

The Films of the Sixth Generation: A Postmodern Analysis

【作者】 迟维维

【导师】 王宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言文化大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 围绕着中国“第六代”电影从来就有着许多争论,有关“代”的分期和如何界定就是一个引人争议的问题。虽然“第六代”没有像“第五代”那样形成了共同的美学旗帜或艺术风格,但是他们有着共同的影像核心——都市普通/底层人物。在九十年代他们是中国影坛的新生力量,拍摄出了一批艺术风格前卫的作品,在国际上赢得了一定的声誉。本文围绕着中国“第六代”电影的诸多争论提出了自己的“后现代式”分析。本文所讨论的“第六代”是活跃在九十年代的一批年轻的电影人,他们在电影艺术上进行大胆地先锋探索和试验,并从当下的社会现实出发,通过电影语言来阐释他们的生命体验和人性关怀。他们的电影作品散发出一种青春的激情,并以其直而现实的冷峻构筑其镜像风格。本文试从后现代主义视角,结合中国九十年代的社会文化语境——全球化/后现代/后殖民交织,对中国“第六代”电影进行文化解读和阐释。借助后现代的理论框架对“第六代”电影个案《苏州河》进行文本解读,从而对第六代电影作品从整体进行后现代性分析并进一步阐释中国90年代的社会文化结构和中国电影的未来走向。

【Abstract】 "The sixth-generation" of Chinese cinema has caused quite a lot of controversies ever since its birth. The issue of how to define "the sixth generation" is still unsettled. Unlike the fifth-generation, the sixth-generation do not share the same viewpoint on esthetics and arts, but they all focus on ordinary people, especially those who live at the bottom of society. In the 1990s they replaced the fifth-generation of Chinese cinema and became the rising group in Chinese film production. This thesis is intended to approach the filmic texts of the sixth-generation from the postmodern within a broad social and cultural context of globalization and postcolonialism. Through the filmic text analysis of The Suzhou River the thesis will focus on the postmodernity of the sixth-generation in general, and then demonstrate Chinese social and cultural structure of 1990s in an attempt to point out the possible future trend of Chinese cinema.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【下载频次】705

