

【作者】 刘少琳

【导师】 刘金章;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,世界上大部分国家都已经建立了存款保险制度,而我国还尚未建立。中国加入世贸组织后,随着金融改革的不断深入,存款人和金融机构都迫切需要建立存款保险制度,来保障他们的利益,从而维护金融体系的安全。因此,无论是出于对于存款人的保护,还是从确保社会经济稳定的角度来考虑,我国都有必要建立一个更为科学,合理的存款保险制度。所以本文将我国存款保险制度的理性选择作为选题。 全文共分三章和导言四大部分。导言部分阐述了三个问题:选题的意义;国际、国内学术界对存款保险制度目前的研究水平以及本文所采用的分析方法和创新所在。第一章介绍了存款保险制度产生的背景,存在的基础,并对其作用进行了客观评价。然后以美国和日本作为典型,进行实证研究,从而为建立我国存款保险制度提供经验。第二章着重对存款保险的负面效应进行了分析,以寻找降低、消灭存款保险负面效应的方法。这些负面效应分别是道德风险(包括存款者的道德风险、银行所有者的道德风险、银行经营者的道德风险和监管者的道德风险)、逆向选择及代理成本等。在进行了详细的分析后,提出了如何克服存款保险负面效应的方法。第三章在经过前两章的分析和实证研究后,作者认为我国有必要建立存款保险制度,并且提出了构建我国理性的存款保险制度的框架。并借用了“巨灾风险证券化”的设计思路,提出了“存款保险证券化”这一概念,将证券化应用于金融机构的存款保险制度中,以求较好的解决金融机构危机时的流动性保全问题。

【Abstract】 Most countries in the world have set up the deposit insurance system up to now. But China still has not built it. After China’s entrance into the WTO, it’s necessary for depositors and finance institutions to build deposit insurance to protect their interests and defend the safety of the finance system. Thus, either in terms of the securities of the depositors or in terms of ensuring the socia-ecnomy. We China should build a more sentifitic and reasonable deposit insurance.This article is classified into four parts of three chapters and introduction. The introduction set forth three issues: the significance to select this title; the present level of the research on the deposit insurance in domestic and foreign circles; and the analytic methods and innovations in this article. In the fist chapter, I have introduced the background of deposit insurance, the foundation of its existence, and made an objective evaluation on its function. Then I have made concrete research on America and Japan as examples in order to get some experience from them. In the second chapter, I have analyzed the negative effect of moral hazards, adverse selection and agent’s cost, and how to overcome them. In the third chapter, after analyzation and research in the first two chapters, I think we should set up deposit insurance system and put forward the relative frame of it. In the end, I have set forth the concept "deposit insurance securitize" borrowing from "cat bonds securitize " and applied securitize into the deposit insurance in order to solve the liquidity and conservation of the finance crisis.

  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【下载频次】189

