

A Study on Marketing Framework of Exploration Tourism Programe of Xiya Travel Agency

【作者】 徐家成

【导师】 贾建民;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 西藏作为世界最高的高原、最大的藏族聚居地,有世界上极为珍稀、独特的自然风光和民族文化。西藏正以其得天独厚的自然景观和人文景观而日益成为世界性的旅游胜地,西藏的旅游业随着中国旅游业的蓬勃发展而发展很快。在此背景下成立的喜雅旅行社,以经营西藏的探险旅游为主业,但由于西藏的交通瓶颈制约等环境因素和喜雅自身的营销不力,旅行社业绩并不好。 本文通过环境分析和市场调查认为:喜雅旅行社的市场机会是好的,但西藏探险旅游安全性差、时间长、费用高,喜雅应该调整产品策略和营销策略。建议喜雅将主营业务从探险旅游改为含探险旅游项目的观光旅游,以京沪穗等东部现代化大都市、25-45岁、大专以上文化人士为最主要的目标市场。选择几条最经典的线路,建立确保安全性的和向会务延伸的服务体系,压缩拉萨本部的管理人员,扩大营销队伍,设立北京、上海、广州代办处,以直邮广告和直接营销为主,重点对这些城市的政府、高校的办公室、工会、学会等部门负责人进行接触,采取分利的手段,争取建立合作关系。 本文运用“4P”营销的概念,以市场为导向,结合旅行社自身特点,以营销思想对喜雅旅行社运营活动中的各个要素进行整合,力图建立西藏旅游业一种可操作性强、具有普遍意义的营销模式。

【Abstract】 Tibet as the highest plateau in the world and largest Tibetan community, endowed with unique natural landscape and human culture, is becoming one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Xiya Travel Agency (XTA) established with the booming development of Tibetan tourism industry focuses on Exploration Tour (ET) without a good profit due to some limitations of infrastructures and its uncompetitive marketing strategies.According to the environment analysis and a market survey, this study shows that XTA has a good market opportunity but it should adjust its products and marketing strategies because its ET is unsafe, time-consuming and costly. I propose that XTA should adjust its main business from ET to a regular sight-seeing tour including some ET features and focus on young travelers between the ages of 25-45 years old with university degrees in eastern modern metropolises such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. It should select several classical itineraries, establish secured service systems extending to conference service, reduce the total number of management personnel at Lhasa headquarters, increase marketing personnel, and establish representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. XTA should try to establish a cooperative relationship with government offices, universities, Labor Unions, communities and by direct marketing and profit sharing.This study makes efforts in establishing a universal making model that is easy to operate, employing 4P’s marketing strategies for the business operations of XTA based on its own characteristics.

【关键词】 营销西藏探险旅游
【Key words】 marketingTibetExploration Tour (ET)
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】573

