

【作者】 梁健

【导师】 卢元镇;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 自1985年国家体委发出“率先在北京、大连和广东三个地区开展高尔夫运动”的通知后,高尔夫俱乐部在我国的沿海经济发达地区迅速增加,特别是广东省,在短短十几年兴建了60多个球场(截至2002年12月),占全国现有195个中的三成,近几年的高尔夫产业更是呈现出新一轮热潮,2002年10月,深圳龙岗出现了我国第一个由政府投资的高尔夫公众球场,可以说是政策上对高尔夫运动发展持肯定态度的一个表现,但此举也引起了社会和有关方面的广泛关注,并引发社会上关于“现阶段是否应该发展高尔夫”的争论。一方面,持肯定态度的人们认为高尔夫的发展有利于体育经济及其相关产业的发展,有利于全民健身的实施。另一方面,反对意见则认为高尔夫占地太大,大大占用了空间资源;球场用的除草剂造成的环境污染;还有认为该项“贵族”运动容易滋生腐败等看法。到目前,对高尔夫发展的利弊还没有定论。 为此,笔者拟通过对广东省广州市及其周边地区的八个高尔夫俱乐部进行典型调查,包括对其经营性质、投资规模、场地面积、从业人数、经营项目与消费价格等运营特点和运营机制,以及经营者对自身经营前景和目前企业所处于的发展阶段的判断、俱乐部在经营过程中为提高竞争力所采用的对策等方面进行了广泛的访问调查;此外,还就俱乐部环境、价格、服务及在该项运动的花费等方面对俱乐部的会员进行问卷调查。希望通过现实状况的调查,可以进一步了解分析高尔夫俱乐部在广东的市场环境和市场潜力,以及其现状、发展趋势并探讨其发展对策。调查结果表明,发展高尔夫经济有利于我国体育经济发展,高尔夫作为一种有效的健身方式和高尚的社交方式,其普及有助提升国民生活素质,同时也是我国扩大内需,刺激消费的需要,符合社会发展的要求,另外,发展高尔夫项目有助于完善招商引资的环境配套。笔者认为,对高尔夫运动的发展政府应该加以扶持而不应过分限制。

【Abstract】 The ’sport for all’ movement countrywide can be said to have developed because the people’ s living standard has been greatly improved. Golf is a new sport event, which was introduced from western countries since 1980’ s, and it has successfully attracted massive people to participate in it in the past few years. At the same time, golf has brought about the argument whether it should be promoted in our country or no. The purpose of this research was to analyze if the development of golf is suitable to China, 8 typical golf clubs in Guangzhou and several areas around it were selected as the subjects. The content of interviewed included the investment scale, items, price, and the number of staff etc. Also, we design a self-report questionnaire for participators to fill, to investigate their attitude and motivation toward the golf, and suggestion about club’ s environment, quality of service and price etc. From the investigation above, we could know about the current status of golf clubs, analyze its economic potential and the countermeasure to develop further in Guangdong province.According to the statistics and analysis on the data investigated, we can draw a conclusion as follow: the development of golf does not hinder the social progress, in contrast, it not only benefit to society and economy greatly, but also to accelerate the development of the civilization as well as people’ s health. However, there are still some problems to be solved, including more expensive of price, backwards of its manufacture industry and lack of enough authority’ s support. It is suggested that government should give greater support, instead of giving too much restricting, so as to promote the faster development of golf.

  • 【分类号】G812.17
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1641

