

A Probe on the Problem-scene Designing in High School Math Teaching

【作者】 陈焕斌

【导师】 李三平;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 问题情境设计简称问题设计,主要指创设问题情境的准备和计划,旨在更好地为学生的主动学习和探究创设适宜的气氛和情境,促进学生的学习与发展,它是教学设计的实质与核心,是先进教学理念与理论落实于课堂教学的重要中间环节,是教师日常教学工作的主要内容之一,课堂教学目标的实现与教学效率的提高在很大程度上取决于问题情境设计,衡量教师教学水平和业务能力的重要标志之一便是问题情境设计能力。因此,问题情境设计的研究有着很强的现实意义。 但是,目前的教学中,问题设计并未受到足够的重视,特别是,设计中较少考虑学生的感受与体验,以致产生了大批的“厌数生”(指厌恶、反感数学或对数学有排斥心理、抵触情绪的学生)。而且出现在各类报刊中的问题设计文章多为零碎的、经验化的情境设计,缺少系统的理论研究,因而也难以具有普遍的指导意义。 为此,我们对问题设计的基本原则、策略和方法进行了初步的探索和研究。以期为构建问题设计理论框架进行有益的尝试。我们主要进行了以下几个方面的探索: 1.通过反复学习、研读《中学数学教学参考》“课例点评”栏目所刊发的大量课例,较为细致地分析了典型问题情境案例(包括“优秀典型”与“有不足或缺陷的典型”),据其基本特征,发现了一些优秀问题情境所遵循的基本规律。 2.据优秀问题情境的基本特征及其规律,结合高中学生特点,依照新课程理念及教育教学目的和教学最优化要求,提出了问题设计的五条基本原则:积极性原则、发展性原则、面向全体原则、实质领悟原则和再创造原则。并就其理论依据及要求作了简要的阐述。 3.依照五条基本原则及教学实践经验,我们着重介绍了6条重要的问题设计策略,并提出了较为有效的问题设计基本方法。 4.运用所提出的问题设计原则、策略及方法,在圆锥曲线的教学中进行了初步尝试。首先,在广泛了解学生、深入钻研教材的基础上,进行了精心的设计(其中含有大-直的原则运用与策略选择,本文选择了四个典型案例进行了详细剖析卜 其次,注重课堂活动情况及课后的学生反馈,记录基本的活动情况;第三,进行了测试与问卷调查,并对结果进行了较为细致的统计与分析. 从课堂活动、学生反馈及问卷调查结果分析来看,圆锥曲线教学中的问题设计尝试取得了较为满意的效果,为进一步研究提供了一定的理论和实践基础. 本文所做的工作只是为问题设计的系统理论研究做了一些初步的尝试,提出了一种研究的思路或想法,并且为高中数学教学的问题设计提供了一些有效的建议或帮助,同时也为圆锥曲线的教学和设计,积累了一定经验.

【Abstract】 Problem-scene designing is often abbrieviated as problem designing. It refers to the preparation and plan of a scene designated to a certain problem, with the goal to construct an atmosphere in which students could learn on their own initiative and to improve their ability in solving problems. Problem-scene designing is the core of teaching designing, through which sophisticated pedagogic notions can be implemented into practice. It is an important aspect of a teacher’s daily work, and an efficient way to execute the teaching plan. Besides, the evaluation of problem-scene designing functions as a useful tool to judge a teacher’s competence. Therefore, the study on problem-scene designing has practical significance.However, problem-scene designing has not been given enough attention. Some designings do not take the student’s experience into consideration and help producing a large body of students of "mampobia". There have appeared some articles on the problem-scene designing, featured as sporadic, empirical, and unsystematical, hence hardly any instructiveness.Thereupon, I made this exploration on the basic principles, strategied, and methods on problem-scene designing, wishing to establish a frame for further research on this topic. This thesis is focused on the following aspects:1. Through studying and meticulous analysis on a large quantity of cases issued in Math Teaching In Middle School ,efficient cases of problem-scene designing and the less effective ones are classified; the best designs suggest the basic pattern of good problem-scene designing.2. Based on the features of excellent cases, combined with the cognitive-psychological characteristics of high school students, and according to the notions proposed in The New Curriculum, I propose five principles for problem-scene designing in high school math teaching:(l)the initiative principle;(2)the developmental principle;(3)the no-one-left-out principle;(4)the principle of essence-comprehending; and (5)the principle of re-creation.3. According to the above suggested principles as well as empirical knowledge of Math teaching in high school, six strategies on problem-scene designingand a set of effective applicable methods are put forward,4. Applying the above five principles, six strategies and methods, the problem-scene in the teaching of cone curve is attempted. With a all-round comprehension on the teaching materials and the knowledge of students, the teaching process is reformed and the after-class students response is examined, which are all duely recorded. The analysis of the follow-up questionnaires shows that the problem-scene designing in the teaching of cone curve was a successive try and made a solid ground for further researchThis thesis serves as a probe in the basic principles on problem-scene designing and suggests a series of theory concerning problem-scene designing, with an expectation that this research will offer high school math teachers with assistance in the practice of problem-scene designing and inspire further study.

【关键词】 问题情境问题设计原则策略
【Key words】 Problem-sceneDesigningPrincipleStrategy
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】667

