

Analysis about Features of Wheat Hybrid Starch Gelatinisation

【作者】 荆延东

【导师】 孙兰珍;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对由5个亲本组成的完全双列杂交试验,利用RVA快速粘度测定技术,对小麦杂交种籽粒的淀粉糊化特性进行了相关及杂种优势分析研究,结果表明,亲本峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度、回冷值、峰值时间5项之间呈高度相关。稀懈值与峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度、回冷值、峰值时间之间有一定的负相关。F1代杂交种峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度之间呈高度相关。峰值粘度与回冷值之间相关系数呈高度相关。峰值时间与稀懈值之间有一定的负相关。淀粉糊化特性在杂交种与亲本的相关性方面正交与反交效应一致。杂交种峰值粘度与母本有一定的相关性。峰值粘度受母本的影响较大。以淄麦12号作亲本时其杂交种峰值粘度受母本的影响要大于父本,且倾向于低亲。以鲁麦14号为亲本的杂交种,其峰值粘度以母本效应为主。以PH85-16为亲本的杂交种峰值粘度主要受父本的影响,与母本无关。以924142为亲本的杂交种峰值粘度主要受父本的影响,且呈反向趋势。以山农2618为亲本的杂交种峰值粘度受双亲影响,母本的影响稍大于父本,且明显倾向于低亲。低谷粘度正交与中亲值的相关性最大,与母本也有一定的相关性,同时反交与父本的相关性大于母本,低谷粘度受中亲值的影响较大,受母本的影响大于父本。以淄麦12号为亲本的杂交种低谷粘度既受母本的影响也受父本的影响,且有倾向于低亲的趋势。以鲁麦14号为亲本的杂交种低谷粘度主要受母本的影响。以PH85-16为亲本的杂交种低谷粘度既受母本的影响,也受父本的影响,母本的影响大于父本。以924142为亲本的杂交种低谷粘度主要受父本的影响,且倾向于低亲。以山农2618为亲本的杂交种低谷粘度主要受父本的影响,且倾向于低亲。 最终粘度正交与母本的相关性最大,与高亲、中亲、低亲相关性渐弱。反交与父本的相关性,与高亲、中亲、低亲的相关性和正交的相应相关系数相等,最终粘度受母本的影响为主。以淄麦12号为亲本的杂交种最终粘度受双方亲本的影响均明显。以鲁麦14号为亲本的杂交种最终粘度主要受母本的影响,同时,当其作母本时,其杂交种最终粘度主要受高亲的影响,当其作父本时,主要受低亲的影响。以PH85-16为亲本的杂交种最终粘度主要受另一亲本的影响。以924142为亲本的杂交种最终粘度与单一亲本的相关性较弱。以山农2618为亲本的杂交种最终粘度主要受另一亲本的影响,且明显倾向于低亲。 各组合杂交种峰值时间依次与中亲值的相关性最大,杂交种峰值时间主要受双亲中亲值的影响,且倾向于低亲,受母本的影响最小。以淄麦12号作亲本的杂交种峰值时间主要受另一亲本的影响,且倾向于低亲。以鲁麦14号为亲本的杂交种峰值时间受母本的影响较大。以PH85-16为亲本的杂交种峰值时间受父本的影响较大。以924142为亲本的杂交种峰值时间受父本的影响较大。当其作母本时倾向于低亲,当其作父本时受高亲的影响较大。以山农2618为亲本的杂交种峰值时间受另一亲本的影响较大。杂交种糊化温度与高亲、父本的相关性最高,杂交种糊化温度受高亲、父本<WP=5>的影响最大。以淄麦12号为亲本的杂交种糊化温度主要受低亲的影响。以鲁麦14号为亲本的杂交种糊化温度受母本的影响较大。当作母本时,倾向于低亲,当父本时倾向于高亲。以PH85-16为亲本的杂交种糊化温度受另一亲本的影响较大。以924142为亲本的杂交种糊化温度也主要受另一亲本的影响较大,且明显倾向于高亲。以山农2618为亲本的杂交种糊化温度受父本的影响大些。杂交种回冷值与母本、高亲的相关性最高,回冷值受母本的影响较大,且倾向于高亲 。以淄麦12号和鲁麦14号为亲本的杂交种回冷值受母本的影响较大,且明显倾向于高亲。以PH85-16为亲本的杂交种回冷值受双亲的共同影响以山农2618为亲本的杂交种回冷值受另一亲本的影响较大,且倾向于低亲。 杂交种稀懈值与亲本的相关性均不明显。稀懈值亲本与杂交种间变化较大。以淄麦12号为亲本的杂交种稀懈值受另一亲本的影响大些。以鲁麦14号和924142为亲本的杂交种稀懈值受母本的影响较大。以PH85-16为亲本的杂交种稀懈值受父本的影响较大。当其为母本时,杂交种稀懈值倾向于低亲。以山农2618为亲本的杂交种稀懈值受母本的影响较大。且倾向于高亲。RVA测验值的杂交种优势中,中亲平均优势不明显。而峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度、回冷值有较明显的超低亲优势。糊化温度也有弱的超低亲优势。峰值时间与稀懈值的超低亲优势不明显。

