

Extroversion/Introversion and English Achievement of Tertiary-Level English Majors in a Chinese Context

【作者】 陆燕

【导师】 王茂金;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 诸多因素对外语学习成绩的好坏产生或大或小的影响。其中,性格因素对外语学习的影响和作用一直很受关注。人们通常认为,一个人的性格是由一组特性所组成的,例如:外向和内向,神会和抑制,自尊心,冒险性,责任感等等。在外语教学实践中,无论是教师还是学生,都感到有些性格特性有利于外语学习,例如外向型特性,有些则不利于外语学习,例如内向型特性。本研究就是围绕外向/内向这一性格特性展开的。 同其他学习者因素相比较,有关性格因素对外语学习的影响的研究尚处在初级阶段。从七十年代起,西方一些研究者在研究学习者因素的过程中开始涉及性格因素,其中Gardner,Lambert,Bush,Strong,和Naiman等是比较有影响的人物。他们分别采用不同的方法对受试进行调查,试图揭示性格因素与外语学习成绩的关系。具体到外向/内向这一性格特性,主要存在两种假设:第一,外向型的学习者更善于掌握基本人际交流技能;第二,内向型的学习者更容易提高认知和学术语言能力。然而从各种研究中得到的数据还不足以证明以上两种假设的真实性。原因之一是,不同的研究者在测量外向、内向和外语学习成绩的关系时,使用的是不同的测量工具。 在中国,近十年来一些研究人员在对学习者因素进行研究的过程中,也开始研究性格因素对外语学习的影响。其中,吴一安、刘润清、文秋芳等人在此方面都取得了一定的成绩。他们的研究往往包含多个自变量,以便揭示各自变量与英语学习成绩的关系以及各自变量之间的关系,因此,涉及到外向/内向这一性格特性与英语学习成绩的关系时,这些研究所提供的数据显得不够具体和详实。例如,有些研究的确揭示了性格因素与受试在某一考试中总成绩之间的关系,但却很少有研究揭示外向/内向与各种语言技能之间的关系。而实际上,同一种性格特性对不同的语言技能会产生不同的影响。 本文作者在西安建筑科技大学外语系2000级1班和2班进行了问卷调查与个案研究,采用问卷、面谈、记录的研究方法搜集数据,在对搜集的数据进行了定性、定量分析之后发现:(1)在英语专业四级考试中,内向型学生的总成绩高于外向型学生的总成绩;外向/内向与写作成绩没有关系,与听写、听力理解、完形填空成绩关系不大,对阅读及语法词汇成绩的影响最为明显。(2)成绩好的学生与成绩差的学生在外向/内向方面的最大区别在于前者的冒险性和冲动性明显低于后者;成绩好的学生中大多数属于内向型性格。 基于以上调查结果,本文作者还给英语教师和英语专业学生提出了建议:(1)柳币应该了解学生的性格差异,在组织教学、选用教材时既要考虑外向型学生的特点,也要考虑内向型学生的特点,使各种性格的学生都能尽量受益。(2)学生应该意识到在外语学习中,外向和内向各有利弊,前者趋于流利,后者趋于准确。

【Abstract】 This thesis reports a study in a Chinese context of extroversion/introversion and its relationship to English achievement of tertiary-level English majors. The data on personality type were collected through an Extroversion/Introversion Questionnaire, which was based on Eysenck Personality Inventory and was administered to 57 second-year English majors in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology. The participants’ English achievement was established by their scores on TEM 4, a nation-wide standardized English proficiency test taken on completion of their two-year intensive English program, the first part of their four-year BA degree. The relationship between extroversion/introversion and achievement was then examined through SPSS 10.0.It was found that when the total scores in TEM 4 were concerned, the learners who were midway between extroversion and introversion performed best, and the introverted learners took the second place while the extroverted ones were the least proficient. When their achievement in each part of TEM 4 was taken into consideration, the participants with different personality types were equally proficient in Writing, and there were no significant differences in Dictation, Listening Comprehension and Cloze; however, great differences could be found in Grammar and Vocabulary, and Reading.Furthermore, the study also attempted to find the differences relating to extroversion/introversion traits between relatively successful learners and unsuccessful learners. The statistics showed that significant differences did exist between them in two traits: successful learners were graded much lower than unsuccessful learners in risk-taking and impulsiveness.The study adopts both qualitative and quantitative research to explore extroversion/introversion and English achievement of tertiary-level English majors in a Chinese context. The researcher intends to gather more evidence to support the hypothesis on which personality factors facilitate or inhibit foreign/second language learning, especially in a Chinese context.Based on the investigation, the recommendations to both English teachers and English learners are presented.

【关键词】 性格外向内向英语学习
【Key words】 personalityextroversionintroversionEnglish achievement
  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】688

