

Accumulation of LMW-GS and Its Effects on the Quality in Spring Wheat with Different HMW-GS Composition

【作者】 杨文强

【导师】 胡尚连;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 以不同HMW-GS组成类型的多个春小麦品种或品系为材料,采用盆栽和室内分析相结合的方法,研究不同形态氮肥处理下各组低分子量谷蛋白亚基及其总量的形成和积累及其与品质的关系,以及氮肥形态对低分子量谷蛋白亚基积累和籽粒主要品质性状的调节效应。研究结果表明: 不同HMW-GS组成类型品种,在籽粒灌浆过程中B、C和D组LMW-GS的积累总体上均呈增加的趋势,但D组亚基的积累十分平缓。除东农S18和泉224的C组LMW-GS的积累量在灌浆过程中都比B组的高外,其它品种都表现为B组亚基的积累量比C组的高。 不同形态氮肥对LMW-GS亚基积累的调节作用因品种而异,与HMW-GS组成类型无关。 不同形态氮肥对同一品种籽粒蛋白质含量的调节作用不同。年际间同一品种对三种形态氮肥的反应也各异,如东农7757和辽春10号的籽粒蛋白质含量年际间对不同形态氮肥的反应很不稳定,而东农7742、克丰6和Roblin的同一处理籽粒蛋白质含量年际间变化趋势基本一致,对不同形态氮肥的反应年际间比较稳定。两年间,东农7757、克丰6、NKH9和Neepawa的湿面筋含量均以酰胺态氮肥处理为最高,而东农S18和东农S250则以铵态氮肥处理为最高,Roblin的湿面筋含量对三种形态氮肥的反应年际间很稳定,其他品种年际间对氮肥形态的反应不同。 不同形态氮肥对不同HMW-GS组成类型品种湿面筋含量的调节作用不同,不同品种湿面筋含量对氮肥种类反应也各异。酰胺态氮肥有利于提高2+12亚基组成类型品种东农7757、克丰6和NKH9湿面筋含量,且调节作用年际间表现稳定;铵态氮肥对2+12亚基组成类型品种东农S18和东农S250湿面筋含量的提高有利,而硝态氮肥则对2+12亚基组成类型品种东农S57湿面筋含量的提高有利,且硝态氮肥对其调节作用年际间表现也很稳定。三种形态氮肥对5+10亚基组成类型的品种Roblin、龙辐3和龙麦26湿面筋含量的调节作用无明显差异,年际间也表现同样的变化趋势。 不同形态氮肥对同一品种沉降值具有一定的调节作用,但调节的程度因品种而异。酰胺态氮肥有利于东农S250、Roblin、东农CV8542和东农S34沉降值的提高,其沉降值是三种形态氮肥处理中最高的,而且这种调节作用年际间比较稳定;硝态氮肥对东农S18和铵态氮肥对龙麦26沉降值的提高有利,且他们的调节作用年际间也比较稳定。三种形态氮肥对辽春10号沉降值的调节作用基本相同,其调节作用年际间十分稳定,尤其是酰胺态氮肥处理。 研究初步认为,具有2+12亚基组成类型品种表现优质,谷蛋白大聚体的最终积累量要远高于5+10亚基组成类型的优质品种,而且可溶性谷蛋白的最终积累量超过或与5+10亚基组成类型优质品种的相近。 不同HMW-GS组成类型品种,低分子量谷蛋白亚基总量和可溶性谷蛋白总量比例 东北农业大学农学硕士论文一对籽粒主要品质性状的作用,因不同形态氮肥处理而异。7+8,2+12亚基组成类型品种,酞胺态氮肥处理下,低分子量谷蛋白亚基在可溶性谷蛋白中所占比例越高,越有利于改善面筋的质量,对其他品质性状的作用不大:}9,2+12亚基组成类型品种,施用硝态氮肥处理时,低分子量谷蛋白亚基总量和可溶性谷蛋白总量比例的提高有利于改善面筋的质量;7+8,5+10亚基组成类型品种,酚胺态氮肥处理下,提高低分子量谷蛋白亚基总量和可溶性谷蛋白总量的比例,对各项主要品质性状的改善较有利;7+9,5+10亚基组成类型品种,无论哪种形态氮肥处理,提高低分子量谷蛋白亚基总量和可溶性谷蛋白总量的比例对各项主要品质性状的改善都不利c 不同形态氮肥处理下,LMW-GS与GMP的比例对不同HMW-GS组成类型品种的主要品质性状的作用不同。总的来看,酚胺态氮肥处理的LMW-GS与GMP比例对7+9,2刊 和7+9,5+10亚基组成类型品种的面筋质量的作用呈正效应。 酞铰态氮肥可以同时改善 7+8,2刊 2亚基组成类型品种的面筋质和量,而铰态氮肥对7+8,5刊 和7+9,2刊 亚基组成类型品种的面筋质和量具有改善作用。 一般开花后5大,各品种谷蛋白大聚体己有一定量的积累,且在籽粒整个灌浆过程中大多数品种谷蛋白大聚体的积累呈下降趋势。不同亚基组成类型品种的谷蛋白大聚体在初始积累量和最终积累量上有差异。 开花后5天,各品种已积累一定量的可溶性谷蛋白,且随籽粒灌浆进程呈增加的趋势。4种HMW-GS组成类型品种,开花后25天内,可溶性谷蛋白积累较平缓,但开花后25天至成熟期间,谷蛋白呈快速积累,但积累强度和最终积累水平不同。 不同HMW-GS组成类型品种,LMW-GS总量对籽粒主要品质性状的调节作用因氮肥形态而异。7+8,2+12、7+8,5+10和7+9,5+10亚基组成类型品种均在酚胺态氮肥处理下,LMW-GS总量对籽粒主要品质性状具有一定的调节作用,其中 7+8,2+门亚基组成类型品种,LMW-GS总量的增加可以明显提高湿面筋含量,但却降低籽粒蛋白质含量,降低的幅度要比硝态氮肥和铰态氮肥处理的小,对SDS一沉降值的作用虽呈正效应,但作用不明显;7+8,5刊 亚基组成类型品种,低分子量谷蛋白亚基总量的?

