

The Research and Development of the Ginger Milk Powder Against Atherosclerosis (AS)

【作者】 李海平

【导师】 霍贵成;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 食品营养, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来心脑血管疾病的发生率高,致死率高,而且发生率还呈现不断上升的趋势,患病人群越来越年轻化。药物治疗心血管疾病副作用大,费用高。可通过饮食来预防和改善心血管疾病。本研究是针对心血管疾病发病机理设计一种奶粉的配方,研究该奶粉的生产工艺、活性物质检测、质量控制及功能性。 该奶粉是以鲜牛乳、脱脂乳粉、生姜提取物、大豆蛋白、蜂蜜和低聚果糖等为基本原料,按照心血管疾病的高危人群和患者的营养特点调节各营养素的比例,热能设定范围为360~450kcal/100g;蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物的含量分别设定在19~21%、13~15%、52~60%的范围之内。同时添加了多种与心血管疾病有密切关系的维生素(VB5、VB6、VC、VE、VB12、叶酸、泛酸和胆碱)和微量元素(铬、锌、硒、钙),特别添加了生姜提取物。配方设计主要是按照设计要求利用规划求解的方法,找到既价格最低,又营养素合理的配方。根据优化后原料用量比例,进行微量成分的校验,确定了矿物质和维生素的最终添加量。按干物质计最优配方为每100g奶粉中:物质A39.60g;物质B5.86g;物质C1.37g;物质D1.91g;物质E41.01g;物资F7.97g;物质G2.27g。 生姜提取物的生产工艺流程是:生姜→清洗→切片→过胶体磨→过滤残渣→冲洗滤液→均质→脱气杀菌→冷却→添加β-CD→过滤→灭酶检测→成品贮存→生姜提取物。 生姜提取物工艺特性研究采用了生姜去辣味试验、过滤细度试验、加热试验、抗坏血酸最佳添加量试验。β-CD添加的最适温度为60℃,最佳添加量为1.0g/100ml;用140目的筛网过滤生姜的磨碎物;生姜提取物的最佳杀菌灭酶温度为85~90℃;抗坏血酸的的最佳添加量为0.05%。 奶粉的生产工艺流程是:原料乳→验收→预处理→标准化→配料→均质→杀菌→浓缩→喷雾干燥→冷却筛粉→称量→包装→冷藏。 奶粉工艺特性研究采用调味试验和浓缩料液模拟试验。口味最佳的配比是每100ml牛乳中调制奶粉14克,低聚果糖0.5克,蜂蜜1.3克,生姜提取物2.0ml。浓缩料液的酸度、粘度和波美度分别是:pH6.54、1.324×10-3Pa·s(20□)和16°Be。 用Folin-酚试剂法测定姜辣素。生姜、干姜和生姜提取物中姜辣素的含量分别是:0.62%、4.77%和0.41g/100ml。 建立了本产品感官、理化和微生物检验标准。产品的各项指标均符合该产品企业标准的要求。对奶粉作营养价值进行评价(INQ法),产品在满足能量要求的前提下基本满足各种营养素的要求。成品贮藏试验测定了产品在室温下贮藏6个月时的主要营养素的变化。在保质期内,各项指标均符合要求。产品贮藏过程中菌落总数和大肠菌群都有下降,该产品的货架期要比一般奶粉要长。 Wistar大鼠喂养试验表明生姜提取物和该配方奶粉与高脂组相比其降血清胆固醇(TC)和降血清甘油三脂(TG)作用效果极显著(P<0.01);其升高高密度胆固醇(HDL) 东北农业大学工学硕士学位论文作用效果显著(P<0刀5)。经对各组Ms枯r大鼠的体重增长趋势观察,生姜奶粉具有一定预防体重过度增长的作用。在光学显微镜下观察大鼠冠状动脉组织切片,结果表明喂饲生姜提取物(4ml/d,灌胃)和奶粉的大鼠与单独喂饲高脂饲料的大鼠相比可以明显改善冠状动脉的血管内壁脂质层集聚的厚度,喂饲奶粉的三组均能减弱高脂饲料对血管内壁的损伤。该奶粉具有明显的预防和改善动脉粥样硬化的作用。

