

An Exploratory Study of Task-centered Research Learning

【作者】 周岚

【导师】 张迎春; 陶树兴;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 以课题为中心的研究性学习是指学生在教师指导下,围绕某一课题,以类似科学研究的方式去获取知识和应用知识的学习方式。实施研究性学习是信息化社会和学习化社会的必然选择,是国际教育教学改革的共同趋势,是我国深化素质教育改革的一种重要手段,它对于调动学生的积极性、主动性,培养学生创新精神和实践能力,充分开发学生学习的潜能,具有重要意义。 本次实践与研究是在中等职业学校开展的。而中等职业教育是我国现代教育的一个重要组成部分,是实现我国人力资源优化与升级的重要途径,是连接社会与学校的桥梁。因此在中等职业学校实施研究性学习,不但十分必要,而且完全可能,其目的在于改变学生以单纯地接受教师传授知识为主的学习方式,为学生构建了一个开放的学习环境,提供了多渠道获取知识、并将学到的知识加以综合应用于实践的机会,促进他们形成积极的学习态度和良好的学习策略,培养了他们的多种社会实践能力,以便于他们能更好地适应21世纪发展的需要。 本研究以哈密地区卫生学校2001级(1)班社区医士专业学生为实践对象;以小组合作研究为组织形式;以课内与课外相结合为实践途径;以强调对所学知识、技能的实际运用,注重学习的过程和学生的实践与体验为实践的总目标;以进入问题情境阶段、实践体验阶段、表达和交流阶段为一般程序。从2002年3月初开始到2002年7月中旬结束,利用了一学期的时间,开展了以“哈密市区居民饮食习惯调查分析”为内容的研究性学习实践。其实践结果如下: 1、知识目标:在学期初,利用“健康知识测试”试卷,对实践对象的知识目标进行了前测,其结果用Excel软件进行了t-检验,P值>0.05,说明实验组与对照组之间无显著性差异,即实验组成员与对照组成员在知识目标方面情况相符。在学期末,又用“健康知识测试”试卷,对实践对象的知识目标进行了后测,其结果也用Excel软件进行t-检验,P值<0.05,说明实验组与对照组之间有非常显著性差异,即实验组成员与对照组成员在掌握知识方面情况不同。 2、态度目标:在学期初,利用“测量问卷”,对实践对象的态度目标进行了前测,其结果用Excel软件进行了t-检验,P值>0.05,说明实验组与对照组之间无显著性差异,即实验组成员与对照组成员在态度目标方面情况相符。在学期末,又用“测量问卷”,对实践对象的态度目标进行了后测,其结果也用Excel软件进行 t一检验,0.01叩 (.05,说明实验组与对照组之间有显著性差异,即实验组成员与对照组成员在形成态度方面情况不同。 3、能力目标:在学期初,利用“测量问卷”,对实践对象的能力目标进行了前测,其结果用Excel软件进行了t一检验,P值川.05,说明实验组与对照组之间无显著性差异,即实验组成员与对照组成员在能力目标方面情况相符。在学期末,又用“测量问卷”,对实践对象的能力目标进行了后测,其结果也用Excel软件进行t一检验,P值o.05,说明实验组与对照组之间有非常显著性差异,即实验组成员与对照组成员在形成能力方面情况不同。 将知识目标、态度目标、能力目标三方面的实践结果用掌握的有关理论知识逐一、系统地进行分析: 1、实验组成员通过收集有关健康、饮食习惯的大量资料和进行相互交流、讨论,并对资料、信息做了整理、归纳及实地调查研究以后,大大提高了对健康知识的理解。 2、通过参与实地调查研究,参与类似于科学研究的学习活动,实验组成员能实事求是地获得结论,能尊重他人想法和结果,养成严谨、求实的科学态度和不断进取、努力求知的积极态度和积极情感。 3、通过采取小组合作研究的组织形式,组内成员生生互动,团结协作的合作意识、合作精神及合作能力加强了;通过自主地发现和提出问题,设计解决问题的方案,实验组成员发现问题和解决问题的能力得到了培养;通过寻找、收集与课题有关的各种信息和资料,进行实地调查和专家访谈和自行设计调查问卷,大家收集、分析和利用信息的能力得到了很大提高;通过在学科知识的学习过程中,改变被动的学习方式,提高了学习能力;通过小组间的交流、合作,实地调查,专家访谈,班级交流,口头报告等活动,实验组成员的语言表达能力增强了;通过自办有关健康、饮食习惯的手抄报在班内展示及开展试配营养餐的活动竞赛和进行实践成果的交流,大家具有了自我效能感,其心理素质得到了提高。 因此开展以课题为中心的研究性学习实践与研究后,可以得出如下结论: 1、以课题为中心的研究性学习是实施研究性学习的一种类型,它以认识和解决某一问题为主要目的,其目标明确,实用性强,特别适合以初中毕业生为主要生源的中等职业学校和初中教育学校在起步阶段开展研究性学习。 2、小组合作研究是研究性学习中常用的一种组织形式,它以小组为单位,突出体现了学生学习过程的合作性、主体性、自主性、实践性和开放性。对于少数民族地区的学生更为适用,它除了增强少数民族学生与汉族学生之间的合作意识、合作能力外,还加强了少数民族学生与汉族

