

The Clinical Study on Acne Vulgaris Treated by Xiaoquo Decoction

【作者】 林春玲

【导师】 于万涛;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医外科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 寻常性痤疮是皮肤科常见病、多发病,尤其在青春期男女发病率高,它是毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症,其发病机制复杂,病程缠绵,易反复发作,严重影响患者的生活质量。维甲酸及抗生素类药物是西药治疗寻常性痤疮的主要品种,但普遍存在副作用大,复发率高的特点。发挥中医药特色,寻求简便易行,副作用小,疗效可靠的中医药是我们研究的方向。 为此目的,我们通过临床观察来确定消痤汤治疗寻常性痤疮的疗效。西药组作为对照组,观察了临床疗效和免疫学指标血清睾酮的变化。观察结果显示,消痤汤在明显消除寻常性痤疮临床症状的同时,也明显降低了患者血清睾酮的含量,治疗结果优于西药组维胺酯胶囊。为临床运用中药治疗寻常性痤疮提供了依据,值得进一步开发和利用。

【Abstract】 Acne vulgaris is a common and frequently encounted department of dermatology which offen happens to pubertal people.It is the chronic inflammation of folliculus pili sebaceous glands. Retinoic acid and antibiotic medicine are the main modern medicine to cure acne ,but its defects also exist-side effect is large and the recurrence rate is high.To give full play to the feature of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),finding simple and convenient TCM whose side effct is small,curative effect is reliable is the trend of our research..To attain the object, we verified the curative effect of XiaoQuo decoction treating acne through clinical observation and the control group was treated by modern medicine.The clinical curative rate and immunology index,the change of the serum testosterone ,were observed. The results of observation proved that XiaoQuo decoction could relieve the clinical symptom obviously. At the same time, it cold cut down the number of serum testosterone.The curative effect is superior to modern medicine, such as Viaminate capsule.Basis was provided for clinical treatment for acne vulgaris by TCM.XiaoQuo decoction deserves the further development and use.

【关键词】 消痤汤寻常性痤疮免疫学测定
【Key words】 XiaoQuo decoctionAcne vulgarisImmunologic tes
  • 【分类号】R275.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】269

