

【作者】 詹文理

【导师】 谢飘云;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 古代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 张维屏生于1780年,卒于1859年,走过了从乾嘉盛世到道咸衰世的八十年的生活道路,是一位跨时代的诗人。以鸦片战争为界,他的创作分为前后两期:前期,扬弃乾嘉诸诗派,不傍门派,自有面目;后期,诗作记录了空前的时代巨变,体现了近代早期文人的心态变化痕迹,更表现出近代化的诗歌特征,具有开拓近代新诗风的意义。 在近代诗歌研究成果中,提到张维屏的虽然不少,但真正对张维屏全面研究的文章并不多。这些研究成果提出了一些有益的见解并做了一些资料的整理工作,为进一步研究打下了基础;但主要集中于他后期的爱国诗歌,研究的面较窄,对其诗歌创造特征的研究也受此影响,没有从整体上来加以把握。此外,还有不少重要内容尚没有涉及,或虽有涉及尚需深入探讨。基于此,论文内容作如下安排: 文章的第一部分,搜集、对比、订正张维屏的诗集,并统计其诗歌数量;第二部分则结合张维屏所处的社会背景、生活经历和具体诗作,分三个时期论述了张的创造心态;第三部分主要是从分析张维屏的具体作品入手,把握其创作特征;第四部分在前几部分的基础上,从“对乾嘉诗风的扬弃”和“对道咸诗风的开创”两个方面来揭示张维屏在嘉道诗坛上所产生的影响和作用;最后是总结文章的结语。

【Abstract】 Zhang Weiping was a famous poet in the times of Jiaqing and Daoguang(Qing Dynasty). His creactions can be divided into two stages by the War of Yapian. In the earlier stage, he did not imitate any schools of poems, and his poems are of unique style; His later stage’ s creactions not only give a vivid and trule describe of the tremendous changes in Chinese modern times but also present a new aspect in artiste style, set the trend of Chinese modern times’ poems.Up to now, scholars have made considerable headway in Zhang Weiping’s study; but it is confined to Zhang Weiping’ s poems of patriotism. Many fields of Zhang Weiping had not been set foot in. On account of it, I designed the article as follows:Part one observers and studys Zhang Weiping’ s poetry anthology and make a statistic of his poems’total; Part two demonstrades Zhang Weiping’s psychology; Part three discusses artistic characteristics of Zhang Weiping’ s poems; Part four ascertains Zhang Weiping’ s impact in Jiaqing and Daoguang’ s literary arena ;The last part is the conclusion of this article.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】250

