

【作者】 韩丽娜

【导师】 李炜光;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 财政学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO,中国将以前所未有的广度和深度融入国际社会,我国经济社会生活各方面将发生深刻变化。加入WTO,表明中国坚持改革开放并融入世界经济主流的决心,有利于我国社会主义市场经济的建立和完善。 WTO的规则中国税收关系较为密切的主要有,一是最惠国待遇原则。表现在税收上,就是要求对关税,国内税、费的优惠(含计征方法)给予另一成员的,也要立即、无条件地给予任何成员方。二是国民待遇原则。表现在税收上,主要就是要求不对进口产品征收从进口到完成消费的各环节、各领域超出国内同类产品的国内税、费。三是关税减让原则和反倾销、反补贴原则。前者是指降低关税水平,实施约束税率和非关税壁垒关税化。后者主要是指出口国实施的禁止性补贴以及倾销、可申诉补贴造成进口国损害的,可依据裁定程序、征收反倾销税、反补贴税。四是透明度原则。表现在税收上,主要就是税收法律、法规,要提前公布,保持稳定性,在执法中也要公开、公正、统一、合理。五是例外原则和发展中国家优惠原则。WTO众多原则都有一些例外的特别规定,也构成一定原则,这就是原则中有例外,例外中有原则。最不发达国家和发展中国家在执行各项规则中,享有某些较宽容的优惠待遇,WTO协议的许多例外条款中,都涉及到税收。加入WTO,各项协议原则对税收提出了多项硬性要求,更迫使税制的调整、改革尤其在进、出口税收政策上和国内税收中的内外有别的政策调整,应加大改革力度。 本文分为六章,第一章分析了WTO基本原则对我国税收的影响,以及对涉外税收体系改革的要求。我国加入WTO后,在高度国际化、复杂化和多变性的社会经济环境中,要求在国内税制建设上更加充分地体现国民待遇原则,大量外资更广泛地进入中国,国内企业更多地走出国门,跨国经营的扩张使我国的现有税收管理面临巨大的挑战。我们必须按照国际惯例并参照先进国家和地区的做法,深化涉外税收改革,加大依法行政的透明度和依法治税的力度,为我国经济参与国际竞争创造一个良好的税收环境。针对我国加入WTO后可能给经济带来的影响,必须制定符合WTO规则的涉外税收政策,提高民族产业的国际竞争力。 第二到第六章是本文的具体分析部分,分别从我国涉外税收体系几个急需解决的问题入手,做了WTO框架下的分析,提出了进一步改革完善我国税收优惠政策,我国保税区改革,出口退税完善以及关税政策调整,外商避税与反避税问题的对策和建议。本文沿着从抽象到具体,然后由具体再到抽象的研究方法,对涉外税收运行机制的一般规律进行了研究,力求做到实证分析与规范分析相结合。做了历史数据与世界横向数据的比较,对于理论的分析做了有力的支撑。 由于本人的水平有限以及资料和实证调研的局限性,许多问题还没有做到理论的深度探讨以及实证分析的准确研究,不得不表示遗憾,只好有待以后继续思考、研究。

【Abstract】 After her WTO entry, china will be in harmony with the whole world. All aspects of the economy and society of our country will deeply be changed. China indicates her determination of open policy and reformation to adapt to the world trend, which is propitious to build our country’s market economy.The rules of WTO which relate to taxation are most favor treatment rule, national treatment rule, custom cut down rule, unti-dumping and countervailing rule, transparence rule, exception rule and developing country privilege rule. The above WTO rules make it essential to change the domestic tax policies especially those which are differently applied to the domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises. As an important economic policy of our government, how to adjust tax policy in order to accommodate the trend of economic globalization and the new situation after joining in WTO is our important mission. The object of the adjustment of tax policy is to create a fair, equal, transparent market economic environment.On the basis of this background, this article aims at a special academic study setting up the theoretical structure of taxation concerning foreigners in the opening economy and probing into the practice of Chinese taxation concerning foreigners. The article is divided into six chapters.Chapter 1 sets to the study of the theoretical analysis of taxation concerning foreigners. It expounds the mechanism of taxation concerning foreigners bringing impact on the opening economic movement. Then it analyzes the WTO rules’ influence on the taxation concerning foreigners. Chapter 2 to 6, based on the theoretical structure provided by chapter 1, comes to the positive study of Chinese taxation concerning foreigners. Chapter 2 is to inspect the tax privilege policies under the condition of china’s WTO entry. Chapter 3 goes into the bonded tax zone innovation. Chapter 4 deals with export tax refund policy of our country. Chapter 5 focuses on the custom policy adjustment. Chapter 6 is the research on the dodging lax behavior of foreign enterprises and then presents the countermeasures.Due to the author’s limited knowledge in this research field, shortcomings and errors are possible. All comments and remarks are welcome.

  • 【分类号】F812.42
  • 【下载频次】258

