

【作者】 李振艳

【导师】 金克胜;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 婚姻是男女双方以永久共同生活为目的所形成的人身上和财产上的权利义务关系。配偶双方必须履行相互忠诚、相互扶助等义务。根据公平原则,当一方不履行义务,如重婚、虐待、遗弃等,给对方造成财产损害和精神损害时,对方有权要求得到精神抚慰和财产补偿,以实现法律的公平与正义。 离婚损害赔偿制度就是在当今实行无过错离婚制度下,为保障离婚无过错方的合法权益而建立的一种权利救济制度,它通过对夫妻关系中无过错一方被侵害的配偶权利的救济,补偿受害人所遭受的财产损失和精神损害。它的上要功能是填补损害、精神抚慰、制裁过错方。 离婚损害赔偿是一项特殊的侵权损害赔偿,因此,离婚损害赔偿责任除具备一般的损害赔偿的构成要件以外,即侵权行为、过错、因果关系、损害事实外,还需具备离婚这一特殊要件。 新《婚姻法》增设了离婚损害赔偿制度是我国在婚姻立法方面的一大突破。但是出于婚姻家庭问题的复杂性,这次新《婚姻法》对离婚损害赔偿制度的规定义比较原则、粗疏,没有对许多具体的问题作出明确的解答,以至于引起了对该制度的较大争议。对此,应该在制定《民法典》的过程中,进一步完善我国的婚姻家庭法律。

【Abstract】 Marriage is personal and property relationship of rights and obligations formed between a man and a woman who aim at permanent bed and board. A married couple shall perform obligations such as mutual loyalty and mutual support. According to equitable principles, when one party fails to perform obligations, for example, the husband or wife commits bigamy, mistreatment or desertion, which causes property and moral damage to the opposite party, the latter enjoys the right to gain moral consolation and property compensation in order to realize legal equity and justice.Under the present system of non-fault divorce, the system of compensation for damage caused by divorce is a system of remedy of rights established in order to guarantee the legal rights of the non-fault divorcee. By means of remedying the rights of the non-fault divorcee, it compensates the victim’s property loss and moral damage. Its main function is to fill damage, console the victim and punish the fault-maker.Compensation for damage caused by divorce is a special compensation for tortuous damage, therefore, besides general constitutive elements of compensation for damage, i.e. act of tort, fault, causal relationship and fact of damage, the liability of compensation for damage caused by divorce shall have a special constitutive element, divorce.It is a breakthrough in China’s marriage-law-making that the new Marriage Law adds the system of compensation for damage caused by divorce. However, because of the complicacy of the issue of marriage and family, the new Marriage Law only provides general and inattentive principles on compensation for damage caused by divorce instead of giving clear explanation on many specific issues, resulting in heated arguments on the system. In order to solve the problem, in the process of making the Civil Code, China’s Marriage and Family Law should be further perfected.

【关键词】 婚姻离婚损害赔偿
【Key words】 MarriageDivorceCompensation for Damage
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】459

