

A Study of Cost Control for Tlelecomunication Project

【作者】 周桂全

【导师】 王国庆;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,全球电信业一片萧条。中国电信业也随着市场的逐步放开和竞争的不断加剧,正在走向微利时代。ARPU值曲线每年都在令人痛心地下滑。为此,中国的电信企业必须清醒地认识到,成本已不仅是影响企业利润高低的一个因素,而且是一个影响到企业竞争力大小、生存发展潜力高低的重要因素。因此,必须运用有效的理论及其方法来降低企业的成本,特别是降低通信工程的成本。 本文首先导入现代企业成本控制理论,旨在阐明电信企业应该在新的市场环境下,转变观念,摒弃以前在通信工程管理中大手大脚、毫无成本控制意识的陈旧观念,提高企业管理人员在通信工程管理中对成本控制重要性的认识。其次,结合通信工程的特点和实际,重点介绍了实用性很强的价值工程和具有广阔应用前景的供应链管理在通信工程中的实际应用,从而论述了成本控制对降低通信工程造价、节约成本支出所起的巨大作用。最后,阐述了如何建立新型有效的保障措施以保障成本控制理论及其方法在通信工程中的可靠实现。 本文力求从通信工程的实际出发,结合目前世界上先进的成本控制理论,重点对通信工程中的决策、设计、物料管理等几个阶段的改革措施和控制方法进行了全面、详尽的论述,具有很强的实操性和指导性,这对当前面临巨大竞争压力的中国电信企业获取成本优势等都有重要的应用意义。

【Abstract】 In recent years.the global telecom industry has been in a desolate scene on all sides. The Chinese telecom industry is also on the way to the period of tiny interests as the telecom market is opened progressively and its competition is bitterer and bitterer. The curve of ARPU value is on the distressing decline annually. For this reason, the domestic carriers in China should be aware of that cost not only is a factor which affects the profit but also is a important factor which affects the competitive ability and existing potentiality of the enterprise. Therefore.effective theorey and its method must be applied to the reduction of cost in the enterprise, especially in the telecom project.This article first leads into the cost control theory of modern enterprise is for the purpose of expounding that facing the new market environment.the domestic carriers should change their sense and get rid of the obsolete concept that was very wasteful in the current management of telecom project, and deepen administrative personel’s understanding about the importance of cost contol in telecom project management. Secondly.it gives detailed introduction of many cost contol methods and its successful cases in modern enterprise, and then discusses how the cost control does play a great role in reducing telecom project cost. Finally.it elaborates how to establish the effective new secure measures so as to ensure the cost control theorey and its methods realized reliably in the telecom project.The article strives to use many real case studies in telecom project, and puts the stress exposition on the proposed reform actions or controlling methods of the decision. design and materals in telecom project menagement with the current advanced cost control theorey in the world. It possesses a very important applying significance to the Chinese telecom company which is confronted with huge competitive pressure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】493

