

Eco-physiological Studies on Characteristics of Blooming and Bearing in Platanus Acerifolia

【作者】 杨海青

【导师】 刘震;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 森林培育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 悬铃木(Platanus acerifolia)是世界著名的行道树和重要的园林绿化树种。它具有生长迅速、适应性强、寿命长、枝叶茂密、遮荫面大、耐修剪、干形好、树姿优美等优点。但由于球果、冬芽产生果毛、绒毛以及花粉,导致人们呼吸系统障碍、皮肤瘙痒、迷眼、过敏等危害,严重地污染了环境。解决悬铃木果毛污染问题,具有重要的实际意义。要解决这一问题,必须在掌握悬铃木开花结实规律基础上,才能得到根本解决。为此,本文采用调查实验观测相结合的方法,系统地研究了悬铃木的开花结实生物生态学特性,包括花芽分化与分布规律、雌雄球分化与分布规律、花芽萌发成枝的生长发育规律、两气候条件下悬铃木开花结实的差异、种子发芽的温度特性与败育现象等。获得了如下结果:①二球悬铃木雌雄花芽与雌雄球主要分布在树冠外围的小枝顶侧芽上。从顶侧芽到侧3,1,2球雌花芽或球数分化比例有减少的趋势,而3球雌花芽或球数比例有上升的趋势,与此对应,1,2,3球雄花芽的比例,保持大致相对稳定。②悬铃木个体发育周期为:幼年期(0-10a)、青年期(10-30a)、壮年期(30-80a)。幼年期为营养生长期;青年期为生殖生长初期,从开始开花结实开始到开始大量开花结实为止的时期,这一时期,叶芽数与花芽数之比、雌雄花芽数或雌雄果球数之比随着年龄的增加而降低;壮年期为生殖生长旺盛期,即开花结实旺盛期,从大量开花结实到开花结实量明显减少时为止的时期,这一时期,开花结实数量大,并且随着树龄增加而增加,至少树龄到80a为止,仍未见明显减少,而叶芽数与花芽数之比、雌雄花芽数或雌雄果球数之比却随着年龄的增加而保持相对较低的稳定状态。③在青年期的前期(10~15a),二球悬铃木的1球雌雄球分化比率较大,2球次之,3球几乎没有分化,而到了青年期的后期 (l刁 0 a),2球雌雄球数所占比例最大,l球次之,3球最小,不 同个体发育阶段反映了不同的母本特征。④悬铃木雄花芽萌发展球, 3月底完成生殖生长,4月底全部完成营养生长过程,萌发枝条成为 短枝,生殖生长早于营养生长而终结;雌花芽萌发展球,到10月份 才全部完成其生殖生长过程,5月上旬全部完成营养生长过程,萌发 成长枝,生殖生长停止期滞后于营养生长。⑤栽植在郑州市与信阳鸡 公山上的悬铃木在花芽分化指标一花芽分化率、雌雄花芽分化比 率、雌球分化数上没有显著差暴,花芽萌动始期相差无几,雌花芽萌 发成枝生长发育过程相似。不同的是前者营养生长幼年期相对较短, 开花物候期要早 10d左右,雌球生长后期的球径增幅减缓较慢,结果 使得郑州市悬铃木雌球径比鸡公山大0.sn左右,雌花芽萌发成枝长 度长6n左右。相同冬季低温条件下,夏季相对高温利于悬铃木雌球 生长和缩短幼年期。③悬铃木种子具有浅低温休眠特性,低温处理可 以扩大发芽可能温度范围的下限,但没有低温处理的种子也可在较高 温度下发芽。同时,悬铃木种子败育率也高达 71.S见 形成大量空粒 种于,但胚珠败育,没有影响到果皮及果毛的发育。

【Abstract】 The eco-physiological characteristics of blooming and bearing inplatanusacerifolia were investigated. Results were as follows: (1)most flower buds and cones existed in the external crown and apical lateral buds on one-year branches, and from apical lateral buds to lateral buds 1, 2 and 3, the proportion of female flower buds developed one or two cones is gradually decreased, while those buds of three cones is gradually increased , comparing with these , the proportion of male flower buds developed one , two and three cones is not obviously changed among 4 lateral buds. (2)The periods of development of individuals in were divided to infancy period(0-10a), youth period(10-30a) and prime period (30-80 a). Infancy period was nutrition period; Youth period was the early period of procreation growth. During this period, leaf buds’ number / flower buds’ number, female flower buds / male flower buds, female cones / male cones decreased with age rising; Prime period was blooming period. During this period the quantities of blooming and bearing rapidly increased with age rising, leaf buds’ number / flower buds’ number, female flower buds / male flower buds, female cones / male cones kept a certain low level with age rising. (3)During early youth period( 10-15 a), flower buds mainly developed to one cone’s flowers, two cones’ flowers took a little rate, and three cones’ flowers did not develop. Over the early period, flower buds mainly developed to two cones’ flowers, one cone’s flowers took second place, and three Jones’ flowers took the smallest ratio. Bearingfeatures of female and male parents was reflected at different development stage. (4)Male flower buds sprouted to short branches, and stopped the growth of procreation at the end of March and nutrition growth at the end of April, growth ceasing of procreation was earlier than it of nutrition; While female flower buds sprouted to long branches, and stopped the growth of procreation on October and nutrition growth at early May, growth ceasing of procreation was later than it of nutrition. (5)There werenot evident differences between Zhengzhou city and Jigong mountain in developing rates of flower buds, female buds/male buds and female cones in platanus acerifolia, the process of sprouting was almost the same, however, the trees planted in Jigong mountain had more long period of infancy, and lOdays late flowering, and largely reduced the later procreation growth. It made the diameter of cones of Jigong mountain become smaller 0.5cm, and the length of sprig become shorter 6cm. It was possible that higher temperature in summer was favorable to female cones growth and shortening of infancy period under condition of the same winter temperature. (6) Seeds of platanus acerifolia had the characteristics of shallow winter dormancy and high rate of no bearing.

  • 【分类号】S792.37
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】426

