

On Application of Cooperative Language Learning to English Intensive Reading Teaching

【作者】 刘颖哲

【导师】 侯玉海;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 现行的大学英语精读课教学一般都遵循着一种单一的教学方法。即教师在介绍了作者及背景知识后,便逐句逐段去“肢解”文章,训练句型,不厌其烦地讲解知识点与语言点,留给学生主动参与的机会少之又少,从而造成了学生在课堂上沉默、被动的学习状态。学生掌握的只是由语法构成的孤立的句子,只是对所学语言进行简单地模仿或复制。语言学习变成机械的语言结构的堆积,而学生的语言能力尤其是听说水平却不尽如人意。 当今,语言教学已从以教师为中心转向以学生为主体,以知识传授为重点转向以学生的参与和知识发展为重点。合作语言学习已得到越来越广泛的认可与应用,这主要因为合作学习有利于创造良好的情感环境,鼓励并支持有利于学习的情感因素,促进小组成员间的交流,使学习者获得更多的可理解输入,同时也向其他学习者提供类似的语言输出,但合作语言学习在精读教学课中就鲜有尝试。因此,本文旨在研究在精读教学中应用合作语言学习是否能够改善学生传统的被动学习状态,减轻语言焦虑,激发课堂参与热情,从而在某种程度上有利于学生听说能力的改善与提高。 本文以认知发展理论、人本主义心理学及社会互动理论作为合作语言学习的理论基础,对为什么使用合作语言学习、什么是合作语言学习及如何在精读教学中应用合作语言学习三方面进行了阐述,并探讨了合作语言学习的意义及应遵循把握的基本要素。为了更好地在教学中贯彻合作语言学习的五个基本要素,即正相互依赖、相互促进性的交流、个人责任、社交技能及小组自评,合作语言学习应用包括以下三个阶段:1.课前合作语言学习的准备。主要是向学生说明为什么使用合作语言学习及其意义,并对学生进行异质编组及教授学生基本的交际技巧。2.课堂中几种合作语言学习活动的应用。针对授课的内容,采用不同的合作语言学习活动组织课堂。3.课后对合作语言学习的小组自评及教师的评价。在此基础上,提出应用合作语言学习存在的一些问题及在合作语言学习中教师的角色定位。 对于研究的问题,采用了问卷调查、面谈及观察法对为期三个月的实践进行了数据收集并对其进行了分析与讨论。实验结果表明:合作语言学习在英语精读教学中的应用可打破传统教学长期形成的坚冰,改善课堂上学生懒散迟钝的被动状态,在一定程度上提高学生应用语言的能力。

【Abstract】 Current intensive reading courses to most Chinese students of English, especially to non-English majors in college follow almost the same pattern: the teacher lectures to and explains grammar points, conducts drills, or at best leads the whole-class in discussion while the students simply listen to the teacher and follow his instructions passively without a single thought of his own. Accustomed to this way of teaching, most students find it little interesting to study English. They spend so much time and make so great efforts in learning English, but still their basic skills of using English remain underdeveloped. Many students complain that their English proficiency especially listening and speaking is still far from satisfactory in spite of average six or seven years of learning English.Nowadays, the emphasis of discussion of effective language instruction has shifted from teacher-centered to learner-centered classroom and from transmission-oriented to participatory or constructivist knowledge development. Based on the above-mentioned innovative approaches, cooperative language learning (CLL) is gaining ground and winning broad acceptance in a multitude of language learning classrooms, principally because of its contributions to improving the overall climate of the classroom and its potentials for providing supportive and expanded opportunities for learners to use the language. However, few studies and practices have touched the implementation of CLL in intensive reading class.Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine whether the implementation of CLL in intensive reading class has positive effect on improving the passive situation of students, whether it helps activate their enthusiasm for and ease their language anxiety of participation in class activity, and whether it is helpful to their improvement of English proficiency especially listening and speaking.With a sketchy recall of its history, this paper mainly succinctly but appropriately examines the cognitive, psychological, and social bases of the cooperative language learning. Then, it anticipates the benefits of the use of cooperative language learning in the classroom, such as the embracing affectiveinclimate, the promoting interaction and the increasing opportunities for learners to listen to and produce language. To achieve these benefits, the teacher should comply with and grasp the basic elements, including positive interdependence, face-to-face "promotive" interactions, individual accountability, small group social skills, and group processing, so as to improve the students’ motivation for English learning and create a sound and lively classroom atmosphere. The implementation of CLL in intensive reading classroom covers the following stages: first, the preparation for the CLL needs to be done before teaching. Then, some cooperative language learning activities will be introduced to help improve the effectiveness of group activities in intensive reading classroom. Finally, the group processing and the teacher’s evaluation will be carried out after teaching task done. Moreover, the author raises some problems likely to arise during the implementation and offers her opinions on the teacher’s role in CLL.All the data about the students’ feedback are collected through a questionnaire delivered at the beginning of the study and near the end of the study, the following interview and the observation throughout the study. The final results show that, CLL do have some positive effects on improving the present passive situation in English classroom. It also helps activate their enthusiasm for and ease their language anxiety of participating in class activity. The cooperative language learning deserves to be recommended to Chinese teachers and students to bring a new life into the gloomy and monotonous English classroom.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】421

