

Compare and Research of EJB Structure Framework

【作者】 庄坤

【导师】 张简;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们对软件生产模块化的日益渴求和面向对象技术的发展与成熟,组件技术越来越受到人们的关注。在众多的组件开发标准中,J2EE凭借自身独特的优势超越其他标准脱颖而出,而其中的EJB技术更因其良好的跨平台性在全世界的组件开发团队中推行开来。使用EJB技术开发组件可以有多种开发模型,在此我们称之为结构框架。本文主要总结了六种结构框架,分别阐述了它们的模型原理,从多个方面对它们进行比较,分析了它们各自的优缺点,最终给出了它们的适用范围。 本文的第一章主要对组件技术的产生、发展以及组件开发的主流技术作一个大略的介绍。第二章则主要阐述J2EE编程模型和EJB技术。在第三章中详细分析和比较了使用EJB技术的六种结构框架,阐述了每种结构框架的适用情况。最后在第四章中作了简单的总结。

【Abstract】 As human beings’aspiration for modularization of software manufacture being higher and higher and the object-oriented technique becoming mature,component technique was adverted by more and more people.In a great deal of component- developing criterions.the Java2 Enterprise Edition(J2EE) exceeds others depending on its’individual advantages.Further more.its’Enterprise Java Beans(EJB) technique was applied in a number of software-developing teams around world because the components which are developed with this technique have the excellent capacity of working in various application server.There are many different developing models when we are going to use EJB.and in this paper we call these models "structure framework’Mn our research we classified six kind of EJB structure frameworks and discussed their principles respectively.comparing them from several aspects,analyzing their virtues and defects,and listing their applicabilities ultimately.In the first chapter of this paper we introduced the emergence and evolution of component technique as well as the leading component-developing technologies curtly.In the second chaper we expatiated the programming model of J2EE and the EJB technique mainly.ln the third chapter we analysed and compared the six EJB structure frameworks in detail.And in the last chapter we made a simple summarize.

【关键词】 组件技术EJBJ2EE
  • 【分类号】TP311.5
  • 【下载频次】95

