

Self-Efficacy of Macao Civil Servant Questionnaire: Construct and Analysis

【作者】 曾庆彬

【导师】 凌文辁;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 应用心理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过访谈、问卷调查、资料分析、因素分析等心理测量学和统计学的原理和方法,採用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析技术,对澳门公务人员自我效能感因素结构进行研究。结果表明,澳门公务人员我效能感由四个因素构成,即:工作态度(JA)、认知需求(CN)、工作信息(WM)及人际技能(RS)等。在此基础上,依据心理测量学原理和方法编制了「澳门公务人员自我效能感问卷」。 此外,自我效能感作为社会认知理论的核心概念,是认知中介的重要组成部份,应该会对压力感产生影响。故此,利用了「澳门公务人员工作压力感问卷」以检验「澳门公务人员自我效能感问卷」的关联效度。澳门公务人员压力感是由工作负荷量、无力感和不确定感三个因素构成。 从相关分析中发现,澳门公务人员自我效能感和压力感之间存在著显著的负相关(P<0.01),也就是说:自我效能感越强,压力感越轻;自我效能感越弱,压力感越重。由此推论澳门公务人员可从这四方面来判断其总体素质。

【Abstract】 This research showed the factors for Self-Efficacy of Macao Civil Servant by the exploratory factor analysis and the confirmatory factor analysis on the basis of theoretical analysis, data analysis, interview and questionnaire surveying. The results showed the self-efficacy of Civil Servant in Macao consists of four factors, which are: Factor 1 Relationship skills (RS): The mean is : how to deal with therelationship ability, conversation skill and so on.Factor 2 Working message ( WM ) : Civil Servant must understand the government ideal, and know the laws with job, and collect information from different channel.Factor 3 Job Attitude ( JA): The main point is that Civil Servant can be active and positive to respond problem in the work, and bring up some suggestion to help making decision for superior. Factor 3 Cognitive Need ( CN ) : Loving to do something that is verycomplicated, thinking more and learning new technique. In the other hand, use Stress scale for Macao Civil Servant to check the criterion-related validity with Self-Efficacy scale for Macao Civil Servant. Stress scale for Macao Civil Servant structure by three factors, working load, powerless and uncertain.Finally, between Self-Efficacy scale for Macao Civil Servant and Stress scale has related negative (P<0.01). Macao Civil Servant has to estimate their diathesis by these four factors.

【关键词】 公务人员自我效能感压力感
【Key words】 Civil ServantSelf-EfficacyStress
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】D676.59
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】330

