

Study of Anti-Slipping Scheme for Double-Siding Steel Cofferdma of the Fourth Pier in Apengjiang Bridge

【作者】 王万锋

【导师】 李成辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 渝怀铁路第20标段阿蓬江大桥全长343.06m,主跨为60m的预应力混凝土连续梁,4#墩是其一个主墩,基础采用双壁钢围堰与钻孔桩相结合的复合基础。基础位于深水且倾斜度较大的河床上,地质条件较为复杂,因此双壁钢围堰具有向下滑移的趋势。为了有效的保证工程的实施,本文着重研究并解决了上述问题。为此本文主要做了以下工作: 首先根据4#墩基础的具体条件,通过对现有常用的几种抗滑方案的综合比较分析,提出了以工程本身的钻孔桩基础代替锚固柱桩防止钢围堰滑移的方案。 然后对选定的抗滑方案进行理论分析,分别进行抗滑受力检算、封底混凝土强度检算、钢围堰抗浮检算、支桩受力检算和稳定受力检算,从理论上验证本方案的可行性。 最后根据本抗滑方案的理论分析和受力检算,论证了相关的施工工艺和施工过程控制,提出了切实可行的施工方案,从而确保了本方案的可实施性。 本文的研究成果应用于阿蓬江大桥实际施工中,既加快了施工进度,又节省了投资。通过渝怀铁路建设指挥部的验收,得到了抗滑方案措施得力、质量优良的评价。 本文所提出的双壁钢围堰与钻孔桩相结合的复合基础在倾斜度较大的河床上的抗滑方案在实际工程的施工中是合理的、可行的,本文的研究成果对以后类似工程的施工有一定的借鉴和指导的作用。

【Abstract】 Apengjiang Bridge, in the 20th contract sector of YuHuai Railway, is 343. 06m long. Its main span, which is 60m long, is made up of prestressed concrete continuous beam. The fourth pier, one of the main piers, adopts the compound foundation constituted with double-siding steel cofferdam and drilled shafts which stands on the deep-water and slopping river bed where geological condition is very complex, so the cofferdam has the trend of slippage. In order to ensure construction of the project efficiently, the questions above are studied and resolved. Works are accomplished as follows in this paper:Firstly, according to the real condition of the fourth pier, through analysis of several generally-used anti-slipping schemes, new method has been put forward to substitute anchored column pile with the foundation of drilled shafts so as to prevent cofferdam from slipping. Secondly, based on the theoretical analysis of the chosen anti-slipping scheme, anti-slipping stress test, strength test of sealed-cover concrete, anti-floating test of cofferdam, stress test of supporting pile and stress test of stability are processed respectively, which proves that the new scheme presented in this paper is feasible. Thirdly, according to the theoretical analysis and the stress test of the scheme, correlative construction technologies and controls are demonstrated and efficient scheme for construction is supposed, which ensure feasibility of the scheme.Results and achievements obtained in this paper has been applied to the real construction of Apengjiang Bridge, which not only speeds the project schedule but also economizes the project. And it has been made high praises by YuHuai railway construction headquarters for its great contributions to the whole construction.The scheme put forward in this paper which is briefly described above is reasonable and feasible in the practical project. Thereby, the research achievements obtained in this paper will play the referring and guiding roles for later similar projects.

  • 【分类号】U445.556
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】142

