

Practice and Exploration of "Research-Oriented Study" in Biology Learning in Non-Key Senior Middle School

【作者】 牛文红

【导师】 顾蔚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 普通中学高中生物研究性学习的探索和实践,目的在于验证在客观条件较差的普通中学能否开展研究性学习并取得预期结果,为普通中学实施素质教育,改变现状寻找新的生长点。我于2002年2月至2002年7月在西安市九中以高二年级四个班同学为实验对象,在生物教学中进行了教学实验。研究性学习实施基本过程为:实施前动员和说明;进行基础知识讲座和学生知识技能的准备;举行选题讲座,学生自由选择;学生提出研究方案,教师个别辅导;组织开题报告;学生独立具体实施研究方案,教师指导并监控实施过程;学生完成课题研究,教师帮助分析总结;学生成果展示,进行答辩,教师组织评价。通过一学期的教学实验,得到以下结论。 1.普通中学开展研究性学习提高和培养了学生的创造力和合作能力。 实验显示,创造能力前测,实验班平均分仅为7.5而后测提高到9.6;对照班前测为7.3后测为7.8;实验班创造力提高幅度大。通过T检验,前测实验班和对照班两组无显著差异P>0.05,而后测两组具有显著差异P<0.05。实验班创造能力的前后测P<0.05,出现了显著差异;对照班创造能力的前后测P>0.05,无显著差异。充分说明研究性学习的实施提高和培养了学生的创造力。研究性学习的实施培养了学生的问题意识和发现问题的能力,是培养学生创新精神的起点;其有利于学生想象力的发展,开阔了学生的思路,发展了学生创新思维和发散思维,想象力的训练和培养正是创造力的开发。其自由和谐的学习气氛,为学生提供了一个“心理自由”和“心理安全”的环境,这样学生才能思维敏捷,流畅,创造力得到开发;其自主选题,自主实施,使学生产生自我决定感,驱动了“认知好奇心”,激发了学生内在学习动机,提高了学习能力;其集体讨论的形式,在学生的互动中激发出解决问题的灵感,迅速提高学生创造力。研究性学习不但培养学生个体的创造力,而且发展了学生集体创造的能力,增强了学生的合作意识和合作能力。 实验显示,前测实验班和对照班合作能力,T检验P>0.05,差异不显著,而后测两个组T检验P<0.05,差异显著;实验班合作能力前后测T检验P<0.05,差异较显著。对照班合作能力前后测T检验P>0.05,差异不显著。说明实验班的合作能力有较明显的提高。研究性学习中为了完成研究任务,一般都离不开课题组同学的分工合作,以合作的手段才能取得集体的成功,为学生提供了一个人与人之间沟通与合作的良好空间,锻炼了合作能力,养成了合作意识。 2.普通中学开展研究性学习改善了师生关系,改变了学生的学习方式,促进了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学习成绩。 研究性学习使教师从知识传授者,占有者的权威地位变为学生学习的引导者,指导者,合作者,确立了一种新型师生关系。实验证明,研究性学习实施明显改善了师生关系,实验班师生关系的后测中“认为平等”的比例比前测增加了72,8O,“认为不平等”的减少了72.8%,认为“现任老师朋友式”增加了77.6O,认为“现任老师权威式”的减少了77石%。 研究性学习以学生为主体,其知识的获取途径来自自身的研究活动,学生由“学会”到“会学”使学生从传统的接受学习方式走入新型的主动学习方式,培养学生的终生学习能力。学习方式的测试显示,实施研究性学习后,实验班“完全依赖老师传授”的学生由 66二%降到 25.4%,而“大多依赖老师少数自学”的学生由30.1%上升到50.4%;“大多自主学习少数依赖老师”的学生由3.8%上升到24.2%;实验班变化较大,对照班的变化不大。说明实验班学生通过研究性学习学习方式有所改变。 由于学习方式的改变促进了学生的学习兴趣的产生。其次,研究性学习采取自主选题,尊重学生的兴趣和爱好,符合学习的“最近发展区”原则,也增强了学生学习兴趣。实验班“非常感兴趣”后测结果比前测增加 19.3%;“有兴趣”也增加了14.7%,“无兴趣因考试而学”降低了32刀%。实验班前后变化较大,而对照班无多大变化。说明实验班学生通过研究性学习提高了学习兴趣。 研究性学习培养了学生的创造能力,合作学习能力,自主学习能力,增进了学习兴趣,这些都可以迁移到学科基础知识学习中,提高了学习成绩。实验表明,实验班学习成绩在实施研究性学习后有较大提高,平均分由68.7上升到75.2,T检验差异极显著;对照班成绩也有所提高,平均分由66.4上升到70.5,T检验,差异较显著。而两班前测P>0刀5,两班成绩差异不显著,后测P<0刀5,差异较显著。说明研究性学习有利于提高学生学习成绩,研究性学习并没有影响学科基础知识的学习,反而对其有促进作用。 由此说明普通中学在客观条件较差的状况下,根据本校的实际情况,开展研究性学习同样能获得一定成效,研究性学习将成为普通中学改变现状,实施素质教育的生长点。普通中学在研究性学习实施的具体操作中应注意的问题:根据本校实际条件,选题时一定要指导学生认真考虑课题的可行性,选题宜小不宜大,应贴近日常生活;加强基础知识的指导;特别注意实施过程中心理素质?

