

Study on the Design of Urban Land Rent Collection Management System Based on GIS

【作者】 任丽燕

【导师】 聂宜民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土壤学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 地理信息系统(Geographic Information Systems,简称GIS)是一种采集、存储、管理、分析、显示与应用地理信息的计算机系统,是分析和处理海量地理数据的通用技术。自20世纪60年代产生以来,已广泛应用于资源管理与环境保护、城市基础设施管理、交通管理、灾害监测、农业等众多领域。全球信息化步伐的加快,特别是“数字地球”的提出,更进一步推动了作为其技术支撑的GIS技术的发展。GIS必将应用于更加广泛的领域,深入社会生活的各行各业。未来的GIS将朝着3S集成、与专家系统结合、3维GIS、时态GIS、虚拟GIS及组件式、开放式、网络化、面向对象GIS方向发展。我国土地有偿使用制度改革正逐步走向深化,国有土地有偿使用方式呈多元化发展趋势。土地租赁即是在这种形势下产生的一种有偿用地方式。国有土地租赁制以其灵活性和适用性,一经产生便在全国范围内迅速推广,取得了良好效果,发展前景十分广阔。我国实行城镇国有土地租赁制以来,理论界的经济学家、法律学者进行了不懈探索,实践工作者不断总结实践经验,目前对这一有偿使用制度的研究主要集中在其适用范围、权利及流转、租赁年限、租金标准等具体运作上。随着国有土地租赁制的推广,许多地市国土资源管理部门已开展地租征收业务,经调查发现,这些部门的业务管理还都以纸介质存储和管理为主,信息化水平低,不能满足准确、高效的现代化管理要求。土地管理信息化的发展,各项土地管理业务逐步纳入自动化管理,地籍管理、土地利用管理、土地规划、土地定级估价等土地管理信息系统子系统的建立,促使地租征收业务尽快纳入信息化管理轨道。目前对地租征收管理信息系统的开发尚无研究报道,本论文在综述国有土地租赁制的具体运作方式,寻找理论依据的基础上,探讨了地租征<WP=7>收业务在GIS平台上的信息化,建立了地租征收管理信息系统。该系统是在对泰安等地市的地租征收业务进行详细考察,了解用户需求的基础上,运用“自上而下”和“自下而上”相结合的方法,以实用性、先进性、可靠性为原则,应用VBA进行ArcObjects编程,对ArcView8.2进行的二次开发。系统按照地租征收业务的一般工作流程,实现了图形、属性数据的录入、编辑,租金计算,浏览查询,属性数据分析,图形、报表的打印输出及其他办公自动化功能,并通过ArcIMS进行了网络数据发布。系统实现了地租征收管理业务的数字化和动态管理,将地理信息系统技术成功应用于地租征收业务,探索了如何用VBA进行ArcObjects编程实现专业功能,实现了数据共享及与地价系统的数据集成。系统界面友好,操作简单明了,以泰安市地租征收业务为例建立数据库进行实际应用,效果良好,提高了地租征收工作效率和自动化管理水平。系统应用前景良好,将对土地管理信息化、国土资源数字化起到积极的推进作用。

【Abstract】 GIS is a kind of computer system for capturing, storing, manipulating, analyzing, displaying and applying geographic informations. It’s a kind of universal technology for analyzing and manipulating vast geographic data. It has been applied to many fields such as resources management and environment protection, city basic establishments management, traffic management, disaster monitoring and agriculture etc. from 1960s. With the rapid development of global information, especially the advance of "digital earth", GIS is further promoted as its technologic support. GIS will be applied to every walk of life. GIS will integrate with GPS and RS, integrate with ES. 3DGIS, TGIS, VGIS, ComGIS, Open GIS, WebGIS and object oriented GIS will be developed in the future.The reform of charged land use system is deepened and many fashions are developed in China. Land rent system is one of these fashions, which is flexible and applicable, and spreads rapidly in the whole country from its bearing. It has got well effects and it is promising even its new bearing. Many economists and jurisprudents explored with efforts, and people who practiced summarized experience from the system being practiced. The researches on this system are concentrated upon the applying range, rights and rights transference, leasing time, rent, etc. at the present time. With the spread of land rent system, the rent collection work is developed in many land management departments. Investigating the work we find that the<WP=9>managements are almost based on the paper. It can’t meet the need of modern management. Cadastral management system, land utilization management system, land use planning system, land classification and evaluation system, etc. were built. Land rent collection is promoted to be managed with computers, too. The design of land rent collection management system hasn’t been done. This paper discussed the detailed manipulation of land rent system, found the theoretic foundations, and then designed the urban land rent collection management system. Combining GIS with the collection management work, this system was built by developing ArcView8.2 with ArcObjects in VBA after studying the work of land rent collection at Tai’an, using the method of "from top to bottom" combined with "from bottom to top". This system provided the functions of editing, calculating, browsing and finding, attribute data analysis, printing, etc. and the data were distributed on internet by ArcIMS. The system realized the digital management and dynamic management, realized the specialty functions by exploring how to program with ArcObjects in VBA, and realized data share and integration with land classification and evaluation system. The system improved the efficiency and management level with its friendly interface and simple operation by applying to the land rent collection work at Tai’an after building the database.

  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】223