【Abstract】 This study is based on the hybrid of 5 parents, Zimai 12, Lumai 14, 924142, PH85-16 and Sn2618. The result show the analysis about correlations and hybrid vigor of wheat hybrid starch gelatinisation by RVA. This study show that there are high correlations among the PV , TV, FV, SB and PT of the 5 parents. There are a few minus correlations of BD to PV, TV, FV and PT. There are high correlations among PT, TV, FV of F1. The PV and SB of F1 is high correlated. There is minus correlaton between PV and BD of F1.There is correlation between orthogonal hybrid and its femal parent on PV. The reciprocal hybrid and its male parent is the same. The PV of F1 is mainly influenced by its male parent when Zimai 12 is one of its parents, and the PV is inclined to the low parent. As Lumai 14 is the parent, the PV is mainly influenced by the female parent. As PH 85-16 or 924142 is the parent, the PV is mainly influenced by the male parent. When the parent is Sn2618, the PV is mainly influenced by the female parent, and is inclined to the low parent.The correlation of TV between orthogonal hybrid and the AP (average of parents) is high. The TV of F1 is mainly influenced by the AP. As Zimai 12 is one of the parents, the TV of F1 is influenced by their two parents, and the TV of F1 is inclined to the low parent. As Lumai 14 or PH 85-16 is the parent, the TV of F1 is influenced mainly by the female parent. When the parent is 924142, the TV of F1 is mainly influenced by the male parent ,and is inclined to the low parent. When Sn2618 is the parent, it is the same.The correlation of FV between orthogonal hybrid and the female parent is the highest one. When Zimai 12 is one of the parents, the FV of F1 is influenced by two parents. When the parent is Lumai 14, it is mainly influenced by the female parent. As PH 85-16 or Sn2618 is one of the parents, the TV of F1 is mainly influenced by the other one.The highest correlation of PT is the correlation between F1 and AP. That is , the PT of F1 is main ly influenced by AP, and it is inclined to the low parent. When Zimai 12 or Sn2618 is one of the parent, it is mainly influenced by the female parent. When PH85-16 is the parent, it is mainly influenced by the male parent.The correlation of PTem between F1 and high parent and male parent is high. When<WP=42>Zimai 12 is one of the parents, the PTem of F1 is mainly influenced by the low parent. If Lumai 14 is the parent, it is mainly influenced by the male parent. When the parent is PH85-16 or 924142, it is mainly influenced by the other parent, and when the parent is 924142, it is inclined to the high parent. When the parent is Sn2618, it is mainly influenced by the male parent.The correlation of SB between F1 and female parent and high parent is high, and the SB of F1 is inclined to the high parent. When PH85-16 is one of their parents, the SB of F1 inclined to the low parent. If Sn2618 is the parent, it is mainly influenced by the other parent, and is inclined to the low parent.The correlation of BD between F1 and their parents is low, the BD if F1 there is a random show. If Zimai 12 is one of the parents, the BD of F1 is mainly influenced by the other parent. When the parent is Lumai 14 or 924142, it is mainly influenced by male parent. As PH85-16 is the parent, it is mainly influenced by male parent, and it is inclined to the high parent.Among the hybrid vigor of RVA, there is no evident one. But the hybrid vigor of PV, TV, FV, SB to low parents are clear. The hybrid vigor of PTem is low.

【关键词】 小麦RVA杂交种相关杂交种优势
  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【下载频次】55

