

Design and Applied Analysis of Debris Flow Hazard Database Based on GIS

【作者】 严丽娟

【导师】 李永树;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,地理信息系统以其对空间数据强大的存储、查询、分析和处理功能,在各行各业中得到了广泛应用,同样在泥石流灾害的处理和分析研究中也不例外。泥石流灾害的形成和发展规律极其复杂,取决于地形、地质、气象、工程及人类活动等因素的综合影响,泥石流灾害资料中包含着显著的空间特征和复杂的属性信息。如何有效的存储、管理、交流,进而充分利用这些灾害资料,仅仅运用常规的数据库管理系统已经无法进行有效地处理。因此,利用地理信息系统技术,对复杂的泥石流灾害空间数据进行采集、存储、分类、查询检索,以及建立应用模型将是一条有效的途径。 本文在对泥石流灾害数据库进行总体设计的基础上,经过多方面分析最终选用优秀的国产地理信息系统软件MAPGIS为基础平台。探讨了在MAPGIS中如何快捷有效地建立泥石流灾害图形数据库,即按照矢量化、图形编辑、误差校正、图幅拼接等流程进行;选用Microsoft Access建立泥石流灾害属性数据库;通过在图形数据库和属性数据库中设立主关键字来实现图形数据和属性数据的无缝连接。深入研究了利用Visual BASIC开发工具结合MapInfo开发平台进行集成开发,建立泥石流灾害信息系统,实现泥石流灾害信息的管理、查询检索和统计分析等。最后,探讨了泥石流灾害信息系统应用分析模块,通过实例对部分应用模块进行了深入研究,如泥石流预测预报的危险度评价分析以及空间分析,其中包括对空间分析中的地形分析、叠加分析和缓冲区分析进行了较全面地探讨,论证了泥石流灾害的部分形成机理。同时,通过泥石流灾害应用分析实例验证了泥石流灾害数据库的合理性和可靠性,并且丰富了泥石流灾害数据库的内容和完善其结构。 本文通过对泥石流灾害数据库的设计与应用分析,初步探索了一条高效管理泥石流数据的途径,为存储和查询泥石流灾害信息、分析泥石流灾害空间特性、空间信息与属性信息之间的相互关系、泥石流灾害的预测预报及综合防治等项工作提供了可供借鉴的方法。

【Abstract】 The shaping and developing disciplines of debris flow hazard are very complicated due to the fact that they depend on the combined effects of terrain, geology, weather, engineering and people’s activity, etc. Meanwhile, the debris flow data contain remarkable spatial character and complex attribute information. How to save, manage, exchange and make the best of the hazard data effectively? Because the failure of resolving the problem based on the solo traditional database management system (DBMS) , an advanced solution based on the latest geographic information system (GIS) is called up.In the past years, GIS has been applied extensively in every walk of life for its strengthened functions for data procession, i.e. spatial data storing, querying, analyzing and managing. Thus using GIS technique to manage the debris flow hazard’s spatial data would be a suitable method.Based on the wholly design of the debris flow hazard database, this thesis begins with setting up the debris flow hazard graph database with MAPGIS tool. following the work flows, i.e. vectorization, graphic edit, error adjustment and map collection. Then attribute database is set up with Microsoft Access. And more, the conjunction of graph and data is realized seamlessly by setting a main-keyword in the database. Which more, the debris flow hazard information system is set up by Visual BASIC and Maplnfo tools, which realizes the debris flow hazard’s management, query, statistical analysis, etc. Lastly, the correlated data selected from the system to realize auto-forecast for the debris flow hazard (e.g. risk analysis), and discuss spatial analysis for the debris flow hazard, which includes terrain analysis, overlay analysis, buffer analysis to uncover shaping rules of the debris flow hazard. At the same time, experimental data set is imported to the debris flow hazard database to validate the debris flow hazard database’s reliability, feasibility, etc.The thesis discusses the theories related to debris flow hazard database design and analysis, as to find a solution to manage data effectively. And some useful conclusions and experiences in the process of system design andrealization are offered in the end.

  • 【分类号】P642.23
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】678

