

On Financing Problem of Chinese Private Enterprises

【作者】 张瑞

【导师】 古国耀;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 金融学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,尽管民营经济对社会发展的地位、作用已得到社会各层面的认同和重视,但出于种种深层的原因,目前民营企业融资仍十分困难。这与民营经济对社会经济的贡献和对未来经济社会的影响力极不相符。我们应清醒地看到从根本上改善民营企业融资环境、拓展融资渠道、切实解决企业融资瓶颈问题,是涉及到政府决策部门、管理部门及企业自身都要给予重视的现实问题。过去的理论研究更多地处于理论探讨层面,与现实条件和实际操作有一定的距离,欲很好地解决这个问题,就要牵涉到综合性、系统性的操作问题。 本文试图从分析当前民营经济、民营企业融资形势出发,在经济学理论分析的基础上,寻找切实可行的解决民营企业融资的方法和路径,以对在此方面的研究有所启示。

【Abstract】 The financing problem, which is regarded as "a bottleneck", has become outstanding and unavoidable for various reasons, with the private economy playing an increasingly important role in the national economy construction. Nowadays, the financing for the private enterprises does not match the development of private economy and its contribution to the national economy, as well as its future influence on social development. The research done on this field before and the measures proposed have been generally of pure theory and difficult to be realized. Based on the analysis of their present situation and guided by the economic theories, this paper proposes some countermeasures to deal with the "bottleneck" occurred in financing of private enterprises, such as strengthening the policy guide, opening the capital market, and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】659

