

Study on Xi’an’s Sight-seeing Agriculture Tourism Development

【作者】 马瑛

【导师】 甘枝茂;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类社会日新月异的发展、大众旅游者文化素质的提高和旅游阅历的丰富,旅游需求日益呈现出多元化、综合化和专业化的特点,于是,地域农业文化与旅游交叉的边缘新型旅游项目——观光农业旅游应运而生,观光农业旅游是以农业项目(如农产品、农业生产过程、农业设施与设备、农业自然资源与人文景观等)为依托,以市场为导向,经规划设计建设成能够吸引大中城市居民及一些农村居民进行观光、品尝、休闲、娱乐、参与、体验、购物、学习等活动的旅游形式。 在本文中,作者首先对观光农业旅游的概念进行了理论界定,回顾了国内外观光农业旅游的发展历程,探讨并总结了发展观光农业旅游的指导理论和开发原则;其次,通过对西安市各区县的实地考察,针对西安旅游产品深度开发不足的现状,阐明了西安已具有开发观光农业旅游的条件和必要性;最后,本着可操作性的原则提出了西安作为中国著名的旅游城市之一,应该如何发展观光农业旅游的问题。 全文共分八大部分: 第一部分,较为系统地对观光农业旅游的概念进行了理论界定并回顾了国内外观光农业旅游的发展历程。 第二部分,提出了发展观光农业旅游应遵循的理论基础。包括农业区位论、景观生态学理论、核心—边缘理论、可持续发展理论以及旅游经济学理论等。 第三部分,总结了观光农业旅游的特点并提出了开发的一般原则。其特点有:生产性、季节性、地域性、观赏性、参与性、文化性、趣味性;各地发展观光农业旅游应该遵循的原则有:因地制宜,突出特色、可持续发展的原则、市场导向,注重营销、注重效益的原则、循序渐进,逐步开发的原则、与农村建设规划相结合,合理利用农业资源的原则。 第四部分,从三个不同的角度详细地划分了观光农业旅游的类型。从农业结构的角度把观光农业划分为六个类型;从开发形式的角度把它分为四大类型;从旅游功能的角度把它划分为七大类型。 第五部分,分析了西安观光农业旅游开发的必要性及可行性。从促进产业结构的调整和优化、加快农村城镇化的进程、有利于农村经济矛盾的解决、改善生态环境,绿化美化城市环境、促进旅游业形成新的增长点等五大方面提出西安有必要开发观光农业旅游;并从政策条件、区位优势、农业基础条件、旅游产业规模等方面论证了西安开发观光农业旅游的可行性。 第六部分,在总结分析西安观光农业旅游的开发现状及存在问题的基础上,划定了西安观光农业旅游开发的界限范围、提出了其规划开发的指导思想。在观光农业旅游开发的一般原则的基础上,补充提出了西安市观光农业旅游应遵循的特定原则以及农业旅游的地域模式。 第七部分,重点构建了在西安城郊建设“三园”、“两区”、“一带”的开发框架。从西安现有资源的实际情况出发,遵循可操作性原则,提出围绕西安市区开发建设圈层结构的农业旅游区,分别构建位于西安市近郊、中郊和远郊,形成依.托自然型、城郊农业型、农业高科技型、著名旅游景点型等多种观光农业旅游项目。 第八部分,分析了西安观光农业旅游的客源市场定位和宣传促销等问题。从现有的西安旅游业客源市场构成中,定位了西安观光农业旅游的客源市场,形成了一级客源市场、二级客源市场以及机会客源市场;在促销的方式中,提出了联合促销、广告促销、宣传品促销、节庆促销等多种具体促销方式,以保证发展西安观光农业旅游的效益性。 本文的创新之处:门〕对观光农业旅游的概念进行了界定并首次较全面的总结了发展观光农业应该遵循的理论基础。()从多角度客观地对观光农业进行了重新分类。()在对西安市发展观光农业旅游的具体项目进行系统探讨的基础上,提出了西安市观光农业旅游的开发模式及开发原则。(4)较为系统地勾画出了西安市观光农业旅游的单体项目,首次提出“三园”、“两区”、“一带”的厂发构想。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of human society as well as with the improvement of mass tourists’ cultural quality and enrichment of tourists’ travel experiences, the tourist demands become diversified, integrated and specialized. Thus, a new kind of tourism, sight-seeing agriculture tourism overlapped between tourism and agriculture, comes into being. The sight-seeing agriculture tourism, based on agricultural projects such as agricultural products, agricultural natural resources, agricultural equipments, etc., is directed by the market and planned to attract citizens and peasants to go sight-seeing, tasting, experiencing, and so on.In this thesis, at first, the author makes a definition of sight-seeing agriculture tourism, reviews the history, and summarizes the theories and principles of developing sight-seeing agriculture tourism. Then, the author expounds that Xi’an has been provided with the prerequisites and necessities of developing sight-seeing agriculture tourism, which comes from the on-the-spot investigation of Xi’an’s districts and counties. A conclusion can be drew that xi’an is deficient in developing sight-seeing agriculture tourism. At last, the author puts forward how to develop Xi’an’s sight-seeing agriculture tourism.Eight parts are included in this thesis.Part one: systematically defines the conception of sight-seeing agriculture tourism and reviews the history of it.Part two: presents the theoretical basis that sight-seeing agriculture tourism development should abide by, including agriculture position theory, landscape ecology, sustainable development, etc..Part three: summarizes the characteristics of sight-seeing agriculture tourism, then puts forward the common principles of development, sight-seeing agriculture tourism is productive, seasonal, regional, participial, etc., and we should suit measures to local conditions, try to develop it sustainably and progressively. Especially, we should emphasize promotion and benefits, should integrate sight-seeing agriculture tourism development with rural construction.Part four: reclassifies the sight-seeing agriculture tourism from three angles.Part five: analyzes the necessity and feasibility of Xi’an’s sight-seeing agriculture tourism development.Part six: analyzes the status quo of Xi’an’s sight-seeing agriculture tourism development, then draws the boundary of developing and presents the ideas of developing.Part seven: offers a plan of "Three Garden-Two Area-One belt" development.Finally, analyzes the orientation of tourist market and the promotion problems.New ideas in the thesis:(1) Makes a definition of sight-seeing agriculture tourism for the first time and comprehensively summarizes the theoretical basis that sight-seeing agriculture tourism development should abide by. (2) Multifacetedly and objectively reclassifies sight-seeing agriculture tourism. (3) Puts forward the pattern and principle to develop Xi’an’s sight-seeing agriculture tourism. (4) systematically draws the outline of the individual project and puts forward the "Three Garden-Two Area-One belt" plan to develop Xi’an’s sight-seeing agriculture tourism.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】1606

