽英、汉语中的叠词都具有摹声拟情的作用,但英语叠词多半属于非正式文体,而汉语叠字则大量运用于古典诗词中,素有传统,并极具强大的审美效果,即“音美”、“形美”和“意美”。 针对叠词翻译中缺乏相应的理论支持的问题,结合前人的工作,作者把交际学中的关联理论引入到《诗经》叠字的翻译中,关联理论的核心是交际与认知。作者首先研究了关联理论中两个重要的概念:交际语境与最佳关联。之后,将以上概念引入到中国古典诗词的翻译中,论述了诗歌的可译性,及《诗经》中叠字的可译性。并对关联理论中的语境对译文评价的标准对等原则进行了批判和更新。指出在关联理论的框架下,翻译也是一种言语交际活动,在此过程中,语码只是传递信息的工具,不同的语码可表示相同的信息。同时分析了译者在翻译中所处的地位。首先,译者作为受体与原文交际,再作为交际者通过译文与译文读者进行交际,并在两次交际中,译者都认为在每次交际中己达到了最佳关联。为此,作者又从关联理论中语境概念的角度,采纳了Chesterman的翻译标准,即翻译效度。随后,作者就《诗经》中叠字所包含的信息,并结合关联理论中对话语内容的分类,提出了英译叠字的理论模式。 根据翻译效度的评判标准,作者从《关睢》和《采薇》中节选了两节具有代表性的诗行。首先就其叠字的运用进行语言的评述,然后分别对其十种译文进行了评价,指明了各自的优缺点。 鉴于叠字的翻译模式,作者挖掘英语语言中,具有相同或近似效果的艺术手段,探讨了汉语叠字的英译的几种方法。将叠字分为摹声和其它叠字两类,分别进行了研究。指出了摹声叠字常用的五种方法和其它叠字翻译的三种方法。通过采用合理的翻译方法,叠字是可以达到相当高的翻译效度。 最后,根据关联理论对译者本身及译文读者的局限性进行了描述,从而客观地指出了《诗经》中翻译叠字的局限性。在文章的结论部分,作者对今后的研究方向提出了新的要求和展望。

【Abstract】 The English translation of the earliest repository of Chinese verse, Shijing (The Book of Songs) is always a heated topic in the field of translation. But as for the English translation of Chinese reduplicated words in Shijing, it has long been obscured, the result of which is the great loss of the aesthetic effects, for the reduplicated words account for quite a proportion in Shijing. Based on the relevance theory of communication developed by Sperber and Wilson (1986 and 1995), the author constructs after expounding the process of translation, a norm for the English translation of Chinese reduplicated words, which can be applied to the translation practice, and an evaluation criterion of translational validity rather than translation equivalence.The thesis consists of six chapters in addition to the introduction, which constructs a frame for the rest. First, a brief introduction to Shijing and its English versions as well as the existing problems in translating reduplicated words in Shijing are provided. Then, a comparative study is undertaken from four angles, that is, definition, forms, senses and rhetorical effects, between reduplicatives in Chinese and English languages, which enable us to anticipate the difficulties involved probably in the English translation of Chinese reduplicated words and provide a basis for finding some efficient methods of translation. The third chapter focuses on two important aspects of translation: the notion of translation itself and that of translatability. Both are expounded from the point of view of relevance theory.According to relevance theory, communication requires two models of communication: coded communication and ostensive-inferential communication. The main factor that makes communication succeed is the pursuit of optimal relevance on the part of both the communicator and addressee. In the frame of relevance theory, translator naturally is a kind of mediator between ST and TT. Hence, based on theresearch by other people, the author concludes that everything is translatable. The author divides reduplicated words in Shijing into two types: onomatopoeia and all the other kinds. The former can be translated through five methods, that is, transliteration, onomatopoeia, iteration, alliteration or assonance, and form emulation. The latter can be done mainly through three methods, that is, iteration, alliteration or rhythm, and combination of methods. There, of course, must be other methods except for those offered by the author. The author tries to prove that one not only can translate these reduplicated words in Shijing, but also can translate them well, as long as one has a good grasp of the basic skills in translation, and goes all out to achieve optimal relevance. Then on these assumptions of translation, the author puts forward a translation norm of Chinese reduplicated words. Evaluations of the different English versions of two stanzas in Shijing from the perspective of translational validity are given and some effective translation methods based on the translation norm of reduplicated words are recommended with some typical examples. The conclusion provides suggestions for future research.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】988

