

On the Construction of Social Credit Institutions in China

【作者】 廖祖海

【导师】 李建德;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 国民经济, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 信用(Credit)有广义和狭义之分。狭义上,所谓信用(credit),是指一种建立在授信人对受信人偿付承诺的信任的基础上、使后者无须付现即可获取商品、服务或货币的能力。人们平常常提到的信用即是这种“信贷”信用。广义上,信用的内含是:一种主观上的诚实守信和客观上的偿付能力的统一。经济主体之间,以谋求长期利益最大化为目的,建立在诚实守信基础上的心理承诺与如期实践合约相结合的意志和能力,以及由此形成和发展起来的行为规范及交易规则(制度)。本文主要研究的便是这种信用。 市场经济是法制经济、更是信用经济,信用是现代市场经济的生命。我国自党的十一届三中全会以来,采取了一系列的政策措施,实行了改革开放的政策,经济也实现了从计划经济向市场经济的转变。到目前,已经初步建立了社会主义市场经济体制,并逐步融入到经济全球化的潮流中,成为国际经济的一个重要组成部分。但旧有的经济体制下的许多问题还没有得到彻底解决和转化,给经济的正常运行和国际化造成巨大的阻碍,其中,信用是最突出的问题之一。 近年来,经济生活中失信失范的行为越来越广泛,情节越来越恶劣,严重影响经济改革和发展的大局。信用环境恶化已对社会经济生活产生诸多危害:市场缺乏信用严重影响社会的投资和消费,破坏企业的正常经营,加大企业经营成本;政府的宏观调控政策和工具难以发挥作用,企业不敢投资,银行不敢放贷,使政府启动投资、扩大内需政策的效用大打折扣;信用恶化还直接破坏社会的法制基础,各类经济主体在信用关系中难以形成以合同为基础的法律框架,许多企业以种种不正当的手段展开竞争,是造成社会风气败坏,道德水平滑坡。 制度是作为界定人们相互关系的约束机制。有正规(式)制度与非正规(式)制度之分。信用制度也是一种制度安排,同样是通过正式的信用制度与非正式的信用制度安排两种形式形成的,是对信用行为及关系的规范和保证,即约束人们某一特定类型活动的关系的行为规则。信用制度的一个主要功能在于减少经济活动和联系中的不确定因素,帮助人们形成稳定可靠的预期。非正式信用制度在我国缺失的主要表现为,人们普遍的守信意识的低下,中国优秀的道德规范传统只是人们口头的说教,而行动上的道德低下才是目前的一种普遍现象。而且最严重的是社会对非正式信用制度的破坏者显得相当的冷静和习以为常,这才是一种最危险的非正式制度;正式信用制度的缺陷主要是法制的滞后,具体表现为“无法可依”、“有法不依”与“执法不严”。 欧美发达国家信用制度的建设有着一百多年的实践经验,形成了相对完善的社会信用体系:社会信用意识强,形成对信用产品的巨大需求、有完善的法律体系和健全的信用管理体系,使信用中介机构的运作规范。社会信用体系的建立涉及经济、法律、社会等方面,是一个庞大而复杂的社会系统工程。学习征信国家的成功做法是我们的必然选择。 整顿和规范市场经济秩序,扩大内需,保持经济持续、稳定增长、经济全球化、完善社会主义市场经济体制等都体现了要求加快建立社会信用制度的迫切性和重要性。 建立社会信用体系:1、必须增强社会的守信意识,加大信用的教育、管理与研究。社会信用意识的提高是保证信用的成功建立与有效实施的保障。2、加强与信用建设的立法。信用建设,立法先行。特别是出台关于征信数据开放和规范使用的法律法规,法律法规应界定数据的开放与保密范围,做到既保证数据的开放,又要保护消费者的隐私及商业秘密和国家秘密。强调政府、企业和公民个人必需依法提供真实数据,对提供虚假信息的机构和个人必需要依法严惩;修改完善相关法律及配套的政策建设,特别是社会保障制度的建设。3、加强执法力度,强化信用的沽律保障。在“无法可依”与“有法不依”之间,有法不依才是导致社会信用失范的根源所在。加强对现有法律的执法力度,严格规制执法者,执法者应按程序执执法,违法必究,加大一切违法者的违信成本。4、建立完善的产权制度。产权制度是信用关系的前提,没有明砚的产权制度,就没有信用制度。5、规范政府行为,建立企业与个人信用体系。信用建设,政府为先。政府在为建立社会信用体系提供法律支持的同时,也必须加强自身的信用建设。政府的权威性决定了政府信用是整个社会信用体系的基础和重心,是建立真正的企业、个人信用的前提条件:深化改革,强化企业信用管理。企业是社会经济活动的一大主体,企业通过其生产的产品或提供的服务将干家万户连在了一起,构建企业信用,加建立现代企业制度;建立个人信用信息,刻不容缓。个人是社会的“细胞”,个人信用制度是建立社会信用的基石。建立个人信用制度,注重对个人信用制度的框架建设进行理论上的研究。6、信用中介机构的培育与规范。信用中介机构的规范发展是市场经济的必然要求,我国信用中介机构的建设才刚起步,政府在支持其建设的同时,也应加强管理,使信用行业形成有序竞争,规范发展的局面。

