

Physical and Chemic Characteristic of Solid Organic Medium and Interaction with Nutrient Solution

【作者】 孙敏

【导师】 奥岩松;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 有机基质栽培作为无土栽培的主要方向之一,近年来越来越受到人们的普遍关注,但由于缺乏对基质理化性状及其化学稳定性的系统了解,在基质的使用和营养液管理上还存在着一定的经验性和盲目性。 本研究通过对6种固形有机物料(泥炭、砻糠、木屑、鸡粪、草屑和风化煤)及无机物料珍珠岩的理化特性,有机物料过饱和持水时化学成分的变化及有机基质对营养液有效成分的影响所进行的研究,力求为有机基质的复配和基质栽培过程中的营养液管理提供较为可靠的理论依据。 对有机物料的物理性状:比重、容重、孔隙度、含水量等指标,以及化学成分NH4-N、NO3-N、速效磷和速效的四种金属元素(K、Ca、Mg和Fe)含量进行了测试。按照理想化栽培基质对理化性状的要求,以理想基质适宜指标为标准化数据并考虑物料的成本,进行多元综合评判。建议用鸡粪+泥炭+砻糠+风化煤(或木屑、草屑、珍珠岩)以一定比例进行复合为宜。 对上述6种有机物料分别在15、25、35℃下120%过饱和持水时,4、12、36、108、324h时浸液的化学成分NH4-N、NO3-N、速效磷和速效的四种金属元素(K、Ca、Mg和Fe)含量进行了测定。结果表明,几种物料浸液中的上述矿质元素含量在108h以后基本趋于稳定。在忽略基质间相互影响的前提下,建议在复合基质栽培前进行5d的浸水预处理,待浸液中各矿质养分含量稳定后,基质上添加的营养液按下列公式进行初步调整C=C-C浸液,从而使基质内各成分含量稳定在近理想状态,之后仍按标准营养液配方补充营养液。 对上述6种固形有机基质在4、12、36、108、324h时营养液浸液中化学有效成分NH4-N、NO3-N、P、K、Ca、Na、Mg和Fe含量(25℃)进行了测定。结果表明,不同基质营养液浸液中各矿质养分在36~108h基本趋于稳定。但不同有机基质对营养液中矿质营养的影响有所不同,砻糠的营养液中总有效氮增量为负值,其余五种有机基质上的增量为正值;对于营养液中有效磷的增量,在鸡粪、风化煤上出现正值,而其他基质则相反。风化煤上的K+增量为负值,其他五种均为正值。各基质上的Ca2+增量均为负值,其中以草屑和砻糠变化较大,而鸡粪和风化煤对营养液中Ca2+的影响甚小。鸡粪、木屑、砻糠、泥炭和草屑上出现了正的Mg2+增量,而风化煤则反之。因此,建议使用校正系数λ对上述调整营养液的配方进行修正。并建议有机基质栽培过程中营养液的管理分段进行,首先进行基质的浸水5d的预处理,在基质中各有效成分稳定后,定植作物,定植1周内营养液添加使用修正后的营养液配方,之后栽培过程中使用标准营养液配方对基质中营养液进行补充。 根据上述结果,以“年丰”番茄和意大利不结球散叶莴苣为试验材料,使用泥炭:砻糠:珍珠岩:鸡粪=2:2:2:1的复配基质,容重为0.36g/ml,比重为1.94g/ml,总孔隙度为81.44%,pH为6.28,EC为1.89mS/cm。根据对基质研究提出的计算方法,通过精确计算获得与上述复配基质相符合的修正营养液配方:NH4H2PO4为1mol/L、Ca(H2PO42为3mol/L,进行分段管理。结果表明,使用预处理后的复合基质,并以修正营养液和标准配 东北农业大学农学硕士学位论文一方营养液进行分段管理的番茄和离苔,主要生理指标均优于土壤栽培和常规基质栽培。

【Abstract】 Organic mediums culture is primary one of the soilless culture; they got more and more advertence these years. But owing to lake of comprehension on their Physical-chemical characteristic and chemic stability of organic mediums, it wasn’t very apt in using mediums and management of nutrient solution.Using chicken manure, sawdust, charred rice husk, cradled turfgrass, peatmoss, weathered coal and perlite as experiment materials, physical-chemical characteristic of seven materiels, chemic components of organic mediums when they had saturable water, and valid components of nutrient solution which was effected by organic mediums had been studied in this papers to give a recipe of organic mediums and management of nutrient solution during the planting with these mediums.The several materiels characteristics were studied, such as bulk density, specific gravity, total porosity, saturable water capacity, containing water capacity, PH, EC, NH4-N, NO3-N, available P and four available metals (K, Ca, Mg, Fe). According to ideal physical and chemical characteristics in growing medium, and with a view to the costs, a feasible scheme was put forward to mix as a certain ratios with chicken manure+peatmoss+charred rice husk+weathered coal (or sawdust, or cradled turfgrass, or perlite).These organic mediums were treated with various temperatures and hours. The chemic components ,such as NH4-N, NO3-N, available P and four available mental(K, Ca, Mg, Fe)were mensurated when their saturable water capacity was 120%. The results shows that content of mineral elements in several infusing solutions of organic medium were steady after 108 hour. According to the result that was gotten when water capacity was saturable in mediums, and losing sight of the effect among organic mediums, the best scheme was got, that is, multiple mediums needed to pre-dispose before used to plant. Put the organic mediums in water for five days , when all mineral element of organic materials are steady ,Add nutrient solution amended by this formula, C1 =C2-C3 to mediums to make all content of components in approximate ideal situation. From then on , add nutrient solution according to standard nutrient solution scheme. (C1 means content of rectified nutrient solution; C2 means content of ideal nutrient solution; C3 means content of extracted water of organic materiels.)In addition, the chemic components in infusing nutrient solution of six organic mediums were mensurated at different time. The result as follow, after 36-108 hours all mineral elements in different infusing nutrient solutions was mainly steady. But mineral elements in nutrient solution which were affected by different organic mediums were different, increased content of total valid nitrogen in nutrient solution of charred rice husk was negative, by contraries, the others were plus. Increased content of effective P in nutrient solution of weathered coal and chicken manure were plus, the others are negative. Increased content of effective K in nutrient solution of weathered coal was plus, the others are negative. All increased content of Ca2+ were negative in mediums. Among them, the change was bigger than others in cradled turfgrass and charred rice husk. In chicken manure, sawdust, charred rice husk, peatmoss and cradled turfgrass. increased content of Mg2+ is plus, but it is negative in weathered coal. So correctional coefficient λ., is essential for former scheme of nutrient solution. Management and scheme to nutrient solution is different at different period. When all mineral elements were steady after mediums in infusing water, transplant plants. Add the amended nutrient solution in a week, then use standard scheme of nutrient solution to supply.On account of above-mentioned result, using tomato, "nianfeng" and loose leaved lettuce (Italy) as test material, we make multiple mediums (peatmoss: charred rice: husk: perlite: chicken manure )as cultivated soil with 2:2:2:1. Its bulk density is 0.36g/ml; specific gravity, 1.94g/ml: total porosity, 81.44%; pH, 6.28; EC. 1.89

  • 【分类号】S317
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】541

