

A Study of Using Open Teaching Model in Biology in Normal School

【作者】 刘湘庆

【导师】 张迎春;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 传统教学的弊端之一是它的封闭性,是它与外部世界的隔裂性。概括起来主要表现在:1.教学空间仅仅局限学校、教室;2.教学内容偏深、偏窄、脱离学生的实际生活;3.教学内容或缺乏直观性,或缺乏趣味性;4.学习方式单一、被动。开放式教学是针对上述弊端应运而生的。它强调在教学中建立开放的系统,强调拓展教学空间,使课堂这一主体区域延伸开来,使其溶于社会,溶于自然界,溶于生活,强调以自然当课堂,以自然当老师,以自然当教材。教学内容的选择强调综合性、实践性。主张以开放性的问题为中心,通过自我探究,自我体验,使教学更贴近生活实现学生的可持续发展。培养出更多适应社会的创新型人才。针对现状,很多教师在教学内容、教学组织形式等方面作了许多有益的工作。但还有很多问题研究不够深入,本文试图从开放式教学的理论依据,开放式教学的特点,开放式教学的教学策略、教学模式等方面作一些初步探讨,以便为开放式教学提供理论依据与实验数据支持。 本研究以实践论、系统论、建构主义、人本主义理论为指导,提出了开放式教学的基本特点:1.开放性:主要涉及课堂教学内容、组织形式、教学时间、教学空间、教学评价等方面的开放,将课堂向大自然、社会与生活延伸;2.实践性:要求学生从实践中获取直接经验,养成科学精神和科学态度,掌握基本的科学方法,提高运用和解决实际问题的能力;3.主体性:学生是学习的主人,教师将成为一位顾问,一位帮助发现矛盾而不是拿出现成答案的人,学生通过教师有计划的宏观调控和必要辅导,主动地支配和调节自己的活动,充分发挥自身的学习潜能,发展和完善自身;4.发展性:课堂教学要着眼于学生的发展,不仅使学生形成和增长关于现实世界的知识,而且要发展并提高理论思维和创新思维能力。 本研究采用实验研究方法,被试以岳阳师范二年级288班为实验班,实行开放式教学,287班为对照班,实行传统教学,采用问卷、闭卷考试以及能力考核等办法收集资料,统计结果采用SPSS5.0软件包进行分析,实验内容以现行中师《生物学》第一册第2~3章为研究素材,内容涉及植物的形态、结构生理与分类知识。 笔者根据教材内容特点,学生现有的知识结构,现有的教学条件建立了三种不同的教学模式。植物形态部分采用的教学模式为:引出课题,提出目标→观察、实验→标本采集→结论;植物生理部分采用的教学模式为:情境引入,提出问题→直觉思维、合理猜想→设计实验,验证猜想→归纳总结,迁移深化;植物分类部分采取的教学模式为:铺垫基础知识→范例指导→课题研究;经过12周24课时的教学实施过程,实验结果如下: 1、实验后学生的学习成绩发生了显著变化。 实验前对实验班与对照班考试成绩进行方差分析没有显示显著性差异,但经过实验后实验班学生的平均分为83.24,方差为11.17,对照班为74.97,方差为15.15,Z值为3.12,P<0.05,差异显著。 2、学生的学习兴趣发生了显著变化。 实验前兴趣高的学生所占比例为30%,而无兴趣占32%,实验后兴趣高的占到58%,而无兴趣的仅占4%。 3、实验后学生的能力发生显著性变化。 实验班学生能力考核优秀率占62%,而对照班为36%,不及格的人数实验班的只有1人,而对照班的有3人。 笔者认为得到上述实验结果的主要原因有: (一)、开放式教学对学生的学习兴趣的影响 1.实验班学生实行的开放式教学,教学空间突破了教室的局限,扩展到校园、生物园、花市、菜市、鸟市、鱼市学校周围的池塘、小山等生物教学的天然课堂,带学生到大自然中去学习,可以让学生亲眼观察动、植物的生活习性,形态结构,识别常见的动、植物,让他们看一看、摸一摸、嗅一嗅、品一品、尝一尝、听一听,实现了感性认识与理性认识的结合,在认识过程中,逐渐激发了学生学习生物学的兴趣。 2.开放式教学注重学生原有经验与新鲜经验的对接,创设一种能激发学生动机的教学情境,以此来构筑师生交往的平台,在小课堂连着大世界的氛围中吸吮人文思想的乳汁,享受表达与聆听的愉快,这种情趣共济的教学情境引发学生的学习兴趣。 3.实验班学生在上植物生理课时,老师总是让其主动参与,自主探究,动手操作,通过对以往知识、经验的再发现、再加工、再创造、内化成个体独特的心智结构,从而使学生领悟到探索与经验积累的乐趣。 4.实验班学生经常做一些小型的课题,如校园内豆科植物的调查,水塔山藤本植物的调查,杨树塘四月份蔬菜品种调查等,通过完成这些小型课题,学生能体验到成功的快乐,从而逐步形成对生物学稳固的兴趣。 (二)、开放式教学对学生学习成绩的影响 1.开放式教学能提高学生的生物学兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师,兴趣与学业成绩呈正相关,实验显示,实验班的学生的作业作得比对照班好,上课发言也比对照班的学生更积极,在平时用来复习生物的时间更多。学业成绩自然就会好些。 正互