【Abstract】 Research-Oriented Study" is a way of learning usually completed by the students themselves under the teacher’s guidance and monitor .The study focuses on the following: The students make a choice of the research programmer and then devise it; The students collect the information and analyze the data; The students solve the problem using the knowledge they have learnt.But how to carry out the "Research-Oriented study" in poor condition in Non-key Middle School is an area rarely touched. There fore. From Feb. 2002 to July 2002, the writer took four classes in Senior Grade II as subjects, made a sense of exploration on the study. The prowess of implementation is as follows: Instructions and mobilization before the operation; The teacher’s lectures on basic knowledge and skills to help students get basic skills in their performance; The teacher’s lectures on the choice of the research programmer; The research design put forward by the students; The teacher’s individual assistance; Students the opening repots; Students operations on the research design under the teacher’s guidance and monitor; The students’ completion of the research programmer is under the teachers’ guidance and monitor; The evaluation of the report on the research programmer.The "Research-Oriented study" arouses the students learning motivation, cultivates their ability of problem awareness, develops their imagination and creativity and provides them a free and harmonious learning atmosphere.The test on students’ creativity indicates the improvement of the students’ creativity in the experimental class .The study also provides students a chance to learn from each other. In order to complete the task, the students have to work together, discuss the problem, and share out the work and cooperate with one another there fore their cooperative ability has been improved. Since all the tasks are completed by the students themselves. Gradually they come into a new, active way of learning from the traditional, passive way of learning. The result of the study demonstrates the change of students’ way of learning: from "mostly dependent on the teacher " to "gradually dependent on themselves ". The change in their way of learning facilitates their interest in learning .The Result also demonstrates more and more interested in biology learning and that there’s a change hi the relationship between the students and the teacher. The teacher works as a guide, a fascinator, a friend etc.In all, this study proved that in Non-Key senior Middle School, the establishment of "Research-Oriented Study " plays an important part in the development of the students and teachers. It helps improve the students creativity and cooperatively. It helps students become an independent learner. It also improves the relationshipbetween the teacher and the students. But there’s something we must pay attention to in the actuarial manipulation of the study: first, we must make sure of the availability of the research programmer.Second, the teacher should reinforce the guidance on the basic knowledge and skillsThird, the teacher should pay attention to the students’ psychological qualities in the study.Fourth, The teacher should help the students make thorough plans and monitor their process effectively.Firth, The teacher should give students a good example.Besides, how to make the criterion of evaluation more objective is something we need to explore.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【下载频次】287