【Abstract】 This paper researched the characteristics of Research Learning, and discussed its influences to the educational reform, and concludes the features of Research Learning, On the bases of these, a proposal about development strategy of Research Learning was tabled, it puts forward a new type of Research Learning?task-centered research learning (TRL),The study has three purposes: a) TRL could stimulate students’ motivation and intrigue their attitude towards learning; b) TRL could nurture students’ aims to knowledge learning; c) TRL could enhance students’ learning abilities,In recent decades, social surroundings in China have changed drastically, and therefore there has been a cry for educational reform, As a result, government and non-governmental societies are all dedicated to improving the educational environment for purposes of making students enjoy their learning, intriguing students’ motivation and make them engaging into learning, Thus, research learning has emerged as the times require, With many merits, such as encouraging students’ learning actively, developing creativity, fostering potential, and so on, RL has been adopted as a main instructional model all around China,Vice premier Li Lanqing, in the national vocational education meeting in 2002, pointed out that speeding up vocational education was an important way to implement developing strategy, and to promote economic and social on-going development, Secondary school education plays an important role in joining together school education and society, With it, human resources could be disposed excellently, To counter this tendency, research should be strengthened,As a new type of research learning, TRL could promote students’ motivation, encourage students’ engagement into active learning, urge the abilities such as questioning, probing, analyzing, and co-operating, In this study, I attempt to research TRL’s impact on students’ attitude, ability, knowledge, hoping to construct a new form of instruction, In this study, I attempt to research TRL’s impact on students’ attitude, ability, knowledge, hoping to construct a new form of instruction,Participants were grade 2001 students in Hami hygiene school(Xinjiang uygurIVautonomous region) with task 梐n investigate on people’s diet habits in Hami, The effects of 2 instructional methods were investigated within experimental period from march to august this year, The methods are: 1st instruction adopting task-centered research learning; 2nd instruction with traditional instructional method, After this process, t-test using the questionnaire A (see appendix 1) was performed to test TRL’s influence on attitude, ability; and t-test using the questionnaire B (see appendix 2) was used to test TRL’s influence on students’ knowledge about learning -learning strategies, These two tests were restricted to evaluate the experimental group and the control group,With analyzing the experimental results of knowledge aim, attitude aim, ability aim through the t-test, notable difference exits between experimental group and control group.The conclusions indicate that TRL outperformed the control group in attitude, ability, and knowledge, These two instructional forms have prominent differentiations, The research has the conclusions that:a) TRL can nurture students’ attitude towards learning, enrich students’ knowledge, increase their ability and making them integrating learning strategies,b) TRL can promote students’ co-operative learning, make them explore actively, and it is effective to foster mutual understanding and friendship between the Han nationality and the minor nationality,c) TRL can set up an learning environment to achieve students’ learning aims, such as nurturing attitude, stimulating motivation, increase students’ knowledge level,d) TRL is an effective way to enhance students’ learning abilities, such as information-collecting, question-probing, problem- solving,e) TRL is an important way to integrate school education with social environment, to

  • 【分类号】G424
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】299