【Abstract】 One of the disadvantages of the traditional teaching is its closeness, It is separated from the outside world. Generally speaking. It can be made learn by the following points: 1.The teaching space is confined in classrooms and schools; 2. The teaching material is far more abstract and narrow, far from students’ real life; 3. The teaching material is lack of either directness or interest; 4. The study mode is dull and passive. Open teaching is developed just for the above disadvantages. It stresses the building of an open teaching system, and enlarging teaching space, thus making classes stretch, puts class into the society, the nature and our life. It takes the nature as the class itself, it takes the nature as the teacher, as the teaching material. The selection of the teaching material stresses its integrity and practice. Take the open questions as the key points, make the teaching much closer to our life and make students develop continuously by means of self-research and self-realization. Nowadays, many teachers have done much on he teaching material and teaching organization. But, shill there are much more to do. This thesis attempts to begin with the open teaching theories. Characteristics of the open teaching. Open teaching strategies and teaching modes, etc. for some preliminary study and research to put forward the theoretical and experimental data support for the open teaching.This research is guided by the practicality. Constructivism and humanism, puts forward the main characteristics of open teaching:1. Openness: It mainly with the teaching material, organization, teaching time and space teaching evaluation, etc, and stretches our class to the nature, society and life; 2. practice: It requires students acquire direct experiences out of practice. 3. Subjectivity: The subject of study is students the teacher is a consultant, one who helps to discover problems, but not to give answers. Students manipulate their actions actively, fully develop theirIVstudy potential and them-selves; 4. Development: We should aim to the development of the students; not only to from and improve their knowledge on the real world, but also to develop their abilities of theoretical thinking and advocating thinking.Open teaching model is different from closed, monotonous traditional ones. It emphasizes on the openness of teaching and the students’ development, practice ability and subjectivity. In this paper, the author tries to discuss the open teaching methods in biology education in normal schools based on the fundamental theories of open education.This paper is divided into three parts.1. IntrductionIn this part, the author gives the meaning, theoretical basis, historical development and basic characteristics of open education. This paper also discusses the background and meaning of using open teaching model.2. Study Method and Operational ProcedureThe author uses experimental methods to conduct the research. The researchers have carried out open teaching model in experimental class 288 and traditional teaching method in contrast class 287 in The First Normal School in Yueyang. Questionnaires and group tests are used to collect statistics, which are analyzed through software SPSS5.0. The result shows that the students in experimental class have made great progress in grades and practical skills, and they have more interest in biology.3. ConclusionOpen teaching can put knowledge in textbooks in a wide social background. Thus students become closely connected with nature and society. It can create a relaxed atmosphere and free the students’ brains, eyes and hands. Therefore, it improves the class structure.Therefore, we can draw the following conclusions from the experiment:1. Open teaching can upgrade the scores of students.2. Open teaching can arouse the interests of students.3. Open teaching can improve biological skills of students. Here are the innovations of this experiment:1. The fundamental model of biology open teaching in normal school has

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】3
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