

The Design and Effects of New Electrical Heating Panels on Behavior and Performance of Piglets

【作者】 黄香文

【导师】 魏国生;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 仔猪电热板是专门为了防止仔猪在寒冷季节出生、保育时冻伤、冻死,提高仔猪成活率而设计的,目前已经成为世界上最普遍使用的仔猪局部采暖设备之一。实践表明,使用仔猪电热板能使哺乳仔猪的死亡率较大幅度的下降。但以往的仔猪电热板在设计上都采用电阻丝被固定在整块电热板中的方式,这样做一旦电阻丝与导线接触不良或电阻丝老化便会造成电热板通电不热现象,养猪生产者就不得不将整块电热板废掉,造成很大的经济损失。此外仔猪电热板在设计上大多采用240W和120W两功率档切换的方式,既不利于电热板温度的调控与稳定,造成仔猪腹部温度忽高忽低,影响仔猪正常休息,又造成了大量电能的浪费。目前我国使用的仔猪电热板的主体结构材料主要有塑料、橡胶和玻璃钢等;电热板的发热体主要采用电热线;调功开关主要采用二级管开关。本研究的主要目的就是克服上述仔猪电热板的缺点,设计一种既符合生产实际,满足仔猪的生理需要,又能便于拆装、维修、调温灵敏度高的新型仔猪电热板,并通过生产试验检验其应用效果。 本研究设计了两种新型仔猪电热板,并对其在生产中的使用效果进行了研究。 在试验一中,设计、制造并安装新型仔猪电热板,新型仔猪电热板的大小为600×800mm,厚度为30mm,主体结构材料采用玻璃钢制成,上表面印制防滑花纹,新型仔猪电热板Ⅰ的发热体采用额定功率为80W的电热膜,新型仔猪电热板Ⅱ的发热体则采用额定功率为90W电热线,调功开关采用电位器开关。 在试验二中,在实验室模拟养猪生产的现场条件,首先分别以最大功率加热新型仔猪电热板Ⅰ和新型仔猪电热板Ⅱ,确定其表面温度分别达到38.5℃时的预热时间,然后再分别以不同功率加热新型仔猪电热板Ⅰ和新型仔猪电热板Ⅱ,确定仔猪电热板的表面温度维持38.5℃时的功率大小。 在试验三中,选择24头长白母猪,随机分成4组,每组6头,分别使用新型仔猪电热板Ⅰ(面积0.48m~2)、新型仔猪电热板Ⅱ(面积0.48m~2)、普通仔猪电热板(面积0.45m~2)和250W红外线灯,进行现场生产试验。通过对4组初生仔猪哺乳期前14天的观察,记录仔猪在保温区和非保温区的趴卧行为及仔猪的生长发育情况。 试验结果表明,两种新型仔猪电热板都表现出功率调节能力较强的优点,能减轻普通仔猪电热板对仔猪造成的温热不适,改善了仔猪的福利状况,增加了哺乳仔猪在保温箱内的趴卧时间,增强了仔猪的身体素质,减少了仔猪腹泻的发生率。新型仔猪电热板Ⅰ组、新型仔猪电热板Ⅱ组、普通仔猪电热板组和250W红外线灯组的仔猪的育成率分别为98.53%,95.71%,92.65%和84.29%;仔猪下痢死亡率分别为1.47%,2.86%,5.88%和12.86%;仔猪因被踩、压的致死率分别为0%,1.43%,1.47%和2.86%;仔猪平均断奶体重为8.47kg、8.31kg、7.81kg和7.09kg。

【Abstract】 Piglet electrical heating panels were especially designed for piglets to avoid frostbite and to increase the survival rates of piglets when they were born and suckled in cold climate. Today, piglet electrical heating panels have become one of the most popular partial heating apparatus in the world.With the using of piglet electrical heating panels, the mortality of piglets had dropped sharply. However, many old types of piglet electrical heating panels on which the electro-thermal wires were fixed, didn’t work well if piglet electrical heating panels got ageing or could not come into contact with leads firmly, and producers had to throw away the whole panels, which made a large quantities of economic loss. In addition most of these old types of piglet electrical heating panels only had two alternatives of power in design, 240W and 120W, which not only affected the regulation and temperature stabilization of electrical heating panels that let piglets feel hot or coo! unexpectedly on their abdomen, disturbed its normal rest, but also led to a great deal of waste of power simultaneously. At present, the main body of piglet electrical heating panels used in China are made up of plastic, rubber, FRP (Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics) and so on. The heating materials and the adulating power switches of piglet electrical heating panels still consist of the electro-thermal wires and the diode switch in general electrical heating panels. Major objects of this study are to overcome the above drawbacks of old piglet electrical heating panels and to design a new one which should not be only very suitable in practice, but also fully satisfied with physiological demands of piglets, and which should be convenient for knocked-down and maintenance. Of course, high sensitivity to the power regulation is also indispensable for this new type piglet electrical heating panels. Then, we will prove its appliance effect in practice.Three experiments were carried out to design, make a new type of piglet electrical heating panel and to examine the appliance effect in practice.In the first experiment, we have designed, made and installed a new type piglet electrical heating panel. This new one has a dimension of 600x800mm, and is 30mm in height. Its outer covering is made up of FRP. There are some figures against sliding in the upper surface. The electro-thermal films and the electro-thermal lines that have rated power, SOW and 90W respectively, become the heating materials of the new type piglet electrical heating panel. The adulating power switches is a dimmer.In the second experiment, we have simulated a temperature environment of a hoggery inthe lab and have discovered the change of temperature at the different power levels.In the third experiment, equipments with different types were used for piglets during lactation period. (old type piglet electrical heating panel, new piglet electrical heating panel I , II, and an infrared ray lamp, 250 W.) A total of 24 litters Landrace sows were divided into 4 groups at random, and each group, that was 8 litters, used a kind of equipment. This part of study was intended to describe some behaviors of piglets on the panels and to record the state of growth and development of piglets through the observation on the 4 groups of piglets during the first 14 days of lactation period.The results indicated that: Under the condition of this study, the two type piglet electrical heating panels had significant advantage in power regulation, and so, piglets felt very comfortable for them, which meant the increase of piglet lying time in hovers. Moreover, the two new types of piglet electrical heating panels improved the welfare and health of piglets, and reduced the incidence rates of diarrhoea of piglets. Under the four different conditions designed in this study, new type piglet electrical heating panel I , II, old type piglet electrical heating panel, an infrared ray lamp 250W, the survival rates of weaning piglets were 98.53%, 95.71%, 92.65% and 84.29% accordingly. The mortality rates

  • 【分类号】S817
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】120

