

Studies on Effect of N、P、K on Eco-organic Soilless Cucumber of Growth and Development

【作者】 孙军利

【导师】 孙治强; 蒋卫杰;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 试验以黄瓜品种中农202为试材。通过育苗试验、春茬栽培试验及秋茬栽培试验,采用二次回归饱和D—最优设计系统地研究了固态氮、磷、钾肥施入量对有机生态型无土栽培黄瓜各生育期及不同生长季节生长发育的影响。 育苗试验结果表明:黄瓜幼苗的壮苗指数与氮磷钾施入量有如下关系:Y1=0.14+0.01X1+0.002X2-0.001X3+0.00412-0.0006X22+0.0004X1X2+0.004X1X3+0.01X2X3,N肥对壮苗指数影响达到显著水平,且表现为正相关;P、K肥对黄瓜的壮苗指数影响不大,且钾肥表现为负的效应;黄瓜苗期的根系体积与根系活力之间并不是表现出一致的趋势。 春茬黄瓜生长前期氮磷钾肥施入量与产量有如下关系:Y1=2111+201X1+166X2+174X3-41X12+77X22+118X32+49X1X2+38X1X3+211X2X3 N,P,K以及P,K间的交互作用对黄瓜的早期产量影响极显著,结果前期的最佳施肥量(单位:克.株-1.次-1)为N0.83,P2O50.37,K2O0.86; 结果盛期,氮磷钾肥施入量与黄瓜产量之间有如下关系:Y3=6662+148X1-480X2+254X3-376X12-177X22+160X32-94X1X2+480X1X3-389X2X3 P肥,K肥以及N,K和P,K的交互作用是影响黄瓜中期产量的主要因素,结果盛期的最佳施肥量分别为N0.66,P2O50.33,K2O0.90; 黄瓜生长后期,氮磷钾施入量与黄瓜后期产量有如下关系:Y4=2140-65X1+62X2+260X3-469X12+171X22-58X32-166X1X2+244X1X3+55X2X3 N肥对黄瓜产量的影响极其显著,黄瓜生长后期的最佳施肥量为N0.61,P2O50.40,K2O0.94. 秋茬黄瓜氮磷钾施入量与黄瓜早期产量有如下关系:Y11=4231+519X1+278X2+375X3-502X12+150X22-7X32+228X1X2+275X1X3+223X2X3 N肥对秋茬黄瓜早期产量的影响显著,秋茬前期黄瓜最佳施肥量为氮肥 河南农业大学硕士论文 21=0.66,磷肥ZZ=0.33,钾肥Z3=0.92。 氮磷钾施入量与黄瓜中期产量有如下关系: …d删U淋栅j眺U17$-…- N.P、K肥一次项对秋茬黄瓜中期产量影响都不显著,N肥的二次项及N, P和比K以及P,卜肥的交互作用对秋茬黄瓜中期产量均达到极显著水 平。秋茬黄瓜中期产量的最佳施肥量为氮肥水平为0.65,磷肥水平为 0.34,钾肥水平为0.84。

【Abstract】 Experiments on effect of nutrient N, P and K on cucumber growth, yield and quality were conducted by directly supplying solid N, P and K fertilizer (mixture of .organic and inorganic fertilizers) in eco-organic type soilless culture system, related models between NPK fertilization rate and yield were established by application of two times saturated D-optimal design.The experiments included seedling propagation experiment, spring cultivation experiment and fall cultivation experiment. The results are as follows.The results of seedling propagation trial indicated that N fertilizer influenced strong seedling index greatly and reached remarkable level. P and K fertilizer had a little effect on the index of strong seedlings. N fertilizer had positive effect, but P and K fertilizer had negative effect on the index of strong seedlings.The spring cucumber results indicated that N, ? and K nutrient had significant effect on cucumber early yield. The optimum fertilization rate of N, P and K were 0.83 (unit:g.plant’1 .time’^the same as follows), 0.37 and 0.86 respectively during early growing stage;P and K had significant effect on cucumber middle yield. The optimum fertilization rate of N, P and K were 0.66,0.33 and 0.90 respectively during middle growing stage; N had significant effect on cucumber late yield. The optimum fertilization amount of N, P and K were 0.61,0.40 and 0.94 respectively during late growing stage.The autumn cucumber results showed that early cucumber yield was affected by N fertilizer and the optimum fertilization rate of N, P and K were 0.66, 0.33 and 0.92; middle cucumber yield was affected by NP and PK interaction and the optimum fertilization amount of N, P and K were 0.65, 0.34 and 0.84.

  • 【分类号】S642.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】552