【Abstract】 Currently the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is very popular and is increasing steadily. The suffers tend to younger and younger. The pharmaceutical treatment can cause serious side-effect and is very expensive. Diets can prevent and ameliorate cardiovascular diseases.This study designed a milk powder formula according to the pathology of the cardiovascular diseases, the process, determination, quality-control and function of the milk powder were also studied. Its ingredients were mainly based on fresh milk, ginger extract, soybean protein, honey and fructooligosaccarides. The content of the main nutrients of this milk powder was adjusted according to the nutritional recommendation of the susceptible people and sufferers of cardiovascular diseases. The energy was design 360~450kcal/100g.The protein, fat and carbohydrate were designed during 19~21%,13~15%,52~60% respectively. Certain vitamins (VB5,VB6,Vc,VE,VBi2,folacin,choline) and trace mineral elements(Cr, Zn, Se, Ca) related with cardiovascular diseases were fortified, The ginger extract was also added. The formula of the milk powder was designed by the method of programming optimum which makes the formula acceptable and the cheapest. The vitamins and trace mineral elements are balanced according to the raw materials’ usage. The optimum formula (per lOOg milk powder, based in dry matter) is as follows: fresh milk 39.60g; nonfat milk powder 5.86g; soybean oil 1.37g; soybean isolated proteinl.91g; whey powder 41.01g; honey 7.97g; fructooligosaccaride 2.27g.The processing of the ginger extract is as follows: cleaning, slicing, milling by colloidal mill, filtrating, flushing the residue and incorporating them, homogenizing the filtrate, sterilizing, deairing, cooling, adding the -CD, filtering, determining of enzyme-deactivation and storing. The processing condition of the ginger extract was determined by following experiments:(1) Piquancy Enwrapping Experiment the -CD is added at 60 at 1.0/100ml.(2) Filtrating Mesh Diameter Experiment the filtering mesh is designed at 140.(3) Enzyme-Deactivating Temperature Experiment the optimum enzyme deactivating temperature is 85~90 .(4) Ascorbic Acid Addition Experiment the ascorbic acid is added at 0.05%.The processing condition of the milk powder is as follows: pretreatment. standardization mixing, homogenization, sterilization, concentration, spray drying, packaging and storing. The processing condition of the milk powder was determined by following experiments:(1) Taste Simulating Experiment of Milk Powder(L33 orthogonal) the optimumformula is milk powder 14g, fructooligosaccarides 0.5g, honey 1.3g, ginger extract 2. 0ml in 100ml milk.(2) The Condensed Milk Simulating Experiment the acidity, viscosity and Be of the condensed milk is 6.54, 1.324 Kr3Pa-s(20 ), 16 Be.The content of the gingerols in ginger, ginger powder and ginger extract were 0.62%,4.77% and 0.41% which were determined by the Folin-hydroxybenzene method.The sensory standard, the physic-chemical standard and the microbiological standard were established. The milk powder fulfilled both the enterprise standard and the national standard in sensual examination, chemical and physical examination and the microbiologic examination.. The nutrition of the milk powder was estimated by the INQ method which showed it satisfied not only the energy requirements but also the nutrients requirements. It showed that the milk powder had a longer shelf time in that the cfu and MPN of the milk powder decreased during the storage. Nutrients in the formula milk powder also fulfilled the standard during the guarantee time(6 month). It well kept the flavor of the fresh milk and maintained the bioactivity of the gingerols.The function of the formula milk have been tested by the Wistar rats which were offered with certain milk powder. The ginger extract and the milk powder could reduce the total cholesterol(TC) and the total triglyceride(TG)in serum obviously when controlled with high f

【关键词】 生姜奶粉动脉粥样硬化姜辣素
【Key words】 gingermilk powderatherosclerosisgingerol
  • 【分类号】TS252.51
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】254

