

Design and System Construction of Web-based Chinese Language Teaching Material Database

【作者】 陈芳

【导师】 徐娟;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言文化大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,利用计算机网络进行教学已成为信息化教育的一种发展趋势,但遇到的难点之一就是如何将现有的各种教学资源组织起来使之有效地在网络上运行。资源的建设已成为教育现代化发展的关键。 本文以对外汉语教学规律为依据,探索性地建立了“基于网络的对外汉语教学多媒体素材库”框架,设计了其中的9个素材表:字表、词表、语法表、例句表、情景表、笔顺表、图片表、音频表和视频表,存放了文本、图形/图像、动画、音频和视频等多媒体教学素材。 素材库各表的设计是本文的工作重点之一。各表及其字段的设计经多次论证得到了对外汉语教学专家的认可;同时,数据元素设计按照我国出台的CELTS-41《教育资源建设技术规范》,描述了汉语学习资源的各种属性,为今后对外汉语教学资源的标准化建设奠定了基础。表中记录的内容是学习资源的呈现,符合对外汉语专业教学大纲。 论文的另一项重要工作是利用基于网络的数据库实现教学素材的查询、添加、修改、审核、导入导出等管理功能。具备这些功能的素材库能更新扩充、动态发展,为对外汉语教师辅助课堂教学、汉语学习者自学等提供可选择的教学素材,从而提高素材的重用率。 素材库系统主要面向学生、对外汉语教师、素材审核员三种身份的用户,由系统管理员负责管理。素材库系统的网络数据库用SQL Server 2000实现,选择访问网络数据库的ASP技术来进行访问。用户根据各自身份享有不同的访问权限。基于网络实现分布式管理,并在界面、使用等方面体现系统的友好性。 简言之,我们主要研究如何利用信息技术,即利用网络、多媒体、数据库等现代化技术手段,与对外汉语教学资源结合,设计并构建了基于网络的对外汉语 北京语言大学颀士论文.n. 教学多媒体素材库,该素材库具有可动态更新、开放共享、科学规范的特点,可 满足网络教学的需要,也可辅助课堂教学。 希望迎过我们的工作,为对外汉语教学提供可选择的教学素材,将分敝的教 学资源有机地集中在一起,提高素材的重用率;为对外汉语教学资源的标准化建 设工作做出一些探索,从而提高教学资源检索的效率与准确度,保证资源建设的 质量;也为对外汉语教材和课件编写制作提供可共享的资源,实现对外汉语教学 异构课件的自动生成。

【Abstract】 In recent years, utilizing computer network to carry on e-learning become a kind of development trend of modern education. How to organize various kinds of existing teaching resource and to run them efficiently on the net is a tough work many technical staff focus on. It is obvious that resource construction becomes the pivotal part of modern education.On the basis of standardized research work on educational resource constructionhome and abroad, and according to basic elements of Chinese language as well, we have designed and developed the system of Web-based Chinese Language Teaching Material Database. This Material Database consists of 9 tables for Chinese characters, words, sentences, grammars, etc., containing various multimedia teaching materials like text, image, flash, audio and video files.Our efforts mainly focus on designing and realizing those 9 tables which constitute the Material Database. The design of every table has been ratified by experts in Chinese language teaching field . And every field of a table describes a certain attribute of the teaching resource according to CELTS-41. The content of every record, the presentation of the teaching resources in other words, accords with the Syllabus for Speciality of Chinese Language Teaching. These efforts lay a foundation for standardized construction work of Chinese language teaching resource.Then we realize system functions as to query, append, edit and audit teaching materials via web-based database. In this way, the Material Database is renewable and extendable, and can be developed and shared. We can use it on the net, as well as in the traditional classroom.The Material Database System mainly serves foreign student, Chinese language teacher, and material quality assessor under the management of system janitor. Thenetwork database part of our system is supported by SQL Server 2000 and visited via ASP technology. Users enjoy different visit authorities according to each identity. We fulfill distribution management on the net, and make our interface friendly.To be brief, we attempt to find out how to make full use of information technology, including network, multimedia, database, etc., and integrate all of them with the materials of Chinese language teaching. Further more, we designed and constructed a Web-based Chinese Language Teaching Material Database System featuring multifunction to query, append, edit and audit teaching materials.Through collecting the dispersed teaching materials, we do hope that we can provide more useful materials, increase the reusing rate of them and make some exploring attempts for the standardization of Chinese language teaching resource, thereby ultimately making educational resources searches more accurate and efficient, guaranteeing the quality of the resources and realizing the automatic creation of courseware.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1177

