

On the Strategies of Bring Students’ Subjectivity into Full Play in Classroom Teaching of Biology in Senior High School

【作者】 谷延泽

【导师】 张迎春; 何志学;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 时代呼唤人的主体性,我国社会主义现代化建设需要具有主体精神的人,大力培养主体性强的人才成为中国教育的当务之急,也是我国教育改革的一个重要方向。由于传统教育思想的影响,形成了生物教学以知识传授为中心,以知识灌输为基本方式,以知识再现能力为终极目标的教学体系。教学中不尊重学生的主体地位,不注重唤醒学生的主体意识,不能充分调动学生学习的积极性和创造性,学生得不到主动和谐地发展。同时由于主体教育理论尚未发展成熟,教学实践中缺乏有效的教学策略,致使学生是学习活动的主体这一教学原理仍停留在教育哲学的理论层面上。为了改革传统教学方法,提高中学生物教学质量,本研究试图以主体性教育的理论观念为指导,结合中学教学实际,构建在高中生物课堂教学中发展学生主体性的教学策略,并通过实验验证其有效性,以期为主体性课堂教学的操作实践提供借鉴。 本文概述了主体的涵义、主体性及其基本特征:自主性、能动性和创造性。综述了主体性教学的目的观、师生观及过程观,并以此为理论依据,构建了在生物课堂中发展学生主体性的教学策略并设计了其实施的课堂教学程序。该策略包括以下内容:1、活动参与,发展主体;2、合作学习,多向互动;3、师生和谐,愉快学习;4、差异教学,面向全体;5、体验成功,树立自信;6、指导学法,学会学习。该策略以学生的学习活动为着眼点,从教的角度给老师提出了一些建议。其实施的课堂教学程序为:激情示标——阅读指导——合作学习——反馈指导——分层训练——民主评价。 本研究为实验研究,实验采用平衡组前后测设计,被试为河南省清丰县第一高中2000级(高二)的两个平行班。通过对该策略在高中生物教学中的实施,实验结果表明,实验班在生物学习成绩、学习生物的兴趣、生物学习中的主体性品质三个方面与对照班相比均有明显的改善。笔者对此结合教育心理学有关理论进行了原因剖析及讨论,认为: (一)主体性教学策略的实施对高中学生生物学习的兴趣影响主要在以下几个方面:1.问题情景的创设激发了学生的学习兴趣;2.和谐情境的创设保护了学生的学习兴趣:3.体验成功的策略强化了学生的学习兴趣:4.学法指导发展了学生的学习兴趣。 (二)主体性教学策略的实施对高中学生生物学习成绩的影响主要表现在以下几个方面:1.活动参与是提高学生生物学习成绩的一个有效途径;2,合作学习是课堂教学中提高生物学习成绩的有效方式;3.差异教学充分挖掘了全体学生的学习潜力;4.学法指导提高了学生学习生物的能力;5.兴趣的发展可提高学生生物学习成绩。 (三)主体性教学策略对学生在生物学习中主体性品质的影响有以下几方面:1.主体性教学策略实施的课堂所提供的客观状况和生活环境及主观现实对学生自主性的发展具有积极作用。2.主体性教学策略的实施对影响学生能动性的三个因素起到了一定的改善作用。3.主体性教学策略实施的课堂为学生心理的安全和自由提供了保障,并符合头脑风暴法的要求,所以有助于学生创造能力的提高。 通过对该策略在高中生物教学中实施的实验结果分析及讨论,得到如下结论:1.发展学生主体性的教学策略的实施有助于高中学生生物学习兴趣的提高。2.发展学生主体性的教学策略的实施,能有效提高高中学生生物学习成绩。3.发展学生主体性的教学策略的实施能提高高中学生在生物学习中的主体性品质。 另外通过教学实践还有如下体会:主体性教学需要高素养的老师,并且在高中开设综合课程值得尝试。 本实验研究的创新之处在于: 1.构建了在高中生物课堂中发展学生主体性的教学策略并设计了其实施的程序。 2.为主体性教学策略对学生学习生物的兴趣,学习成绩及主体性品质改善的原因提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Modern society is calling for people’s subject consciousness, and our modern socialist construction is more urgent need of people with subject consciousness. Therefore, China’s education urgently needs to sultivate individuals’ subjectivity this is also an important orientation of China’s educational reform. Due to the influence of traditional thought on education, traditional senior high school classroom teaching of biology is centered on knowledge delivery, by the means of knowledge-cramming, for the purpose of developing the ability of putting the knowledge learned into practice. In the process of classroom teaching, students’ subject status is ignored, their subject consciousness is not awakened, and their initiative and creativity are not brought into full play. Consequently, students’ abilities cannot be actively and harmoniously developed, and the students are weak in subject status. Because of the immaturity of the subject education theory, effective teaching strategies serving teaching practice are not available, and therefore the teaching principle of taking students as the principal part in classroom teaching remains at the theoretical layer of education philosophy. For the propose of reforming traditional teaching approaches, and improve senior high classroom teaching of biology, the author in this paper tries to construct new strategies of developing students’ subject consciousness in senior high school classroom teaching of biology, based on the thinking of subjective education, and tries to the effectiveness of these new strategies for better serving biology classroom teaching practice.The paper briefly discusses the implication of subject, subjectivity and its characteristics: initiative and creativity. The author shows clearly his thought on the aim of subjective classroom teaching, the relationship between teacher & students, and the process of classroom teaching, and constructs his teaching strategies of bringing students’ subject status into full play in biology classroom teaching, and the consequent classroom teaching based on this theory. These strategies include: 1. participation of activity, development of subject; 2. Co-operative study, mutual-motivation; 3.Harmony of teacher and students, learning in pleasure; 4. differential teaching, caring for all students; 5. Experiencing achievements, acquiring self-confidence; 6. Instruction in learning methods, learning how to study. These strategies stress students’ activities of learning, and offer the teacher some advice from the angel of learning, and offer the teacher some advice from the angel of teaching. The corresponding classroomteaching program is: passionate presentation-help in reading-co-operation inthe process of teaching and learning-feedback for more instruction-practice atdifferent levels-appraisal in democratic atmosphere.Based on the analysis of the statistics obtained from experiences of these strategies in senior high school classroom teaching of biology, the following conclusion is reached: These strategies can help arouse students’ interest in learning biology, improve students’ biology learning, and awaken students’ subject consciousness. More understandings based on the implementation of these strategies: 1.subjective teaching needs highly qualified teachers; 2. Comprehensive course in senior high school is worth experimenting.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1119

