

A Study of Reactive Tokens and Gender-related Conversational Styles

【作者】 韩玉华

【导师】 郭风岚;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言文化大学 , 语言学与应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,结合大量的会话录音调查和小型问卷调查,对会话中的应对形式和两性会话风格差异进行了对比分析。首先,对汉语会话中的应对形式进行了重新界定,认为应对形式不等于非话轮,并从语言形式和语言功能两个角度对应对形式进行分类。其次,对两性在汉语会话中的应对形式进行了对比分析,着重探讨了应对形式在年龄、话题熟悉度以及同性会话和异性会话中的不同表现及由此形成的会话风格。最后,对两性会话风格差异进行了理论上的初步解释,认为男女不平等的社会结构是两性在会话中的不平等地位的根源,男性和女性的社会地位角色的不同内涵最终导致了两性在会话规则运用上的不同表现。

【Abstract】 Based on earlier studies made by scholars abroad and at home, this thesis focuses on the reactive tokens and gender-related differences in conversation. It includes three main points as below:First, it redefines ’Reactive Token’(=’RT’) in Mandarin Chinese, and proposes that RT can be a turn. Several types of RTs are distinguished according to their linguistic form and function.Second, it compares RTs between male and female in Chinese discourse, and discusses especially the gender-linked variations of RTs with age, familiarity of topics and different reactive attitudes in same-sex conversation and cross-sex conversation, hence the gender-linked differences in conversational styles.Third and finally, it attempts to account for the differences in gender-related conversational styles from a socio-cultural perspective. It points that the unfair social constructions of gender is the source of the unfair status of male and female in conversation.

  • 【分类号】H051
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】371

