

Development of the CAD System of the Cantilevered and Single_Sustained Diaphragm Based on Object_Oriented

【作者】 岳立

【导师】 吴培明;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我高层建筑和市政工程建设规模的日益扩大,需要一种既能满足一定的强度、刚度和稳定性要求;又能满足低噪音,低污染要求的地下结构形式。地下连续墙应运而生,较好地满足以上要求,在我国得到大量应用。但是我国现阶段还没有一套集设计计算,数据处理和施工图自动绘制于一体的综合地下连续墙软件产生。为了满足实际工程的需要,本文作者以微薄之力,试着开发一套集计算与绘图一体的,以VC++6.0和AUTOCAD的ObiectARX软件包为支持的地下连续墙CAD系统。 本系统的软件开发共两大部分:设计计算程序的开发和绘图程序的开发。这两部分程序的开发都贯穿了面向对象的思想,即在程序开发中,将大部分精力用于定制本系统的特定的类,这些类包含了地下连续墙设计过程的数据输入,输出,数据处理,数据传递,施工图绘制的全部内容。其中,每个类利用类的封装机制实现了数据的抽象和信息的隐藏,既保证了每个类的相对独立性,又保证了程序的的易读性,易维护性和可扩展性,使本系统成为一个开放体系,为以后程序的完善和扩展打下基础。 为实现面向对象的编程,本系统在选用开发工具时,分别选用了基于面向对象的VC++6.0和AUTOCAD 2000的ObiectARX软件包。用VC++6.0开发计算程序时,采用了单文档结构,即创建一个单文档模板类对象,该对象包含了一个文档类CMyDoc和一个视图类CMyView。文档类履行数据计算和管理职责,隐藏在系统内部,不对用户开放;视图类负责整个计算程序的主窗口、输入输出对话框的显示和所有类的引用。此外,系统还自定义了一系列数据输入输出类,用于数据输入输出。同样,对绘图程序的开发,也是先定制了一系列图块类,整个施工图就由这些图块类构成;在类定制完毕后,将计算程序的计算结果传入绘图程序中,然后创建图块类的对象,将这些对象加入系统图形数据库,自动生成施工图。这样,就使整个系统成为一体,能自动完成地下连续墙的设计,施工全过程。

【Abstract】 As the growing scale of the high-level architecture and city engineering in recent years, a underground structure with strength, stiffness, stability and low noise is most needed. Thus a underground structure of diaphragm is used widely in our country to meet the demand. However, the software of diaphragm which integrates data computing, processing and working drawing auto-painting hasn’t come into use. In this paper, a new CAD system of diaphragm based on VC++6.0 and ObjectARX software kit is proposed to combine functions of computing and working drawing.This software system is consisted of two major blocks: computing block and drawing block. The two blocks are developed with the method of object-oriented programming and classes are designed to realize the functions of data input& output, data processing and working drawing. The encapsulate of class achieves the data abstraction and information hiding. At the same time, it makes sure not only the independence of classes also the readability, ability of maintenance and expansibility of the programme. Based on the classes, this system is a open system and constructs a sound ground for future work..This system is developed on VC++6.0 and ObjectARX software kit of AUTOCAD 2000.The main frame is built on the single document template which includes one document class CMyDoc and one View class of CMyView. The class of CMyDoc is in charge of data computing and managing which are invisible to users, while the CMyView constructs the main window, displays the input/output dialogue box and cites of all other classes. On the other hand, the system customized a serial of input&output class for data I/O. ObjectARX software kit is used for working drawing. Drawing block classes are designed for drawing. When the result of the data computing is passed into painting block, the drawing block objects are created and the objects are added into system graphic database , thus the working drawing is auto_drawn. Tests proved that the system fulfilled the tasks of diaphragm design and working drawing auto painting perfectly.

【关键词】 面向对象VC++6.0ObjectARX地下连续墙
【Key words】 object-orientedVC++6.0ObjectARXdiaphragm
  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】119

