

Studies on Criterion Making--Sampling of Ornament Plants

【作者】 熊融

【导师】 张启翔;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国现代花卉产业发展面临的主要问题之一,是缺乏完善的质量检测体系对于整个产业的约束与监督。为了适应国内外市场的要求,提高花卉产品质量,建立相应的质量标准化管理体系迫在眉睫。为此国家林业局下达本课题,研究并制定主要花卉产品的抽样标准。 本论文在全面地查询了国内外现有花卉产品检测及抽样标准和方法的基础上,选择具有代表意义的上海、北京、广州、昆明4座城市进行重点调查,对这些城市中的大型花卉生产商、经销商、进出口检疫局,以及农业部所属的花卉质量检测中心进行调研,了解花卉贸易状况和抽查现状。明确我同花卉产为业在这方面所面临的问题,确定标准制定原则,最终设计出适合我国国情的主要花卉产品抽样标准。 标准涵盖了目前国内主要流通的花卉产品,并规定了适用范围和主题内容、术语与符号、花卉抽样的基本程序以及确定抽样量所需要的数量表。标准由两个部分组成的,前一部分包括鲜切花、盆栽观叶植物、盆花、花卉种球、花卉种苗、设计的基础为孤立批验收型计数抽样,属于两点型标准。这主要是由于花卉产品的特性,以及标准制定的产要目的而确定的。后一部分花卉种子的抽样则以《国际种子检验规程》中所规定的相应内容为母体,以便于种子检验同国际相接轨。 这部标准是我国第一部适出于花卉产业的抽样标准。它为我国最终建立科学、稳定的抽样质量检测体系奠定了基础,只有通过公平、合理的抽样,对产品质量做出准确的评价,才能直真正发挥花卉等级质量标准的作用,它规范了花卉市场交易,保护消费者权益。(?)发生纠纷,也是进行仲裁的依据。

【Abstract】 The modern floriculture industry of China has developed formore than 20 years, but in now face a new problem. Lake of quality inspection system held back its progress. For that reason, the standard of sampling of ornamental plants is to be constituted by the Nation Forestry Ministry.The paper survey sampling standards for inspect of the ornamental plant and methods in worldwide. In four cities- Shanghai Beijing Guangzhou and Kunming ,the author investigated the flower trade and selective examination process of manufactures, dealers, department of quarantine and the quality center of plant in China agriculture ministry. After confirmed the principle of the standard, the author schemed out the criterion of sampling of ornamental plant in China.The criterion are composed of two sections, include a list of all kinds of flowers in currency of China, scope, topic content, term and symbol, procedure of sampling and give the tabulation of sampling amount. Section one comprises cut flowers, foliage plants, flowering pot plants, seedling and bulbar crops. Section two is the sampling of flower seed, which is based on the related section of general criterions in world.This is the first standard of sampling of ornamental plant in China. It is the base of scientific and integrated sampling system. Under this rule we can get the exact estimate of the flower. And it also attributed to the judge, when the dissension happened.

  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】182

