

Study on the Style of Operation and Maintenance of Qinghai-Tibet Railway

【作者】 卢向荣

【导师】 王齐荣;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 青藏铁路起自青海省省会西宁市,终点为西藏自治区首府拉萨市,全长约1956km,横贯青海、西藏两省区,是沟通我国内地与西南边疆的一条重要干线。青藏铁路建设对完善西部铁路路网结构,促进两省区经济发展,增强民族团结、巩固国防都有重要意义。青藏线西宁至格尔木段于1979年建成,1984年全段投入运营。西格段位于青海省境内,全长815km,目前是我国既有铁路中海拔最高的一条铁路。青藏铁路格尔木—拉萨段已经于2001年正式开工,预计2006年投入运营。由于青藏铁路所处地段的地理条件和恶劣的气象条件,为确保青藏铁路开通后正常安全运营,寻求合理的适合青藏高原地域特点的运营维修模式和安全保证措施是非常重要的。 文章结合兰州铁路局西宁铁路分局目前运营状况,中国铁路改革和发展方向,以及集通铁路、成达铁路目前运营情况,参考沈阳铁路局、上海铁路局机械化维修模式,运用系统工程分析方法,定性和定量地分析了青藏铁路格尔木—拉萨段开通运营后的机构设置、人员设备配置、运营维修模式及其发展趋势,提出了具有青藏铁路特色的养护维修模式的设想及其相应的安全保证措施。 青藏铁路公司采用新型机构设置和管理模式,按照公司制直接管理格拉段,西格段和远期格新段(格尔木—新疆)逐步纳入新型管理模式。公司机构设置按照运营与多经分开,网运分离的原则。公司主要由固定设施运营维修、移动设备运营维修、客货营销、调度指挥中心和经营开发公司等构成。固定设施运营维修由机械化维修公司和固定设施综合维修公司组成,集房建、信号、水电和线路设备养护维修于一体。线路设备综合维修和检查检测以机械化为主,由机械化维修公司负责。固定设备的其他养护维修由综合养护维修公司负责,按照维修中心模式统一管理固定设备的养护维修,按照一职多能、压缩机构、减少定员的原则。公司不设置线路、桥隧和路基等大修单位,需要时可以对外招标承包完成。综上所述措施,最终实现“缩减机构和定员、提高劳动生产率、保证运输安全、降低劳动强度”的目标。 文章采用层次分析法(AHP法)对线路设备机械化维修模式进行综合评价和分析,所得结论认为青藏铁路格拉段宜采用大型机械化和中型机械化相结合的维修模式,西格段也是采用大型机械化和中型机械化相结合的维修模式最优,但仍可保留目前小型机械化作为补充维修力量,以补充大型和中型 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第*页机械能力的不足,充分发挥目前西格段的现有机械设备和维修经验。同时也论证了在青藏铁路采用新型运营维修模式的可行性和科学性,并且提出了具有可操作性的固定设备大修、中修和养护维修模式。

【Abstract】 Qinghai-Tibet Railway about 1956km , started from Xining, the capital of Qinghai province, ended at Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Municipality, is an trunk line from the backland of our country to the South-west national border. The construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway is very important to the perfection of the west railway network framework, to the improve of the economic development of the two districts, to the harmonization of the relationship between the Han nationality and the minority nationalities and the stabilization of the national defence of the South-west part as well as the entire country. The section of the Xining-Golmud, about 815km, has completed in 1979 and put into operation in 1984, is the highest railway in our existing railways. The section of the Golmud-Lhasa started in 2001, is anticipated going into operation in 2006. Due to the special geographic and the vile climate conditions of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, it is very important to research the mode of Qinghai-Tibet railway operation, maintenance and the safety measures adapted to the special conditions.So this paper, based on the status of existing operation of the Xining Sub-administration of Lanzhou Railway Administration, Jining-Tongliao Railway located in Inner Mongolia Municipality and Daxian-Chengdu Railway located in Sichuan province, also taked the railway reform and development into account, consulted the mode of mechanized maintenance in Shenyang Railway Administration and Shanghai Railway Administration, by using both of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis method of systems engineering theory, analyzes the organization setup, the configure of personnel and equipment, the mode of operation and maintenance and its development after the Qinghai-Tibet railway has been put into operation.The paper suggests that the new organization setup andadministration mode should be adopted. The section of the Golmud-Lhasa should be adopted at the beginning of operation firstly; the section of Xining-Golmud and the section of Golmud- Sinkiang which is in the long-term programming should be followed gradually. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway Corporation, according to the principle of detaching service companies from operations, separating the railway infrastructure and operations, is composed of Railway Infrastructure Corporation, Mobile Equipment Corporation, Passenger and Cargo Transportation Corporation, Traffic Control Center and Service Companies. The Railway Infrastructure Corporation, responsible for the fixed facility maintenance and operation which include buildings and structures maintenance, water and electricity supply, signal repair and track maintenance, is composed of Mechanized Track Maintenance Corporation and Synthetic Maintenance Corporation. The Mechanized Track Maintenance Corporation is in charge of track geometry measure, rail flaw detection, mechanized comprehensive track maintenance and track medium maintenance. The Synthetic Maintenance Corporation on the principle of "one job with multi-duty" and reducing the fixed number of employees and departments, is in charge of regular maintenance of track, signal, bridge, buildings and tunnel structures, intermediate and overhaul repair of signal, buildings and structures, supply of water and electricity. While the major repair of track, roadbed, bridge and tunnel structures are not calculated. Whenever major repair is needed, to invite public bidding is a good idea.Along with all of the aforementioned measures, the target of reducing the fixed number of employees and departments, enhancing productivity and efficiency, assuring safety and reducing labor intensity, should be realized.In this paper, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method also be used to analysis and appraise the mode of mechanized track maintenance. The conclusion reflects that the mainframe-machine and mid-machine should be adopted in the section of the Golmud-Lhasa, minitype machineshould be used as added equipment in the section of Xining-Golmud in order to complement the capabili

  • 【分类号】U216
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】279

