

The Study on the Reaction of the Different Genotype in Spring Wheat in the Grades of Density and Fertility

【作者】 马廷臣

【导师】 李卓夫;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验使用裂裂区设计,对不同密度、N肥下的14个稳定的春小麦品种(系)的5个品质性状(GMP、伯尔辛克值、沉降值、粗蛋白含量、湿面筋含量)和5个农艺性状(株高、有效分蘖、千粒重、单株粒重、穗长)使用多种统计方法,来综合分析春小麦品质、农艺性状。结果如下: 1.所测的14个品种(系)的5个品质性状(GMP、伯尔辛克值、沉降值、粗蛋白含量、湿面筋含量)品种间差异极显著,各品质性状对氮肥、密度的敏感性与大到小依次为伯尔辛克值、GMP、湿面筋含量、沉降值、蛋白质;5个品质性状对对氮肥的敏感性与大到小依次为GMP、粗蛋白含量、湿面筋含量、沉降值、伯尔辛克值。 2.各个农艺性状品种间差异极显著,不同密度间差异显著,不同肥料水平间差异极显著。各农艺性状对氮肥、密度的敏感性从大到小依次为株高、千粒重、穗长、有效分蘖、单株粒重。 3.蛋白质、GMP、湿面筋、伯尔辛克值、沉降值在不同的N肥水平之间呈显著的正相关关系,累计贡献率超过85%,基本可以决定春小麦不同品质类型的变化。 4.以株高、穗长、有效分蘖、千粒重为自变量,以单株粒重为因变量进行逐步回归,的最终的回归方程如下Y=-6.62764439-0.01604955971X1+0.797712236X3+0.2230949155X4。此方程所的结果与各个农艺性状间的简单相关分析结果相同,证明逐步回归所选的最优方程合理,此外此方程可以作为单株粒重(即产量)的预测方程。 5.株高在61.529~110.14cm的范围内,与单株产量无必然联系,即高杆和矮杆与产量无因果关系 6.研究发现14个品种(系)的5个农艺性状(株高、穗长、有效分蘖、千粒重、单株粒重)的最适N肥和密度组合为20万株/亩×30kg/亩,品质性状的最适N肥密度组合不尽相同,可分为4类即高密高肥、低密高肥、中密高肥和特殊的Q16,可以将不同的基因型的春小麦分开。 7.分析表明依靠不同N肥水平和密度组合中品质性状的最适表现分类结果与品质聚类结果相似,证明了以靠不同N肥水平和密度组合中品质性状的最适表现分类不同基因型小麦的正确性,也说明了品质聚类是进行春小麦品种分类的较好的方法。 8.不同基因型的春小麦对环境反应不同,可以从中筛选出对环境反应最不敏感的品种即东6501,从而实现高产优质并重。

【Abstract】 The 10 quality and agricultural characters of the 14 varieties of spring wheat in the different the grads of density and fertility have been comprehensively analyzed by several statistical means .The conclusion was showed as follows:1. The 5 quality indexes (wet gluten content, GMP, pelshenke velum ,sedimentation, crude protein content) are analyzed, Variances of GMP, wet gluten content ,pelshenke velum, sedimentation are terribly significant; The sensitivity of pelshenke velum is higher than that of other quality characters. The sequence of the sensitivity of the quality characters is pelshenke velum, GMP, wet gluten content, sedimentation, crude protein content.2. The variance of agricultural characters are terribly significant and the variance of different density is terribly significant, the variance of different fertilizer is terribly significant The The sequence of the sensitivity of the quality characters is plant height, thousand kernel weigh, ear length, available tiller, single plant grain weight3. Tthe correlativities of wet gluten content, GMP, pelshenke velum ,sedimentation ,crude protein content are terribly significant, and cumulative contribution rate is above 85%.So wet gluten content, GMP, pelshenke velum ,sedimentation ,crude protein content can decide the change of the different quality types of spring wheat.4. plant height, available tiller, thousand kernel weight, ear length are used to be independent variable and single plant grain weight is Y in order to do step- regress, the equation is :the equation has been proved by simple correlation on agricultural characters and can be used to prognosticate single plant grain weight.5. There are not necessary contact between plant length(61.529-110.14cm) and single plant grain weight.6. Investigation in agricultural and quality characters find that the properest combination of 5 agricultural characters is 200000/mu+30kg/mu.The properest combination of 5 quality characters is different each other .moreover it can detach the different genotypes of spring wheat.7. Clustering of quality prove that the properest combination of 5 quality characters is validity and Clustering of quality is a good way to sort spring wheat.8. The reaction of different genotype spring wheat to environment is different, so the most blunt variety can been elected ,ie ,6501 in order to gain high yield and quality at the same time.Ma Tingchen Crop hybrid breeding Prof. Li Zhuofu

  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【下载频次】119

