

【作者】 袁琦莉

【导师】 范莉莉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 国企改革已经进行20余年,作为国民经济重要组成部分的国有军工科研院所进行企业化改革已经刻不容缓。作为国防建设的中坚力量,国有军工科研院所长期依赖计划任务,得到国家重点扶持,拥有较好的技术优势、拥有一支较高素质的职工队伍,同时多年的国家技改支持创造了良好的研发环境。这样一支“国”字队面对市场竞争,为求得自身生存发展的需要,必须进行企业化改革。国有军工科研院所如何解决改革中遇到的种种问题,结合自身的优势,并借鉴国企改革的经验,将改革进行成功正是本文要探讨的主要问题。 本文对目前国有军工科研院所面临的外部环境进行了分析,阐述了国有军工科研院所进行企业化改革的必要性,并系统地分析了国际国内军工行业的发展趋势,探讨了国有军工科研院所企业化改革的难点。 本文的重点是对国有军工科研院所进行企业化改革过程中面临的主要问题如体制问题、运营机制问题以及人力资源问题进行了分析,其中对国有军工科研院所进行体制改革进行了重点分析,并对利用管理层收购这种思路来进行体制改革提出了自己的观点,本文还对国有军工科研院所在进行通过体制改革的同时转换经营机制、加大人力资本的约束和激励机制等方面进行了分析,并提出解决措施,旨在探索一条适应目前形势和发展需要的国有军工科研院所企业化改革之路。

【Abstract】 State-owned enterprise reform has been going on for over 20 years.As an important part of national economy, enterprise-oriented reform for state-owned military institute is now demanding immediate action. Being the backbone strength for national defence construction, state-owned military institute has accumulated very strong technological advantages and well-trained team staff due to emphasized support of the country under planned economy. Meanwhile, national technical renovation support for years has cultivated a good R&D environment as well. Such stated-owned i nstitute must c any o ut enterprise-oriented reform for s elf survival and development under market economy. How to solve problems of all kind during reform, how to bring forth self advantages and how to refer to reform experiences of other state-owned enterprises are all discussed in this article for a successful reform.In this essay the external environment faced by the stated-owned military institute,expounds the necessary of enterpristtional reform of the state-owned military institute,systematically construes the development trend of the military trade both at home and abroad ,and explores the difficulties of state-owned military institute for enterprisational reform.Problems faced by the stated-owned military institute during enterprisational reform,such as system reform,operation mechanism reform,human resource boltleneck,etc.,are analysed in emphases.Systemreform of the state-owned military institute ia especially anatomized and opinion on system reform by managentment level purchase is also given.Converting operation mechanism together with system reform,strengthening constraint and excitation of human resource capital,etc.are analyzed and corresponding solutions are presented as well in thia paper.the first part of this essay in detail and a conclusion lead out, i.e., enterprise-oriented reform for stated-owned military institute are now imperative.Main problems might be confronted with by stated-owned military institute during enterprise-orientedreform are analyzed in priority, among which organization system reform of stated-owned military institute are construed emphatically. The author’s ideas on administrator purchase are also put forward. The whole article is aimed at exploring a practicable reform path for stated-owned military institute under current situation.

  • 【分类号】E252
  • 【下载频次】206

