

ZhongShan Tomb Geographic Information System (GIS) and the Tentative Study on Landscape Structure Evaluation

【作者】 张美玉

【导师】 彭世揆;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林经理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 以中山陵风景林为研究对象,采用先进的软件开发方式—集成二次开发技术,以高效的面向对象程序设计软件Visual Basic为软件开发平台,在GIS控件MapObjects支撑下,实现对中山陵小班的空间数据和属性数据的集成管理,大大的提高了中山陵景区森林资源管理的工作效率,减轻了劳动工作强度。 本设计中的GIS实现了小班数据和林班数据的浏览、修改,图层的修改,地理信息的双向查询,专题图输出,报表输出等功能。设计出的地理信息系统,以Windows98作为系统运行平台,操作方便,易于使用,具有较快的数据处理速度和响应速度和较好容错性能。 总的来说,本次设计的地理信息系统具有以下几个特点: Ⅰ)提供了强大查询功能,可以实现小班和样地数据的从图到表、从表到图和从表到表的查询; Ⅱ)提供了强大报表功能; Ⅲ)创建了景观结构评价模块。 完成了对中山陵风景林的景观结构评价和尺度分析。根据中山陵森林资源调查数据,在分析其植被景观现状的基础之上,应用景观生态学原理,结合具体情况和考虑研究的可操作性,选取多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数、分离度指数、破碎度指数、分维数指数6个指标,从地类景观要素、林分类型和小班三个层次,对中山陵景观进行结构评价初步分析。结果表明,紫金山风景区以阔叶林景观为主体,且斑块较大而连片,其它景观小而分散,多样性较高但均匀度较低。这种情况对森林病虫害缺乏抵抗能力,景观抵抗干扰的能力也较弱。但总的来说森林景观是向好的方向发展的。尺度分析是采用单位蓄积量和中山陵TM4波段影像(256×256像元)的灰度值两种指标分别分为3个和8个尺度对中山陵景观进行分析,结果表明可以将中山陵森林景观分为3个尺度(小班、林班和作业区)进行经营管理。

【Abstract】 An advanced software development method--integrated developtechnology is used in this design, which achieve the integrated management of spatial and attribute data of sub-compartments and compartments of ZhongShan Tomb(ZST) under the support of GIS OCX MapObjects. More efficient object-oriented programming language Visual Basic is adopted as software platform. Through the implementation the ZST forestry management work efficiency is improved and the work intension is lightened significantly.This local GIS include 3 main functions: browsing and modifying the data of sub-compartments and map layers, two directions of query between special and attribute data, the outputting thematic maps and reporting statistics tables.This system supplies landscape structure evaluation and scaling analysis of ZST scenic forestry. The indexes of diversity, evenness, dominance, isolation, fragmentation and fractal dimension are used in this study. The landscape structure evaluation was from three levels, which are sub-compartments, compartments and work region. Used stores per square kilometer of forest and TM4 remote sensing image the author give the scaling analysis. The result shows that the diversity of ZST is high but the evenness is low. The broadleaf forest is the main type of ZST forest. We can manage the ZST scenic forest in three layers.By using Windows98 as the running platform, the system advantages of rapid speed of processing data and tolerant errors, and can be operated conveniently and used easily.In general, this GIS has following characters:I) This GIS provides strongly query function for sub-compartments and compartments such as from map to table, from table to map and from table to table;II) This GIS provides strongly report outputting function;III) This GIS create ZST Landscape Structure Evaluation function.

  • 【分类号】P901
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】284