【Abstract】 The study aimed at the dynamic formation and accumulation of low molecular weight glutenin subunits, the relationship between low molecular weight glutenin subunits and quality, the dynamic formation and accumulation of soluble glutenin and macropolymer glutennin; the relationship between quality and the ratio of LMW-GS to soluble glutenin, the relationship between quality and the ratio of LMW-GS to macropolymer glutenin, the relationship between quality and the ratio of LMW-GS to HMW-GS, and the effects of different form of nitrogen on the accumulation of LMW-GS and the main grain quality parameters . The study aimed at providing theoretical evidences to quality improvement and high yield and superior quality in spring wheat.Three forms of nitrogen and 18 cultivars differing in HMW-GS composition were used. The results showed:The trend of accumulation of B, C and D group LMW-GS increased in grain-filling in different HMW-GS composition cultivars whereas the trend of accumulation of D group LMW-GS showed smooth. Besides NES18 and Quan224, amount of B group LMW-GS of all cultivars were higher than amount of C group LMW-GS in grain-filling in all cultivars. Effects of different form of nitrogen on LMW-GS were different in cultivars, but not types of HMW-GS composition.The effects of different forms of nitrogen on grain protein contents were different. The reactions of the same cultivars to three forms of nitrogen were different in two years. The reactions of grain protein content of NE7757 and Liao 10 to different form of nitrogen were unstable in two years, whereas the grain protein contents of NE7742, KF-6 and Roblin were consistent, and the reactions to different forms of nitrogen were stable in two years. In two years, the wet gluten content of NE7757, KF-6, NKH9and keepawa were the highest under Urea treatment respectively, while NES18 and NES250 were the highest under NH4+-N treatment respectively, and the reactions of the wet gluten contents of poscin to three forms of nitrogen were stable in two years. The reactions of other cultivars to forms of nitrogen were different.The effects of different forms of nitrogen on grain wet gluten contents were different in cultivars with different HMW-GS composition. To cultivars with 2+12 subunits composition, Urea treatment were good to increasing wet gluten contents of NE7757, KF-6 and NKH9, and the effects were stable in two years; NH4+-N treatment was good to increasing wet gluten contents of NES18 and NES250; NO3"-N treatment was good to wet gluten contents of NES57, and the effects were stable in two years. To cultivars with 5+10 subunits composition, effects of three form of nitrogen on wet gluten contents of poscin, LF-3 and LM 26 had no significant different, and the trends were similar in two years.The reactions of SDS-sedimentation value of the same cultivars to different forms of nitrogen were different among cultivars. Urea treatment was good to increasing SDS-sedimentation value of NES250, poscin, NECV8542 and NE S34, the values were the highest among three forms of nitrogen, and the effects were stable in two years; NO3-N treatment was good to increasing SDS-sedimentation value of NES18 and NH4+-N treatment was good to increasing the SDS-sedimentation value of LM26, and the effects were stable in two years too. Effects of three forms nitrogen on SDS-sedimentation value of LiaolO were similar, and the effects were quite stable in two years, especially Urea treatment.The results showed: the quality of the cultivars with 2+12 subunits composition were good, their final accumulation amount of macraopolymer glutenin were much higher than the amount of cultivars with 5+10 subunits’composition, and their final accumulation amount of soluble glutenin were higher than the amount of cultivars with 5+10 subunits composition, at least the two had similar amount.Effects of the ratio of total amount of LMW-GS and total amount of soluble gluten on quality were different in three forms of nitrogen in cultivars with different HMW-GS subunits compos

  • 【分类号】S512.1
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