

Research into China’s Rural Social Security System

【作者】 曹应梅

【导师】 朱解放;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 社会保障制度是构成社会主义市场经济体制基本框架的一项重要内容,是关系我国改革、发展与稳定的一件大事。我国13亿人口,农民占70%,完善社会保障制度,必须把完善农民的社会保障制度放在重要地位。否则,社会保障制度自身将是严重残缺的,其成就和作用也将是有限的。长期以来,我国学术界在理论上对城市社会保障问题比较关注,研究成果也比较多,而对占全国总人口70%的广大农民的农村社会保障问题则重视不够,研究得也很不深入,以致在实践上使我国农村社会保障始终处于不完善甚至空白的状态,有相当部分社会保障的内容(如养老保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、生育保险等)将整个农村人口排挤在外。但是,随着农村社会主义市场经济体制的建立与完善,农村工业化进程的不断加深,农村人口老龄化与家庭小型化趋势的逐步形成,农民面临的市场风险、生活风险也将越来越大,农村传统的保障方式——家庭保障已难以承担起全部的保障重任,建立一种与农村生产力发展水平和农村经济结构相适应的新型农村社会保障制度已势在必行。在我国现阶段,加快建立与健全农村社会保障制度,对于加快我国社会保障制度建设,促进农业现代化和农村经济可持续发展,有效落实计划生育政策,深化乡镇企业改革,调节农民收入分配,迎接入世后农业面临的机遇与挑战,完善社会主义市场经济体制均具有十分重要的意义。 本文试图从理论与实践的结合上,拟从以下六个方面对中国农村社会保障制度加以考察和研究: 一、中国农村社会保障制度的基本内容。主要介绍了社会保障制度的含义与基本内容和中国农村社会保障制度的含义与基本内容。 二、中国农村社会保障制度的改革。重点介绍了我国农村社会保障制度在发展过程中所经历的五个阶段以及每个阶段的概况,并阐述了中国农村社会保障制度的改革背景、改革内容和改革成效。 三、中国农村社会保障制度的现状和存在问题。重点论述了中国传统的农村社会保障功能削弱和保障任务加重的现状以及目前农村社会保障制度存在的主要问题。 四、建立和健全中国农村社会保障制度的必要性与可行性。重点论述了建立和健全中国农村社会保障制度,不仅是必要的,而且是可行的。 五、中国农村社会保障制度改革的总体思路。重点论述了中国农村社会保障制度改革的指导思想、基本目标与基本原则。 六、中国农村社会保障制度改革的具体对策。针对中国农村社会保障制度目前的现状和存在的主要问题,结合中国农村的实际情况,提出并全面论述了具有可操作性的具体应对措施。

【Abstract】 Social security system, closely related to our country’s reform, development and stability, is an essential part of socialist market economy structures. China has a population of 130 million, among which farmers account for 70%. Therefore, rural social security system must be the priority of the improvement upon China’s social security system which otherwise will be seriously imperfect. As a result, it can’t achieve its goals and will not function as well as we expect. Over many years, the China’s academic world has made research into the improvement on the city social security system, of course, with more success, yet, to some degree, neglecting its equivalent in rural areas. So, practically speaking, rural social security system is in an imperfect or zero state in our country. For example, some social security items, such as old-age pension, medical insurance, industrial injury insurance and birth insurance etc., have rural residents excluded. With the establishment and improvement on rural socialist market economy system, the deepening of industrialization in the countryside, the rural aging problems and small-scale family tendency, farmers are now facing more and more market and life risks, with which the rural traditional security method-family security can not cope. It is necessary to establish a new type of rural social security system that must correspond to the development standards of rural productivity and economic structures. At present in our country, it is of great importance to speed up setting up and making rural social security system perfect. This can enhance agricultural modernization; increase the continuous development of rural economy. Meanwhile it can help to carry out our basic policy-the birth control effectively, deepen the reforms of township enterprises, regulate the distribution of farmers’ income and help them to meet challenges brought about by China’s accession to WTO.This paper, from the perspective of the combination of theory and practice, make a study of China’s rural social security system from the following six points.I. The basic contents-mainly introducing implications and basic contents ofChina’s social security system as well as its rural equivalent.II. The reforms--centering on the five stages in the course of rural social security system development, giving an overview of every stage, and relating background, content and achievements of its reform.III. Present situation and problems. The traditional rural social security system does not function as effectively as before and has more burdens than ever.IV. Necessity and feasibility about establishment and improvement on rural social security system.V. General thoughts about rural social security system reform.VI. Concrete countermeasures in its reforms. In this part, the writer, taking into account the present situation and problems of rural social security system together with China’s rural reality, puts forward and discusses from all sides the concrete feasible countermeasures.

  • 【分类号】F323.89
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】824

