

Studies on Biological Characters of Lilium and Cross-Incompatibility between Distantly Related Species

【作者】 樊金萍

【导师】 车代弟;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 百合(Lilium)花是世界名花之一,适合用作切花、盆花和园林布景,深受人们的喜爱。具有很高的商业价值和观赏价值,还有食用和药用价值。在我国花卉市场上,无论是芳香醉人的东方(Oriental hybrids)、麝香系列(Longiflorum hybrids),还是朴素大方的亚洲百合(Asiatic hybrids)几乎都是国外培育的,在我国的高寒地区露地栽植的品种和生产用切花品种更是有限。在百合育种中的抗寒性育种,多年来一直没有新的突破,诸多问题尚未能解决。在黑龙江省存在野生种卷丹(L.lancifolium)因其具有栽培百合所不具备的特殊的性状(主要是耐低温)而倍受关注。 本试验是在了解百合生物学特性基础上,对卷丹、亚洲百合与东方百合几个不同系列品种的远缘杂交亲和性进行研究,探索百合远缘杂交生理和遗传机制力求得到抗寒优质的百合品种,为解决百合育种难题提供了基本的理论依据。通过研究表明: 1.百合形态特性 百合远缘杂交种子与百合杂交亲本的种子形态特征无明显差异。 在电镜下观察,卷丹的柱头为不开裂型,而亚洲百合和东方百合的柱头均为开裂型。 2.东方百合系列花粉离体萌发培养基最佳组分构成为:蔗糖为13%、硼酸143mg/kg、琼脂1%。 3.卷丹与东方百合的6个品种杂交(正反交)都不亲和。正反交不亲和均发生在花粉萌发和花粉管伸长过程中,花粉授到柱头上后萌发率较低,而且伸进花柱的花粉管平均是长到花柱1/3和1/2处就是因为胼胝质沉积停止生长,说明花粉管未能达到柱头基部,不能完成受精作用。 4.亚洲百合与东方百合杂交(正反交)是可以亲和的,但是二者的亲和程度要比二者分别自交过程要推迟3~4天,整个过程要比自交推迟10天左右。 5.在杂交后幼胚离体培养时,以MS培养基加0.01mg/l的NAA为最佳。幼胚培养时,40天就可诱导成活,但诱导成活率低,龄期越长,诱导成活率越高;胚培养时龄期对真叶及根的分化无显著差异,但对鳞茎形成数量有影响,随着龄期的增加,鳞茎的数量逐渐增加。

【Abstract】 Lilium is one of the famous flowers of the world. It is used as a cut flower, a potted flowering crop and a garden ornament. So people specially love it. It has very high values in commerce and ornament as well as the edible and medical values. In the flower market of our country, regardless of the fragrant Oriental hybrids and L.longiflorum Thumb as well as the simple and unadorned Asiatic hybrids. Which are cultivated by foreigners. Moreover, the cold extremely zones in our country have the worse cut flower species which are fit to be planted outdoor. In the resistant cold breeding of the lilium breeding, there are not new breakthrough for many years. A lot of problems have not been resolved. In HEILONGJIANG province. There is a wild species-Lilium lancifolium, which has many special characters (especially frigostable property) which other cultural lilium cannot have. So people pay more attention to the L. lancifolium.This experiment is based on comprehending the biological character of lilium, Explore hybridisation between distantly related species of Lilium such as lilium lancifoliunu Asiatic hybrid , Oriential hybrid .including cross-compatibility mechanismThe experiment’s main aims are to explore distant hybrid of the lilium and genetic mechanism to gain species of the resistant cold to offer the basic theory foundation for resolving the breeding difficulties of the lilium. The results are as follows:l.The morphological feature ofLiliumIt is not distinctly different between the seed of the distant crossing of lilium and the seed of the crossing parents of the lilium.Observed under the electron microscope, the stigma of the lancifolium hadn’t dehisced. However, the stigmas of the Asiatic hybrids and oriental hybrids had dehisced.2. In the pollen segregation germination culture medium are sucrose 13%, boric acid 143mg/kg, agar 1%.3. The six species hybridisations (direct cross and reciprocal cross) of the Lancifolium and the Oriental hybrids are compatible. The imcompatibility of direct cross and reciprocal cross cause, during the course of pollenody and pollen tube extenence, the pollens’ germination rate of the stigma is low. When the pollen tube which had extended into the style, grow by 1/3 of 1/2 of the style. It will have to stop growing during to the callose deposit. Sothe anisomerogamy hadn’t caused.4. However, the hybridisations of the Asiatic hybrids and Oriental hybrids are compatible, but both compatible courses delay slowlier 3-4 days than both separately auto gamic courses, and all the courses delay slowlier 10 days than the autogamy.S.When larva embryo segregation culture after hybridisations the addition of MS culture medium are 0.01mg/1 NAA. This culture medium is the best.While culturing larva embryos which are induced and survive for 40days, but the induction rate isn’t high. The longer the stadiums are, the higher the induction rate is. While culturing embryos, the stadium isn’t distinctly different for euphylis and root differentiations. But it is influent for scales formation, the stadium increasing, the number of the scales will raise.Graduate: Fan jinpingMajor: pomologySupervisor: associate prof.Che daidi

  • 【分类号】S682.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】678

