

Load Harmonics Analysis & Simulation of Different Work Conditions Based on Locomotives

【作者】 赵四洪

【导师】 王晓茹;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来我国电气化铁道发展很快,铁路电气化率接近30%,并承担铁路总运量的50%以上,给国民经济带来了巨大的经济效益。但是电气化铁道从电网取得工频能量的同时,向电网注入了大量的高次谐波电流,降低了供电质量,影响了继电保护的正确动作和电气量测量的精度,威胁牵引变电所的安全运行及电网中其他用电设备正常工作。 为了从根本上抑制电力牵引负荷谐波带来的影响,削弱谐波对牵引供电系统主元件、保护测控装置和其他用户电子设备的影响,有必要研究电气化铁道牵引谐波产生的机理,确定馈线电流谐波的含量与分布状况。论文根据电力机车类型的不同,运用电路、电磁场和电力电子学理论研究了交—直型电力机车相控整流时谐波的产生机理、励磁涌流的电磁过程,并对晶闸管相控整流和励磁涌流时的理论谐波含量进行了傅里叶分析。为了研究牵引负荷谐波状况,论文建立了牵引供电网络——电力机车系统的数学模型,并在此基础上运用MATLAB/Simulink构建了牵引供电——机车系统几种典型工况下的仿真模型,仿真了机车在不同工况下谐波电流的含量,并通过变电所实测录波数据验证了该仿真模型和谐波理论分析的正确性。 论文还根据交—直—交型机车的实际参数,运用MATLAB/Simulink对交—直—交型机车进行了数学仿真研究,阐释了其负荷工况和谐波特点,为运行交—直—交型机车的牵引供电系统馈线保护发展做了有益的基础工作。

【Abstract】 Electrified railroads in our country have quickly developed in recent years and have amounted to 30% of whole railroads. The electrified railroads that undertake 50% of total transportation bring a great benefit to national economy. However, a large amount of harmonic is generated in the power network when the electrified railroads loads consume fundamental frequency electric power. These harmonics make bad effect on the operation of protection relays and the precision of electricity measures, worsen the power quality and threaten the security of traction substations as well as other equipments in power system.It is necessary to study the mechanism of harmonics generation, make sure the content and distribute of harmonics current in order to alleviate their harm to traction power system’s component, equipments of protect and measure as well as other customer’s electronics equipments. Besed on the circuit, electromagnetism and electric power electronics theories, we have done some theory research on the harmonics induced by thyristor commutate circuits of AC-DC locomotive, surge electromagnetism process. We calculate the theory content of harmonics using the Fourier arithmetic under thyristor commutate and surge electrmagnetism process. In order to study the electrical traction load’s harmonics, the thesis establishs the power supply network-locomotive model, and simulates several typical work conditions of traction power system with AC-DC locomotives utilizing the MATLAB/ Simulink tools. The magnitudes of harmonics have been gotten in several different work conditions and their correctness has been proved by comparison with the results from the field records measurements.This thesis also carries digital simulations of AC-DC-AC locomotives with actual parameter of locomotive using MATLAB/Simulink. The load harmonics characteristics of AC-DC-AC locomotives are presented, whichwill be helpful for the development of feeder protection relays of traction power system with AC-DC-AC locomotives.

  • 【分类号】U264
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】811

