

Business Exploitation and Strategy Study for Macau Commercial Banks

【作者】 黎志明

【导师】 赵家敏;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 最近几年,澳门经济呆滞,投资减少固是主因。但当一个地区的发展已临界饱和,贷款的需求则可能因此而减少。虽然投资意欲下降,但从所公布的储蓄数字看,澳门市民现在并非一穷二白,只是苦无合适的投资途径。 以往,银行贷款只局限在对生产领域的放贷,使得银行的信贷风险过于集中。尤其在近年市场商品供大於求的矛盾日渐突出的情况下,企业生产能力大量闲置,大部分企业效益下降。市场的不确定性增加,银行的贷款质量也受到影响,发放贷款必须更加谨慎。在银行的资产负债表收缩情况下,银行已不可单单依赖利息收入。由于拓展商业借贷困难,银行已很难通过资产负债管理取得佳绩。 银行唯有通过拓展财富管理和非利息收入业务,来补偿利息收入的下降。开拓非利息收入业务,如积极销售债券、基金、存款证及股票等,进一步推出以市场化为取向的基金公司和基金产品,鼓励创新,凡是适应市场需求的品种,在有效控制风险的基础上,都应该积极推进。 从这个意义上看,拓展信贷消费和零售式投资产品正迎合了银行规避金融风险、调整信贷结构、寻找新的利润增长点的需求。澳门银行业的未来发展,亦应以投资银行业务、离岸银行业务和其他银行业务协同发展,作为新的经营目标。

【Abstract】 During recent years, the economy of Macau is sluggish. The major factor is the decrease in investment. In fact, loan demand for investment activities will also be diminishing when the development of a district is saturated. Albeit investment decreased, Macau citizens are people of wealth as reflected by their huge savings. It is merely the condition that a limited investment product has gotten on their nervous.In the past, banks used to concentrate on financing capital investment. Credit risks were not diversified. In the commodity market, supply is larger than demand recently. The condition has set aside a large portion of entrepreneurs’ productivity and deteriorated their efficiency. Uncertainties have affected loan quality and as a result drawn bankers’ prudent consideration in giving credits. As long as the loan portfolio contracts, banks cannot rely merely on interest income. In return of low growth in commercial lending, banks would not perform well in balance sheet management.In order to compensate the drop in interest income, banks are obliged to exploit products of wealth management and non-interest base businesses. Starting at retail of bonds, funds, deposit certificates and shares, more selling products will be sought from fund houses. Innovative products, which are in line with the market demand and under risk control, should be pushed forward. By virtue of new product exploitation, banks can avert risks, adjust loan portfolio and increase income. Therefore, the banks in Macau ought to take places in investment banking, off-shore banking and other banking businesses as their future development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】113