【Abstract】 Credit has its broad sense and narrow sense. Narrowly speaking it depends on the basis of the person who give credit to another person and makes the latter one have the ability of getting goods, service ,money and do not need to pay cash. Credit Peopletoften speak of just means this kind of narrow credit. In its broad sense, the content of credit is the unity of subjective honesty keeping one’s words and objective ability of paying back. Among the economic systems, the purpose is to seek the maximums of long-term benefit, its psychological promise which depends on keeping words honesty and will and ability which put the contract into practice on schedule, also its codes of conduct and trade rules which form and develop from them. This thesis mainly does with this kind of credit.Market economy is lawful economic and even credit economic. Credit is the modern market economic life. Since the 3rd conference of the 11th national congress of CPC. Our country has taken a series of measures and Policies, has carried out reform and opening up, So economy has changed from plan economy to market economy, Up to now, the socialist market economic system has been set up firstly and has stepped into the economic global trend. But many problems haven’t been solved and changed completely under the old economy system, Which blocks the normal motion and globules of economy greatly. And credit is one of the most projecting problems among them.In recent years, in our economy life, anti-credit and nonstandard behaviors have become more and more wide, the details have become more and more serious. All of them have a badly effect on the interests of our nation in economic development and reform. The worsening of credit surroundings has produced much damage to social economic life, such as: market which is short of credit affects the social investment and consume and destroys the normal management of enterprise, enlarges costs of enterprise management, makes the macroscopic control tool useless and enterprise are not willing to invest, banks aren’t willing to make loans ,and it’s difficult for the government to start investment and enlarge domestic demand, Even it directly damages the basic of social legal system, and all types of economic principal parts are difficult to form the legal frame in the basis of construction. Many enterprises compete in all kinds of improper ways and ruin the social atmosphere and decline the morals level.Institutions as a kind of blinding mechanism which limits the mutual relationbetween people have regular ones and irregular ones. Credit institutions is a certain arrangement too. It also include regular one and irregular one. It plans and guarantees credit behaviours and its relatives, which bind people’s certain specified acting behaviour rules, One of the main function of credit institution is to reduce the uncertain factors in economic activities and connections, and to help people form steady and reliable the desired results. The main expressions and damage of irregular credit institutions in china are that the outstanding moral customs are only people’s oral preaching and the present consciousness of keeping credit is low. And the most serious thing is that the society shows rather calm and is used to the informal credit institution. The damage of formal credit institution focuses on the drug of systems, such as no law to rely on ,not relying on the rule of law and denial of justice.The building of Euro-America developed countries has practical experience of over 100 years, and they have formed a relatively complete social credit system, for example, people have good consciousness of social credit, and they form a great demand of credit goods, and they have improved legal system and sound credit management system, which makes the media organizations work standard .The building of social credit system involves economy, law, society and so on .It is a innumerable and Complex social system project. It’s our inevitable choice to learn from the ways of credit checking countries.To

【关键词】 信用制度征信产权制度
【Key words】 CreditInstitutionCredit Checkingproperty Right Institution.
  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】2
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