

Selection of Substrates of Factory Seedling--Physico-chemical Quality Variety of Peanut Shell Decomposed with Different Nitrogen and Its Effects on Growth of Lycopersicum Esculentum Seedling

【作者】 赵永英

【导师】 孙治强;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 为进行和推广工厂化育苗,寻找、利用能替代草炭的适宜番茄育苗的工厂化优质育苗基质,本研究以花生壳为主料,在其腐熟过程中分别添加不同水平的尿素、复合肥、鸡粪作为氮源,并对腐熟前后花生壳的理化性质变化进行分析。以腐熟后的纯花生壳基质或花生壳、草炭及蛭石以不同比例混合的复合基质作为番茄育苗基质,根据各处理下番茄幼苗生长形态及各生理指标的分析,确定不同育苗基质的品质。试验结果表明:1.腐熟后的花生壳容重、毛管孔隙度变大,总孔隙度和通气孔隙度变小;阳离子代换量和电导率增大,pH值在6.0~7.0之间。2.除CKl外,所有处理中全氮、全磷、全钾以及有机质含量都有不同程度的增加,且添加鸡粪处理中全磷和全钾整体上最高。3.采用腐熟花生壳育苗时,除A3、A4两个处理因肥量过大导致育苗失败以外,其它处理出苗率均达到90%以上,与对照之间差异不显著。4.纯花生壳育苗时,添加不同尿素、复合肥和鸡粪处理均在不同程度上表现出优于对照草炭的育苗效果。37天苗龄期间添加复合肥9kg/立方花生壳处理(B3)生长量最高,37天后,添加鸡粪60kg/处理立方花生壳处理(C3)的长势增强并达到最高。添加尿素处理中以A1(添加尿素2kg/立方花生壳)表现的最好,添加复合肥的处理中B3(添加复合肥9kg/立方花生壳)最突出,添加鸡粪的处理中,前37天C2(添加鸡粪40kg/立方花生壳)表现最好,37天后C3(添加鸡粪60kg/立方花生壳)超过了C2达到最高。在混合基质育苗中,由A1、B3、C2配制的处理都表现出了优于对照的特性。其中以C2-01(50%花生壳+30%草炭+20%蛭石,腐熟时添加鸡粪40kg/立方花生壳)表现最好。另外,在不同配比中,以花生壳占50%的处理表现的好。5.未腐熟花生壳和腐熟时不添加氮源的处理,严重抑制幼苗的生长,在和草炭、蛭石混合后仍不能改变幼苗的生长状况,不能培育出壮苗,不能用于番茄工厂化育苗。6.腐熟时添加酵素菌(A5)和EM(A6)的两个处理,在育苗中明显表现出优于A2的效果,尤其是EM,随着生育期的延长,有利于提高幼苗的干 河南农业大学硕士毕业论文:工厂化育苗基质筛选物质积累和生理活性。试验证明,花生壳在补充氮源并加以适量肥量腐熟后具有优质育苗基质特性,是草炭的替代基质:单独或混以不同比例的草炭。蛙石,可作为番茄育苗基质用于工厂化育苗。

【Abstract】 In order to acquire good substrates for factory seedling as the substitute for peat media , the physical and chemical characters of peanut shell which had been composted with different levels of urea(part A), compound-fertilizer(part B) and chicken-manure(part C) and then the effect of pure peanut shells or mixed with different level of peat on tomato( lycopersicum esculentum} seedling growth were further studied. All of the results were summarized as follows: 1. After being decomposed, the bulk containing density capacity of peanut shell increased, so did the total porosity, however, the air-filled porosity decreased; Cation exchange capacity and electric conductivity also increased same, pH scale lied in 6.0^7.0 ; 2. Except for the control 1, the total nitrogen(N)> phosphorus(P)> potassium(K) and organic matter in all other treatment increased. 3. With the decomposed peanut shells used for sowing, all of the treatments had very high seedling ratio, except for AS and A,*. 4. With pure peanut shell substrates for seedlings culture, the growth quality of most treatments apparently exceeded that of peat media. Within 37 days after sowing, B3 treated with 9 kg compound-fertilizer per cubic peanut shells grew fastest. After 37 days, the growth of Cs which was treated with 60 kg chicken-manure media exceeded that of 63. The tomato (lycopersicum esculentum) seedlings culturing on mixed substrates added with same nitrogen fountain grew better than the controls on peat media. Especially, the substrate, A1 added 2 kg urea per cubic peanut shells was the best in all the treatments with urea, and B3 was the best in the treatments with compound-fertilizer; For the media with chicken-manure, C2 added 40 kg chicken-manure per cubic peanut shells was known as the best for seedlings 37 days old; Furthermore ,C3 added 60 kg chicken-manure per cubic peanut shells is superiority for seedling culture; To mixed culture media, the treatments withA1, 63,C2 and some media material appeared better than others of peat media. C2-01 (50%peanut shells +30%peat +20% vermiculite)in which 40 kg chicken-manure had been added during one cubic peanut shells decomposition) is best. It is known that tomato ( lycopersicum esculentum) seedlings growth is influenced by substrates with different content of peanut shells. In our experiment, Seedlings culturing on the substrates with 50% content peanut shells were best. 5. During seedling growth, the growth of tomato (lycopersicum esculentum) seedlings on the peanut shell substrates, which was fresh or decomposed without nitrogen fountain, was seriously inhibited and could not get better to be used as the substitute for tomato seedling, even if peat was mixed with it. 6. The treatments decomposed with Eymogenic bacteria (As) and EM (Ae) were obviously superior than that dealt without Eymogenic bacteria, especially, to the treatment with EM (Effective Micro-organisms) , the dry matter quantity and physiology activity of seedlings were improved with the longer growth period. Therefore, we conclude that pure composted peanut shells, after being decomposed with some suitable nitrogen material or mixed with peat and vermiculite, certainly can be used as the good substitute for peat media infactory-seedling.

  • 【分类号】S359
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】598

